1. I sacrificed myself for the one I visited with sword in hand
And the glance of his eyes was sharper than his blades
١. أفدي الذي زرته بالسيف مشتملا
ولحظ عينيه أمضى من مضاربه
2. Yet I did not take off my necklace to embrace him
Until I wore a necklace of his tresses
٢. فما خلعت نجادي للعناق له
حتى لبست نجاداً من ذوائبه
3. Thus he who tormented us the most with his beloved
Was the happiest of us in attaining his desire
٣. فكان أسعدنا في نيل بغيته
من كان في الحب أشقانا بصاحبه