1. I sacrifice myself for the best of those who tread the soil
The prophet of guidance, the sea of splendor, the master of all
١. بنفسٍ أفدِّي خير من وطئ الثرى
نبي الهدى بحر الندى سيد الورى
2. The seal of the noble prophets, all of them
The beloved of the Lord of the worlds, without equal
٢. ختام النبيين الكرام جميعهم
حبيب إله العالمين بلا مرا
3. Trustworthy and steadfast upon the revelation of his Lord
And its descending, the Quran, protected from reciting incorrectly
٣. أمين ومأمون على وحي ربه
وتنزيله القرآن عصمة من قرا
4. The trusted one of God came to him with revelation openly
And he used to worship the Lord of the throne in the valleys
٤. أتاه أمين اللَه بالوحي جهرة
وكان لرب العرش يعبد في حرا
5. And the Almighty Lord took him on the night journey to the highest heaven
So glory to the One who took him on the night journey and blessings upon the one who traveled
٥. وأسرى به الرب العظيم إلى العلا
فسبحان من أسرى وبورك من سرى
6. A leader for him is the precedence in every assembly
Revered, lofty in worth and progeny
٦. إمام له التقديم في كل حضرة
معظمة مرفوعة القدر والذرا
7. The intimate whom God chose, drew him near
And seeing him, this narration occurred as it was conveyed
٧. خليل صنفي اللَه مختار قربه
ورؤيته هذا الحديث كما جرى
8. My beloved, Messenger of God, I am your servant
Poor, weak, unable to show patience
٨. حبيبي رسول اللَه إني عبيدكم
فقير ضعيف لا أطيق تصبرا
9. My beloved, Messenger of God, I am your descendant
And I have a womb that everyone who knows, knows
٩. حبيبي رسول اللَه إني سليلكم
ولي رحم يدري بها كل من درى
10. My beloved, Messenger of God, I came seeking you
To uncover an important matter in our dwellings
١٠. حبيبي رسول اللَه إني قصدتكم
لكشف مهم في مرابعنا طرا
11. My beloved, Messenger of God, the leaders of a
Misguided group, do not see the light of guidance
١١. حبيبي رسول اللَه قادة فرقة
مضللة ليست لنور الهدى ترى
12. My beloved Messenger, be an intercessor for us
To your Lord the Merciful, the best of seers
١٢. حبيبي رسول كن شافعاً لنا
إلى ربك الرحمن أحسن من يرى
13. And ask Him for us and supplicate to Him for us that He gives us relief
And has mercy on us, indeed livelihood has become bitter
١٣. وسله لنا وادعه لنا أن يغيثنا
ويرحمنا إن المعاش تكدرا
14. With drought and famine that has persisted and tribulation
And the injustice of governors, each one stuck to the ground
١٤. بجدب وقحط قد تمادى وفتنة
وجور ولاة ألصق الكل بالعرا
15. So ask Him, the Exalted, to replace the drought and high prices
With fertility and cheapness in the cities and villages
١٥. فسله تعالى يبدل الجدب والغلا
بخصب ورخص في المدائن والقرى
16. And with the reform of the unjust leaders when they are corrupt
And awaken them to justice from the tradition of the villages
١٦. وبصلح ولاة الأمر عند فسادهم
ويقظهم للعدل من سنة القرى
17. So O Lord, O Merciful Lord, may our Prophet intercede for us
Your Messenger regarding us, and prevent whoever transgresses
١٧. فيا رب يا ربحمن شفع نبينا
رسولك فينا واكف من جار واجترى
18. And do not leave us, our Lord, exposed to them
As a target for every betrayer and transgressor
١٨. ولا تبقنا يا ربنا عرضة لهم
وهدف مرامي كل من خان وامترى
19. And take us by our forelocks to truth and guidance
And seal for us with good if the journey is intended
١٩. وخذ بنواصينا إلى الحق والهدى
واختم لنا بالخير إن أزمع السرى
20. For You are our Master, and You are our Lord
And our Chief, and the goal in all that was conveyed
٢٠. فإنك مولانا وإنك ربنا
وسيدنا والقصد في كل ما عرى
21. And send your blessings upon the soul of the Beloved Muhammad
And greetings and blessings whenever the journey traveled
٢١. وصلي على روح الحبيب محمد
وسلم وبارك كلما بارق سرى
22. With the Family, the Companions and the Successors for what
The torrent flowed in the valley and for how much the clouds poured
٢٢. مع الآل والأصحاب والتابعين ما
جرى السيل في الوادي وما المزن أمطرا
23. Complete - thus the poem ends by his fragrance is dispersed, ambergris and musk perfuming existence
٢٣. وَتمَّت وَفاح الحمد للَّهِ خَتمها
عَبيرا ومسكا للوجود معطرا