
O dawn gleaming from the east at daybreak

يا يارقا لاح من قبا سحرا

1. O dawn gleaming from the east at daybreak
When the prohibited becomes permitted by magic

١. يا يارقاً لاحَ من قُبا سحَراً
بحيثُ حلَّ منَ النُهى سحراً

2. It lent my heart a flutter and then neglected it, so it borrowed
From the clouds of my eyelids, a rain

٢. أُعارَ قلبيَ خفقاً وأخلفَ فاستعارَ
من سُحبِ مُقلتي مطَراً

3. And it reminded me of the days of happiness but I did not forget
Griefs awoke and thoughts

٣. وأذكرَني العهدَ من سعادَ ولَم
أنسَ وهاجَ الأحزانَ والفِكَرا

4. Days we were given to drink together in
A meadow whose flowers match flowers

٤. أيام نُسقى معَها الشمولَ على
رَوضٍ يُشاكِلُ زَهرُهُ الزَهَرا

5. And its branches leaning by the breathing
Of the north wind to kiss the river

٥. وغُصنُهُ طَرَباً تُمَيِّلُه
ريحُ الشمالِ ليلثُمَ النهرا

6. And its river like an unsheathed sword stripped me
In the middle of the meadow with pouring torrents

٦. ونَهرُهُ كالحسامِ جرَّدَني
وسطَ الرياضِ بسيلُ مُنهَمِراً

7. And its blossoms in it became orderly
When the droplets in it became scattered

٧. وزَهرُهُ فيه صار منتَظِماً
لمّا غدا القَطرُ فيه منتشراً

8. Or is there a place sweeter than Teebah
Shall I return from its fragrance, fragrant

٨. أم هل أطيبُ بطيبَةٍ زَمَناً
وهَل أعودُ من عِطرِها عَطِرا

9. Shall I see in its plain a praiser
Who praises the Messenger sent from Mudhar

٩. وهل أرى مُنشِداً بساحتها
مدحَ الرسولِ المبعوثِ من مُضَرا

10. Muhammad Al-Mustafa the Messenger and the one
Who prevailed over all the Messengers

١٠. محمدِ المصطفى الرسول ومن
على جميع الأرسال قد ظَهَرا

11. The axis upon all the prophets entirely
And the best of all the angels and the travelers

١١. قُطبٍ على الأنبياءءِ قاطبةً
وخَيرِ كلّ الأملاكِ والسفُرا

12. Without him, intelligence would not have risen nor
Would the crescent have appeared and the universe not manifested

١٢. لولاهُ ما طَلَعت ذكاءُ ولا
لاحَ الهِلالُ والكونُ ما ظَهَرا

13. He has all the virtues combined
So perfect virtue in him is not divided

١٣. له المحاسنُ كلّها جُمِعَت
فكاملُ الحُسنِ فيه ما شُطِرا

14. He shames the sun of morning with his rising
And the full moon, his light is a moon

١٤. يُخجِلُ شمسَ الضحى بطَلعَتِهِ
وقمرُ التمّ نورهُ قمِرا

15. His stature exposed the branches and he whose
Body exposed precious pearls

١٥. وقدُّهُ فَضَحَ الغُصون ومَن
جِسمهُ راح يفضَحُ الدُرَرا

16. The light of dawn tells of his lineage
And the darkness of night resembles hair

١٦. نورُ الصباحِ يحكي أُسرَّتَهُ
وسُدفَةُ الليل تُشبهُ الشعَرا

17. How many miracles by his hands appeared
Beyond counting, every poet was counted

١٧. كم معجزاتٍ على يدَيهِ بَدَت
عن حصرها كلُّ شاعرٍ حَصِرا

18. They cannot be counted nor comprehended
And who can count the stars and the rain

١٨. فما تُعَدُّ ولا يحاطُ بها
ومن يَعُدُّ النجومَ والمطرا

19. His Wise Lord singled him out
With the miracle of the Book, so he disabled poetry

١٩. قد خَصَّهُ ربُّه الحكيمُ
بمعجزِ الكتابِ فأعجَزَ الشُعرا

20. And the day of his birth, lessons appeared
To whoever saw them, oh how beautiful lessons

٢٠. ويومَ مولِدِهِ بدَت عِبَرٌ
لمن رآها يا حُسنَها عِبَراً

21. With his light, the fire of Persia was extinguished
Just like Kisra's palace was destroyed

٢١. بنورِه نارُ فارسٍ خمدت
كذاك كسرى إيوانهُ كُسِرا

22. And the gazelle, the wolf, and the forearm spoke to him
Articulating speech without hesitation

٢٢. والظبيُ والضبُّ والذراعُ لهُ
قد أفصَحَت بالكلام دونَ مرا

23. And he saw his Lord with his eyes
The night of Isra and his sight did not waver

٢٣. وقد رأي ربّهُ بمُقلَتِهِ
ليلَةَ أسرى ولَم يَزِغ بَصَراً

24. And the sun, God returned for him
After setting and split the moon

٢٤. والشمس قد ردها الإلاه له
بعدَ المغيبِ وشقَّقَ القَمَرا

25. In his palm, pebbles glorified and from it
Water burst forth from the spring and flowed

٢٥. في كفِّهِ سبَّحَ الحصى وبها
فاض الزُلالُ المعينُ وانفجرا

26. Pigeon feathers protected his position
Just as for him the spider wove a web

٢٦. وُرقُ الحمام حمَت مكانتَتَه
كذا له العنكبوت قد سَتَرا

27. And the eye, he returned it and sweetened it
With his splendor and healed it with a full moon

٢٧. والعينُ قد ردَّها وأعذَبَها
بريقِه وسخاً بها بَدَرا

28. And the lizards came without feet
Prostrating before him when he commanded

٢٨. والدوحُ قد أقبلت بلا قَدمٍ
تَسجُدُ بينَ يديهِ إذ أمَرا

29. And how much comfort in his comfort
I gained and his touch made harms disappear

٢٩. وكم وكم راحةٍ براحتهِ
نيلت وأذهَبَ لمسُها ضَرَرا

30. This is the unique one in his virtues
This one who cannot be compared to any view

٣٠. هذا هو الفردُ في محاسِنِه
هذا الذي لا يُقاس بِالنُظرا

31. I ask my God, the deity, to grant me
Through his station what settles my sight

٣١. أسألُ ربّي الإلهَ يَمنَحُني
بجاهه ما يُقِرُّ لي النظَرا

32. And to make my end good
When I see the pigeons have come

٣٢. وأن يكونَ الختامُ لي حَسَناً
إذا رأيتُ الحمامَ قد حَضَرا

33. O Messenger of God, intercede for me
For I have come destitute

٣٣. فيا رسولَ الإلاهِ تَشفَعُ لي
فإنني قد أتَيتُ مُفتَقِرا

34. My sins have burdened me heavily
And I have no intercessor to be seen but you

٣٤. قد حَمَّلَتني مآثمي ثِقلاً
وليس لي شافعٌ سواك يُرى

35. Then prayers upon you as long as
Leaves rustled upon leaves of green acacia

٣٥. ثمَّ الصلاةُ عليك ما سجَعَت
وُرقُ على ورقِ الربا الخضِرا

36. And as long as a critic berated the lightning of dawn
O gleaming from the east at daybreak

٣٦. وما شَدا شائمٌ بروقَ قُبا
يا بارِقاً لاح من قُبا سحَراً