
The birds chirped on the branches of the banana tree

ترنم الطير على غصن بان

1. The birds chirped on the branches of the banana tree
As the clouds of the sky appeared and the morning shone

١. تَرَنَّم الطيرُ على غُصنِ بان
إذ بانَ غَيمُ الجَوِّ والصحوُ بان

2. And the pots danced
When the moon recited the sound of the lute

٢. وقامتِ الأدواحُ راقصةً
لمّا حَكى القُمرِيُّ صوتَ القِيان

3. So enjoy your day in a garden
As if it were one of the gardens of Paradise

٣. فَلتَغتَنِم يومكَ في رَوضةٍ
كأنَّها من غُرفاتِ الجِنان

4. A garden of intimacy, the light of its light
Kindles the fire of passion amidst the gardens

٤. روضةُ أُنسٍ نورُ نُوارِها
يَشُبُّ نارَ الشَوقِ وَسطَ الجنان

5. Its breeze reminds the lover
A breeze from a land, whatever its status

٥. تُذكِّر العاشقَ نَسمَتُها
نَسمَةُ أرضٍ شانُها أيُّ شان

6. A land in which the beloved settled
He who the two burdens tire from conforming to him

٦. أرضٌ بها حلَّ الحبيبُ الذي
قد كَلَّ عَن تَكييفِهِ الثَقلان

7. The noblest of creatures and most generous of those
Whom God has singled out with the highest position

٧. أشرفُ مخلوقٍ وأكرمُ مَن قَد
خَصَّهُ اللَهُ بأعلى مَكان

8. Muhammad the Chosen, the best of all
The praiseworthy and commended for all time

٨. محمدُ المختارُ خيرُ الوَرى
الحامدُ المحمودُ طولَ الزمان

9. The one whose beautiful face
Makes the fires shy away from its lights

٩. مَن وَجهُهُ الوَجهُ الجميلُ الذي
يَخجَلُ من أنوارِهِ النَيِّران

10. And who embodied all beauty
And in whom all fine traits were collected

١٠. ومَن حَوى الحُسنَ بأجمَعِهِ
وجُمِّعَت فيهِ الخِصالُ الحِسان

11. And God demonstrated through him
Many miracles that elucidated eloquently

١١. وأظهرَ اللَهُ على يَدِهِ
كَم مُعجِزاتٍ أفصحت عَن بَيان

12. Indeed, the nobility he attained
Humans and jinn fail to quantify

١٢. إنّ الذي أحرَز من شرَفٍ
عن حَصرِهِ يَعجِزُ إنسٌ وجان

13. In truth, the Lord of all sent him
So the truth became clear through him and evident

١٣. بالحَقِّ ربُّ الخَلقِ أرسَلهُ
فاتّضحَ الحَقُّ به واستبان

14. And how much God endowed him with signs
Clarifications that became clear to denier and believer alike

١٤. وكم حَباهُ اللَهُ من آيةٍ
بَيِّنَةٍ بانت لِقاصٍ ودان

15. The moon split for him and for him
The sun returned after setting and the rock softened

١٥. شُقَّ لهُ البَدرُ ورُدّت لهُ
بَعدَ المغيبِ الشمسُ والصَخرُ لان

16. And the wolf and the gazelle in his company
Spoke to him in eloquent tongue

١٦. والضَبُّ والظبيُ بمَجلِسِهِ
قَد كلّماهُ بِفَصيحِ اللسان

17. And the lizard came on its belly
Tracing lines in the ground without hands

١٧. والدَوحُ جاءت عَلى سوقِها
تَخُطُّ في الأرضِ بِغَيرِ بَنان

18. This is the most noble of all creation
This is the intercessor of creation on the day of judgement

١٨. هذا أجَلُّ الخلقِ قاطبةً
هذا شفيعُ الخَلقِ يَومَ الرهان

19. This one whose beauty is unparalleled
This one who cannot be compared to another

١٩. هذا الذي في حُسنِهِ مُفرَدٌ
هذا الذي ليس يُقاسُ بِثان

20. I ask my Lord God to grant me
Through his status, success in attaining safety

٢٠. أسألُ اللَهَ ربّي يَمنَحُني
بجاهِهِ فوزاً بِنَيلِ الأمان

21. And to conclude for me with acceptance
For He is the Most Generous and Benevolent

٢١. وأن يكونَ الخَتمُ لي بالرِضى
فإنَّهُ ذو الجودِ والامتِنان

22. Then the eternal prayers of God
As long as the morning concealed its love and protected it

٢٢. ثُمَّ صلاةُ اللَهِ دائمةٌ
ما كَتَمَ الصبُّ هواهُ وَصان

23. Upon the Prophet, his family, and his companions
As long as the birds chirped on the branches of the banana tree

٢٣. على النبي والآلِ والصحبِ ما
تَرَنَّمَ الطيرُ على غُصنِ بان