
Oblige him from every wound that has afflicted me, and respond to me

واجبره من كل كسر واردردن عليه

1. Oblige him from every wound that has afflicted me, and respond to me
With wisdoms to recite and so heal me

١. واجبُرهُ من كل كسرٍ واردُرَدَنَّ علي
هِ بالمعارفِ يتلوها فيَنجَبِرُ

2. And open for him the openings of the gnostics, and be
For him a guardian, so he who you protect is victorious

٢. وافتَح عليه فُتوحَ العارفينَ وكُن
له وليّاً فمن والَيتَ يَنتَصِرُ

3. And make his dwelling in the highest of the High Paradise
An act of grace, so he increases in seeing you

٣. واجعل بأعلى عُلا الفردوسِ منزلَهُ
فضلاً فيزدادُ من جوارِكَ النَظَرُ

4. That increase and beauty, no wonder
If I attained it through the one towards whom Mudar turned

٤. تلك الزيادةُ والحُسنى فلا عجبٌ
إن نِلتُها بالذي سَمَت به مُضَرُ

5. Blessings be upon him, Allah of the Throne, for as long as
A sun has risen and flowers have bloomed on the horizon

٥. صلّى عليه إلاهُ العَرش ما طَلَعت
شمسٌ وما ازدهرت في الأفُق الزُهُرُ

6. O Lord, intercede for me through him and accept his intercession
For his eminence, our Lord, is esteemed with you

٦. يا ربِّ شَفُّعهُ فيَّ واقبَل شفاعَتَهُ
فجاهُهُ ربَّنا لديكَ مُعتَبَرُ

7. And You have said, even if they and I
Came to You, I rush towards him

٧. وأنتَ قلتَ ولو أنَّهُم وأنا
قد جِئتهُ فأنا إليه مُحتَضِرُ

8. And I have intentions that are not hidden from You, and I have
Revealed some, while most of the intention remains concealed

٨. ولي مقاصدُ لا تخفى عليك وقد
أبديتُ بعضاً وجُلُّ القصد مُستَترُ

9. So bestow upon us, and enable us to attain all our intentions
O Lord of the sea of righteousness, the Shelterer

٩. فامنُن علينا وبَلِّغنا مقاصِدَنا
بأسرها ربِّ بَحرُ البِرِّ مُستجِرُ