1. Tell those who blame me
Leave me be, O reproacher
١. قل للذي قد لامني
دعني وشأني يا عذول
2. If you knew what has happened
You wouldn't admonish me, O ignorant one
٢. لو كنت تدري ما جرى
ما كنت تنهي يا جهول
3. Don't you see my frail body
Wasted by the disease of emaciation
٣. أما ترى جسمي السقيم
قد شفه داء النحول
4. Tell me who is this insolence from
And this audacity and confusion
٤. قل لي بمن هذا العتا
وذا التصابي والذهول
5. God suffices me and is enough
Say what you wish, O intrusive one
٥. اللَه حسبي وكفى
قل ما تشا يا ذا الفضول
6. O inhabitants of my innermost being
For you I harbor the kindest affection
٦. يا ساكنين سرائري
عندي لكم صفو الوداد
7. You have possessed, my masters
The reigns of my matter and leadership
٧. ملكتكم يا سادتي
زمام أمري والقياد
8. Don't neglect one who has become
Exalted through you among the servants
٨. لا تهملوا من قد غدا
يسموا بكم بين العباد
9. Standing at the door, staying
Hoping for happiness and acceptance
٩. واقف على الباب مقيم
يرجو السعادة والقبول
10. God suffices me and is enough
Say what you wish, O intrusive one
١٠. اللَه حسبي وكفى
قل ما تشا يا ذا الفضول
11. The breezes of reunion have blown
From the side of the Most High sanctuary
١١. هبت نسيمات الوصال
من جانب القدس العلي
12. And its lights have immersed
The worlds of the sincere heart
١٢. واستغرقت أنوارها
عوالم القلب الخلي
13. From anything other than His worship
The One, the True, the Guardian
١٣. عما سوى معبوده
الواحد الحق الولي
14. And its secrets were revealed to me
And I reached the pinnacle of attainment
١٤. وكوشفت أسراره
وحل في برج الوصول
15. God is enough for me and suffices
Say what you wish, O intrusive one
١٥. اللَهُ حسبي وكفى
قل ما تشا يا ذا الفضول
16. The lover spent the night with the Beloved
While the blamer, oblivious, is far away
١٦. بات المحب مع الحبيب
والعاذل الغافل بعيد
17. He does not know the state of passion
Between the loyal and the servants
١٧. لم يدر ما شأن الهوى
بين الموالي والعبيد
18. Woe to him! What is incumbent upon him
If he only knew, for the fortunate one
١٨. يا ويحه ماذا عليه
لو كن يعرف للسعيد
19. His place with his Lord
And God knows what I say
١٩. مكانه من ربه
واللَه يعلم ما يقول
20. God suffices me and is enough
Say what you wish, O intrusive one
٢٠. اللَه حسبي وكفى
قل ما تشا يا ذا الفضول
21. What do the deniers say
About one whose heart is uncorrupted
٢١. ماذا يقول المنكرون
فيمن له قلب سليم
22. Towards all Muslims
And whose aim is the Bountiful Master
٢٢. علي جميع المسلمين
وقصده المولى الكريم
23. And believes about himself
That he is a lowly servant
٢٣. ويعتقد في نفسه
بأنه عبد ذميم
24. If not for his Lord's care
He would have gone astray and lost
٢٤. لولا عناية ربه
لكان بطالاً ضلول
25. God suffices me and is enough
Said what you wished, O intrusive one
٢٥. اللَه حسبي وكفى
قال ما تشا يا ذا الفضول