1. Whoever comes longing for it, a brother finds
And leaves behind what he left of family and love
١. فَمَن جاءَ مُشتاقاً إليهِ أخا وَجدِ
وَخَلفَ ما خلّى من الأهلِ والوُجدِ
2. And endures the hardships of the road and does not stop
Accompanying it between a valley to Najd
٢. وقاسى مَشَقّاتِ الطريقِ ولم يَزَل
يُسايرُها ما بينَ غَورٍ إلى نَجدِ
3. And arrives at that place which has become
The gathering of all good, pride and glory
٣. ووافى إلى ذاكَ المقامِ الذي غدا
جِماعَ جميعِ الخيرِ والفخرِ والمجدِ
4. It is said to him welcome, greetings, blessed is
The most noble delegation, welcome to you from the delegation
٤. يُقالُ له أهلاً وسهلاً ومرحَباً
بأشرَفِ وفدٍ مرحباً بكَ مِن وَفدِ
5. You have attained what you feared and won what you desired
And above what you wished for, you have gained from provision
٥. أمِنتَ الذي تَخشى وفُزتَ بما تشا
وفوقَ الذي أمَّلتَهُ حُزتَ من رِفدِ
6. And He has reimbursed you manifold what you spent
And your poverty has become a thousand thousand without hardship
٦. وأخلَفَ ما أنفَقتَهُ مُتضاعِفاً
وفَلسُكَ أمسى ألفَ ألفٍ بلا كَدِّ
7. And whatever you invoked Allah around His Sacred House
You were answered quickly without delay or refusal
٧. ومَهما دعوتَ اللَهَ حولَ حرامهِ
أجِبتَ سريعاً دون رَيثٍ ولا ردّ
8. And if a thorn pricked you on His paths
Do not complain, you have attained eternity in the Gardens of Eternity
٨. وإن شَوكَةٌ شاكَتكَ في طُرُقاتِهِ
فلا تَشكُ نلتَ الخُلدَ في جنَّةِ الخُلدِ
9. For that is the reward of one whose Hajj was righteous
And whom was aided by his Lord, the rising of good fortune
٩. فتلكَ جزاءٌ للذي بَرَّ حجُّهُ
وساعَدَهُ من رَبِّهِ طالعُ السَعدِ