1. How long will my eyes not dry
From tears of longing and tears of separation
١. إلى متى لا تجف عيني
من دمع شوق ودمع بين
2. And love comes near to my meadows
And takes from it every religion
٢. ويدنو الحب من ربوعي
واقتضى منه كل دين
3. O you who left the house, how much did you turn away
Visit me, for my time has come
٣. يا نازح الدار كم صدود
زرني فقد حان حيني
4. Show me affection with a good union
That will clear every sadness from my heart
٤. وجد علي بطيب وصل
يجلو عن القلب كل رين
5. And have mercy on me, depressed and gloomy
With a life darkened for years
٥. واعطف على واله كئيب
مكدر العيش من زمين
6. My cheeks have tears
Like the rain pouring from clouds
٦. له دموع على خدود
كأنها ماطر المزين
7. I long for Najd and the people of Najd
But where is Najd from me and where am I from it
٧. يشتاق نجداً وأهل نجد
وأين نجد منه وأين
8. And the mountains and the sands
And the oryx on the hills
٨. وجبال وهل رمال
وهل ظباء بالرقمتين
9. And is there a way to the tents
Between Al-Hajoun and Marwah
٩. وهل سبيل إلى خيام
بي الحجون ومروتين
10. And the house, and the corner, and Yemen
And the black stone, and then the two spouts
١٠. والبيت والركن واليمان
والحجر ثم السقايتين
11. Oh how remote it is, and oh
When my religion and my oath prevented me
١١. آه على بعدها وآه
إذ عوقاني ديني وميني
12. And weakness has spread through all of me
And I became like two twisting fibers
١٢. وقد سرى الضعف في جميعي
وصرت صبا كماتريني
13. And praise be to Allah, I do not complain
To other than Him of my state and disgrace
١٣. والحمد للَه لست أشكو
إلى سواه شأني وشيني
14. For Allah is my Lord and Allah is sufficient for me
Even if my hands fall short
١٤. فاللَه ربي واللَه حسبي
وإن أكن قاصر اليدين
15. For my assumption of Him is beautiful
Glory be to Him, King of the sorrowful
١٥. فإن ظني به جميل
سبحانه ملك الحزين
16. Whoever fears Him and hopes in Him will be rewarded
On the Day of Judgement with two Gardens
١٦. من خافه ورجاه يحظى
يوم المعاد بجنتين
17. It is completed, send prayers upon the Messenger
Who was supported with victory at Hunayn
١٧. تمت وصلوا على رسول
أيد بالنصر في حنين
18. Muhammad, master of creation
Father of the maiden, grandfather of Hussein
١٨. محمد سيد البرايا
ابى البتول جد الحسين