1. When I recall the charm of our intimacy,
And life still young, with the family united,
١. إذا تذكّرت حسن الفتنا
والعيش غضا والشمل مجتمعا
2. It cuts off the breath of a lover made wretched -
His spirit is severed by throes of despair.
٢. قطعت أنفاس مغرم دنف
قد قطّع الوجد نفسه قطعا
3. Alas for the caller to parting! How can it be?
My ill-omened destiny has led me to misery.
٣. فويح داعي الفراق كيف به
لشوم بختي على شقاي دعا
4. Alas for my heart! It was never so steadfast
As to leave its loved ones and not be torn asunder.
٤. بل ويح قلبي ما كان أصبره
فارق أحبابه فما انصدعا
5. Let fate do what it will. I care nothing
For what may be done, now that you are gone.
٥. ليصنع الدّهر ما أراد فما
أحفل من بعدكم بما صنعا