
Though I am far from my family and homeland

وإن بعدت من أهله وقطينه

1. Though I am far from my family and homeland
Pastures of gazelles and playground of youths

١. وإن بعدت من أهله وقطينه
مرابع غزلان وملعب فتية

2. And delight of rosy cheeks infatuated with their cheeks
And water as delicious as the gurgle of love

٢. وملهى خدين مغرم بخدينه
وماء كريق الحب عذب يميحه

3. An air like tears of nightfall after its sorrows
As if I never settled there though it is my pursuit

٣. هواء كدمع الصبّ إثر شجونه
كأني لم أحلل بها ومطالبي

4. Strange virgins of bliss and its support
And game for my passion prowling in its thickets

٤. غرائب أبكار النعيم وعونه
ومن صيد لهوي غادة في حجالها

5. And game for my grave effort stalking its lair
Yes it was a debt on time I took it back

٥. ومن صيد جدّي ضيغم في عرينه
بلى كان ديناً للزمان استردّه

6. And it still entices me to claim its debts
I swore a solemn oath by the righteous one and his intercession

٦. وما زال مغرى بارتجاع ديونه
حلفت يميناً برّة وشفعتها

7. And in the words of one like me complaining of his right
Indeed the horsemen of Ghunm tribe were foolish

٧. وفي قول مثلي نادح عن يمينه
لقد سفهت فرسان غنم بن تغلب

8. By disobeying my condition its honor and embrace
I thought well of them but it turned out to be true

٨. بعصيان حالي عزّها وضمينه
ظننت بهم ظناً فعاد حقيقة

9. And the opinion of the expert of the people is like his certainty
I forbade them from mounting treason

٩. وظنّ خبير القوم مثل يقينه
نهيتهم أن يجعلوا البغي مركبا

10. Yet shortly after they persisted in its bases
And warned them of a stab that unties high

١٠. فيلفى قليلا لبثهم في متونه
وحذّرتهم طعناً يفك إلى العلا

11. From the sweet neck, the systematic eyes
And a blow that sends reason flying as if

١١. من الحلق الماذيّ نظم عيونه
وضربا يطير الهام حتى كأنه

12. It were a flock of birds startled from their perch
And sincere tightening of the belt did not tempt them

١٢. من الطير سرب طائر عن ركونه
وما غرّهم من صادق الشدّ باسل

13. My brother with solid sides and settled faith
I avoid the deception of the striking sword

١٣. أخي لبد ثبت الجنان ركينه
يقيت غرار السيف نفس ضريبه

14. And the fangs of the spear piercing the rib cage
If they meet tranquility from me toward them

١٤. ويقرى سنان الرمح روح طعينه
فان صادفوا منّي ركونا اليهم

15. Then the tranquil has solitude in his tranquility
And if they meet composure from me then

١٥. فربّ مداري وحشة بركونه
وان صادفوا منّي سكوناً فإنما

16. Patience, the brave is beneath his composure

١٦. مهال شجاع الرّبد تحت سكونه