
O my friend, you were supporters,

يا صاحبي وكنتما أنصارا

1. O my friend, you were supporters,
Helping the clear, manifest truth openly.

١. يا صاحبي وكنتما أنصاراً
عوناً على الحق المبين جهارا

2. As for the beloved master, the righteous one whom
The Almighty Lord raised a minaret for,

٢. أما الحبيب السيد البر الذي
أعلى له الرب العظيم منارا

3. And established him calling to Him through his words
And deeds without any denial,

٣. وأقامه داع إليه بقوله
وبفعله من غير ما إنكارا

4. May God keep him and elevate his worth
And grant him the best of His righteousness,

٤. فاللَه يبقيه ويرفع قدره
وينيله من بره أوطارا

5. And increase him in knowledge and ma’rifa of Him
And never-ending happiness for the virtuous,

٥. ويزده علماً ومعرفة به
وسعادة لا تنتهي لقصارا

6. And a life – so do not forget his words for he
Walked with the honorable people and journeyed,

٦. وعمر فلا تنسى مقالته فقد
شد مع القوم الكرام وسارا

7. And chose them for his praise and loyalty –
I mean by them the excellent masters.

٧. واختارهم لثنائه وولائه
أعنى بهم السادة الأخيارا

8. May God gather us with them in His abode
And neighbourhood and clear chosen ones,

٨. فاللَه يجمعنا بهم في داره
وجواره وتبيه المختارا

9. Blessings of God be upon him always forever,
And the family as long as the pigeons cooed and flew.

٩. صلى عليه اللَه دأباً سرمداً
والآل ما غنى الحمام وطارا