
My heart became pure when I stood at Safa

صفا القلب مني إذ وقفت على الصفا

1. My heart became pure when I stood at Safa
For God has a sanctuary there where hearts find purity

١. صَفا القلبُ مِنّي إذ وَقَفتُ على الصفا
فللِه رَبعٌ فيه كلٌّ امرىءٍ صَفا

2. And my heart became gentle and smooth
Though once it was harder than rock

٢. وأمسى فُؤادي لَيِّناً ذا سُهولةٍ
وقد كان قِدماً وهو أقسى منَ الصَفا

3. At Marwah my nobility increased
Why would it not when it is the abode of loyalty

٣. وفي المَروَةِ الغَرّاءِ زادت مُرُوَّتي
كمالاً ولِم لا وهي منزلةُ الوَفا