
Say to Ibn Muljam, who ignited fires,

قل لابن ملجم الملجم نيرانا

1. Say to Ibn Muljam, who ignited fires,
The one cloaked in betrayal and loss,

١. قل لابنِ ملجَمٍ الملَجِّم نيرانا
المتَسَربِل خِذلاناً وخُسرانا

2. You deviated from the paths of justice, O treacherous one,
And you waded through betrayal like rivers and treachery.

٢. عدَلتَ عن طُرقاتِ العدلِ يا غَدرُ
وخُضتَ في الغَدرِ أنهاراً وغُدرانا

3. You went astray on misleading, clear paths,
And did not cease to wander aimlessly from the path of truth.

٣. ضللتَ في سُبُلٍ غرّاءَ واضحةٍ
ولم تزَل عن سبيل الحق تَيهانا

4. You exceeded in ignorance when you charged out of stupidity
Until you killed a noble, eminent Imam.

٤. أفرطتَ في الجهل إذ فَرَّطتَ من حَمَقٍ
حتى قَتَلتَ إماماً عالياً شانا

5. The son-in-law of the Messenger, Ali, husband of Fatima,
And the best of those who adorned guidance and glory.

٥. صِهرُ الرسولِ عليٌّ زوجُ فاطمة
وخيرُ مَن زَيَّنَ الهُدى وَمَن شانا

6. And father of the two luminous youths,
Who were to the Chosen One a soul and delight.

٦. ووالدُ الحَسَنينِ النِيِّرَينِ وَمن
كانا إلى المصطفى روحاً وريحاناً

7. The gateway to the knowledge of the entire religion,
So none can fully describe him wherever he may be.

٧. وبابُ مصرِ علومِ الدين أجمَعِها
فليس يَعرُبُ عنهُ حَيثُما كانا

8. Possessor of traits that cannot be comprehended,
Even if eras upon eras were to pass.

٨. وذو السجايا التي ليس يَحصُرُها
عَدٌّ ولو طالتِ الأزمانُ أزمانا

9. And of his virtues, speak without hesitation,
Indeed, he surpassed what is in the sea, our master.

٩. ومَن مناقِبُهُ حدِّث ولا حرجٌ
بَلى تجاوَزَ ما في البحر مولانا

10. You have erred, you have erred O son of Muljam,
You have come with harm and burden upon us.

١٠. أخطأتَ أخطأتَ يا ابنَ ملجِّمٍ فَلَقَد
أتيتَ على الأذى والوِزرِ إيتانا

11. And you have been deprived of all reward you will not attain,
And you came openly with defiance and disobedience.

١١. وجُرتَ عن كلِّ أجرٍ لستَ نائلَهُ
وجئتَ جهراً جريراتٍ وعِصيانا

12. And you were cursed with wrath and blame in anger,
You will meet it alive without doubt and in death.

١٢. وبُؤتَ بالسُخطِ والعُتبى على غَضبٍ
تلقاهُ حيّاً بلا شكٍ وموتانا

13. And the people have erred by naming you a devoted worshipper of the Merciful,
But by opposites you have contended with the Merciful.

١٣. وقد أخطأ القومُ إذ سمّوكَ عابدَ رحم
انٍ وبالخلفِ قد بارَزَت رحماناً

14. Those disobedient to you should not have called you that,
But you exceeded disobedience and disbelief.

١٤. ما كان أولاكَ أن يدعوكَ عاصيَهُ
بلى تجاوزتَ عِصياناً وكُفرانا

15. So neither did the fertile land of Wosim water you,
Nor did it water the land of Imran ibn Hittan.

١٥. فلا سَقَتكَ من الوسمي غاديةٌ
ولا سقت ارض عِمرانَ بنِ حِطّانا

16. Imran was inhabited by manifest disbelief, and one
From Hittan whom Allah burned with fire.

١٦. عمرانُ عُمِّرَ بالكُفرِ الصريح وَمن
حِطّانُ حطَّ عليه اللَهُ نيرانا

17. You are nothing but wretched, and he is like you in
Wretchedness which makes you both wretched.

١٧. ما أنتَ إلّا شَقِيٌّ وهو مِثلُكَ في
شقاوةٍ تُخذلانِ فيها خِذلانا

18. Do not be fooled or believe his words,
For they are clothed in falsehood and lies.

١٨. لا تَغتَرِر أو تُصَدِّق بمقالتِه
فإنها كُسِيَت زوراً وبُهتانا

19. By Allah, they are nothing but a blow that brought wretchedness,
So how can they attain satisfaction from the Lord of the Throne?

١٩. واللَهِ ما هيَ إلا ضربةٌ شَقِيَت
فكيفَ تبلغُ من ذي العرشِ رِضوانا

20. They resulted in loss, betrayal, and deficiency,
So how can you consider it the most just of scales?

٢٠. باءت بخُسرٍ وتَطفيفٍ ومنقَصَةٍ
فكيفَ تحسَبُ أوفى الناسِ ميزانا