
To you, O son of Abbas, all are bound and traveling,

إليك ابن عباس جميع وسائر

1. To you, O son of Abbas, all are bound and traveling,
I set out, for I am traveling to your shrine, traveling,

١. إليكَ ابنَ عباسٍ جميعٌ وسائرٌ
سرى فأنا سارٍ لِمُغناكَ سائرُ

2. I yearn for you all my life and desire
To visit you though fortune from that falls short,

٢. أحِنُّ إليكم طولَ عُمري وأشتَهي
زيارتكم والحظُّ عن ذاك قاصرُ

3. And I have long put my trust in you, yet whenever
I strengthened my resolve towards you, obstacles arose,

٣. وقد طالما عوّلتُ ثُمَّتَ كلما
شددت رحالي نحوكم ثار ثائرُ

4. And I knew that nothing prevented me from you except
Great sins aided by fate,

٤. وما خِلتُ أنّي عاقني عنكمُ سِوى
ذنوبٍ عظامٍ ساعَدَتها المقادرُ

5. Will my eyes see your soil, that I may be sated
By seeing that land from which I shy away?

٥. تُرى هل تَرى عيني ثراكَ فأشتفي
برؤية تلك الأرض مما أحاذرُ

6. For my longing for you has gained resolve
And most of my thoughts say today I will visit,

٦. فإن اشتياقي نحوكم زاد عَزمُهُ
وأغلَبُ ظني أنني اليومَ زائرُ

7. And signs have intimated to me drawing near
And good news has given me tidings of connection,

٧. وقد آذنَتني بالتداني أمائرُ
وقد بشّرتني بالوِصالِ بشائرُ

8. And I was certain that the barriers are gone and that
Your caller has called me, so why should I not hasten?

٨. وأيقنتُ أنّ الحُجبَ زالت وأنني
دعانيَ داعيكم فلِم لا أبادِرُ

9. I have girded my loins with determination and come to you
With your permission, as things were made smooth for me,

٩. وشمّرتُ ذيلُ العزمِ ثم أتَيتُكم
بإذنكمُ إذ هُيِئَت لي المياسِرُ

10. And had permission not been completed, my ease would not have been facilitated
And its continuity not made, but stumbling,

١٠. ولولا تمامُ الإذنِ ما إن تَيَسَّرَت
سُراي وأمسى جدُّها وهو عاثرُ

11. And when permission from you was complete, my confusions stirred
And my flutterings for you arose and the sparks flew,

١١. وإِذ تمَّ منك الإذنُ هاجت بلابِلي
وثارت حُشاشاتي لكُم والشراشرُ

12. And when I traveled towards you possessing
The reins of worldly rule, while below me are the weak,

١٢. وأصبحتُ إذ سافرتُ نحوكَ مالكا
كياسرةَ الدُنيا ودوني القَياصِر

13. Rather, the kings of earth altogether, their kingdom
Is below what through you I have attained,

١٣. بلى بل مُلوكُ الأرضِ طُراً ومُلكُهم
لدونَ الذي منكم بهِ أنا ظافر

14. The pinnacle of hopes met me in Mina
And I knew the ink is to the fragment a mender,

١٤. لقد قابَلَتني في منىً غايةُ المُنى
وأيقنتُ أنَّ الحَبرَ للكَسرِ جابِر

15. And in Arafat I came to know secrets
Beside which the rising clouds are but rain-makers,

١٥. وفي عَرَفاتٍ قد عَرَفتُ عوارفاً
له دونَها السُحبُ الغِداقُ الغزائر

16. And in Muzdalifa, the excellence of all merit
Became evident through his overflowing favors,

١٦. وفي الكر أضحى كَرُّ كل فضيلةٍ
بِأفضالِهِ وهو الملىءُ المُغامِرُ

17. And they said, “A boil that ripens boons and brings the bare
And gives life to tombs, as though it were abundant,”

١٧. وقالوا كرىً يضنفي الكَرى ويجي العُرى
ويحي القرا حتى كأنهُ لوافرُ

18. But praise be to God, I did not find in it
All this enveloped with subtle kindness,

١٨. ولكنني والحمدُ للَه لم أجد
به كلّ ذا حفَّ باللُطفِ قادرُ

19. And I felt that when minds rise above guidance
Lofty and rightly guided, I thank God,

١٩. وأشعِرتُ لما أن عَلَوثُ على الهُدى
عُلاً وهدىً إني إلى اللَهِ شاكرُ

20. The path of the boil led to the garden of guidance
So no innovation, when flaws become manifest,

٢٠. صراطُ كرىً أفضى إلى جنة الهُدى
فلا بِدعَ إن بانَ العنا وهو نافرُ

21. And I came to be, in the sphere of rituals, passing
When the plateau disappears, the depression appears clear,

٢١. وأصبحتُ في قَرنِ المنازلِ سارياً
إذا ما اختَفى نجدُ بدا ليَ غائرُ

22. And I arrived at the ink in his land which
Gabriel, the traveling emissary, circumambulated around,

٢٢. وأضحيتُ عندَ الحبرِ في أرضهِ التي
بها طافَ جبريلُ السفيرُ المُسافِرُ

23. What an excellent place to stay, the gentle Taif
Whose virtues in both worlds are visible,

٢٣. فنِعمَ البِلا والطائِفُ الألطَفُ الذي
فضائلُهُ في العالَمينَ ظواهِرُ

24. And I hastened striving towards his garden in which
The land prides itself to horizons for hosting it,

٢٤. وبادرتُ أسعى نحوَ رَوضَتِهِ التي
بها الأرضُ للآفاقِ طُرّاً تُفاخِرُ

25. And at its door overcame me such awe
That even mountains bow to it, moreover the great,

٢٥. وأدركَني في بابها أيُّ هَيبَةٍ
تخِرُّ لها الأذواءُ بَل والأكابِرُ

26. My tears flowed in joy and reverence
And from intense joy even rocks weep,

٢٦. وفاضت دموعي فرحةً ومهابةً
ومن شدَّةِ الأفراحِ تبكي المحاجِرُ

27. And he met me with opening and victory, and veils
Were lifted from that brilliant sun and curtains,

٢٧. وقابَلَني بالفَتحِ والنَصرِ وانجَلَت
ليَ الحُجبُ عَن ذاك السنا والستائرُ

28. And Salman, his attendant, who keeps his company
At his doors night and day, was appointed to me,

٢٨. وقُيِّضَ لي سَلمانُ خادمُهُ الذي
يُماسيهِ في أبوابهِ ويُباكِرُ

29. So he lodged me in a residence - what a residence! -
And the facilitated from his house was hastened to me,

٢٩. فأنزَلَني في منزِلٍ أيِّ منزلٍ
وعُجِّلَ لي من بيتهِ المُتياسِرُ

30. And he saw to all my affairs representatively
For the ink - he is the family and he is the tribes,

٣٠. وقامَ بأحوالي جميعاً نيابَةً
عنِ الخَبرِ فهوَ الأهلُ وهوَ العَشائرُ