
The morning breeze when it blows gently

لا نسيم الصبا إذا هب وهنا

1. The morning breeze when it blows gently,
And the fever's glitter when the night covers us,

١. لا نسيم الصبا إذا هب وهنا
وبريق الحمى إذا الليل جنا

2. Remind me of the affection of one who has estranged me,
And prolonged his disdain and indifference towards me,

٢. يذاكرني وصال من قد جفاني
وأطال الصدود عني وضنا

3. And forgot his promises and covenants,
Repaying my good deeds with harm again and again,

٣. وتناسى العهود عهداً وجارى
بالإساءة منه حسناً وحسنا

4. I do not care about him, but with forbearance
And tolerance for one who wronged me and kept wronging me,

٤. لا أبالي به ولكن حلماً
واحتمالاً عمن جنى وتجنى

5. Cursed be this time that
Leveled the honorable and destroyed our pillar and cornerstone,

٥. قبح اللَه ذا الزمان فكم قد
هد للأكرمين سوراً وركنا

6. And built homes and walls for the vile,
And erected for them mansions and fortresses,

٦. وبنى للئام دوراً وسوراً
وأشاد لهم رباعاً وحصنا

7. Take the right path away from them, and tread
The straight path to eternal bliss,

٧. خذ يميناً عنهم وسر في طريق
مستقيم إلى النعيم المهنا

8. The mercy of God, the paradise of God, and everlasting
Pleasure that will never end,

٨. رحمة اللَه جنة اللَه خلدا
وبقاء ولذة ليس تفنى

9. In the company of the Beloved, the best of creations,
And the revered and noble Friend,

٩. في جوار الحبيب خير البرايا
والخليل الجليل عضلاً ومنا

10. And the Generous God is near them,
Pleased with them, rewarding and praising them,

١٠. والإله الكريم منهم قريب
قد رضي عنهم فأعطى وأثنى

11. And may the prayer of God at all times,
Be upon the Guide Prophet, alone and together.

١١. وصلاة الإله في كل حين
لنبي الهدى فرادى ومثنى