
The breezes of life blew here,

نسمات الحي وهنا إذ سرت

1. The breezes of life blew here,
Bringing good tidings to my soul with their fragrance.

١. نسمات الحي وهنا إذ سرت
بشذا نجد لروحي بشرت

2. With a happy coincidence, my soul has found patience to be victorious.
Thus is the matter, so be steadfast and wait,

٢. بلقا سعدي فياللَه من
نفس صب ظفرت إذ صبرت

3. For the Gentle Maker's kindnesses to flow.
It has taken away sorrow and burdensome grief,

٣. هكذا الأمر فلازم وانتظر
من لطيف الصنع ألطافاً جرت

4. And established joy in relieved hearts.
So hope, my Master, and do not despair, though

٤. أذهبت غما وكرباً خيما
وأقاما في صدور حصرت

5. Hardships and difficult matters have come.
God Almighty in His glory,

٥. فارج مولاك ولا تيأس وإن
حل خطب وأمور عسرت

6. Has breezes of hope that bring relief.
And with hardship, however long the course,

٦. إن للَه تعالى مجده
نفحات بالرجاء انتظرت

7. Ease comes, as I have mentioned.
Thus the hosts of hardship turned tail,

٧. ومع العسر وإن طال المدا
فيه يسران بشرح ذكرت

8. And the hosts of ease were victorious.
Relief came from the Merciful,

٨. فجيوش العسر ولت دبراً
وجيوش اليسر حقا نصرت

9. When efforts fell short.
So praise be to Him for His boons,

٩. فرج جاء به الرحمن من
فضله عنه المساعي قصرت

10. Whether manifest or hidden.
And for the subtle, all-encompassing grace,

١٠. فله الحمد على آلائه
وأياد بطنت أو ظهرت

11. And clear gifts that dazzle.
And for the laws with which He repelled enemies,

١١. وعلى لطف خفى شامل
ومنوح وفتوح بهرت

12. And routed them with overwhelming armies.
The trades of guidance have profited,

١٢. ونواميس بها أردى العدى
وجلاهم بجنود قهرت

13. While the trades of deviance lost.
Woe to a people among whom

١٣. فتجارات الهدى قد ربحت
وتجارات الردى قد خسرت

14. The call of truth was raised.
They did not lift their heads to it,

١٤. ويح قوم قد أقيمت فيهم
دعوة الحق التي قد شهرت

15. Due to ignorant, arrogant souls.
Yes, God's bounty was with them,

١٥. فغدوا لم يرفعوا رأساً بها
عن نفوس جهلت واستكبرت

16. Though it was not thanked.
God's Book could have guided them,

١٦. نعم للَه كانت عندهم
حولت إذ لم تكن قد شكرت

17. Had they recited it with present hearts.
The verse of victory and thunder, and clear verses,

١٧. وكتاب اللَه قد يفهمهم
لو تلوه بقلوب حضرت

18. Would have affected them, had they not distorted them.
Yes, had they thanked them, they would have remained,

١٨. آية الأنفال والرعد مع النح
ل لما غيروها غيرت

19. But they disbelieved, so they vanished.
They were truly ignorant of a people among them

١٩. نعم إن شكروها بقيت
ونمت أو كفروها نفرت

20. Of truthful lineage and shining houses.
Of callers to good, guides to righteousness,

٢٠. جهلوا حقاً لقوم بينهم
من ذوي الحق بدور أسفرت

21. And dew, of a purified lineage.
They wronged them of their rights, so they sought help

٢١. من دعاة الخير أعلام الهدى
والندى من عترة قد طهرت

22. From God’s Messenger until they were victorious.
God’s victory and opening came together,

٢٢. ظلموها حقها فاستنصرت
برسول اللَه حتى نصرت

23. With armies and winds giving good news.
Of Ali the Approved, lion of combat,

٢٣. جاء نصر اللَه والفتح معا
وجنود ورياح بشرت

24. And Fatima the virtuous, who blossomed.
Of my master Ahmad and the reverent Sayyid,

٢٤. بعلي المرتضى ليث الوغى
وبزهراء العلا قد زهرت

25. Sources of aid that flowed.
And the one called Explainer for his knowledge,

٢٥. وبسيطي أحمد والسيد ال
عابد الأواه إمداد سرت

26. Wells of insight were opened through him.
And the trusted teacher of the Fatimids, the truthful Imam,

٢٦. والذي للعلم يدعى باقراً
منه غارات لنا قد بقرت

27. Through whom we take pride.
And Moses and his son Ali,

٢٧. والإمام الصادق الأستاذ لل
فاطميين به قد فخرت

28. And his uncle the Approved, who did not fall short.
And the son of Jesus, and his noble sons,

٢٨. وبموسى وعلي نجله
والمرتضى عمه ما قصرت

29. Among whom are leaders I have mentioned.
Lord, so protect us through them, benefit us by them,

٢٩. وابن عيسى وبنيه النجبا
وبينهم سادة قد ذكرت

30. And restore the blessings You have poured down.
And suffice us, our Lord, from the harm of enemies

٣٠. رب فاحفظنا بهم وانفع بهم
وأعد من بركات غمرت

31. And trouble from the dissent that has spread.
They have confused us with evil words

٣١. واكفنا يا ربنا شر العدا
والأذى من فرقة قد بطرت

32. That would have been better unsaid, had they insight.
We have been forbearing and pardoned them,

٣٢. بهتونا بمقال سيء
كانت الأحرى به لو أبصرت

33. As You have informed our ancestors.
They wrong us, then we forgive them-

٣٣. قد حملنا وصفحنا عنهم
وبذا أسلافنا قد أخبرت

34. Thus is virtue for those You have honoured.
And God’s prayers constantly forever

٣٤. يظلمونا ثم نعفو عنهم
هكذا الفضل لقوم قدرت

35. For the Messenger of God, for all time.
The spirits of help sought at nightfall,

٣٥. وصلاة اللَه دأباً سرمداً
لرسول اللَه ما الفلك جرت

36. Dawn broke, and they flowed.
And upon the Household, with the Companions, for as long

٣٦. وسرت أرواح نجد سحراً
وسرى برق وسحر أمطرت

37. As night turns to daybreak.

٣٧. وعلى الآل مع الأصحاب ما
ليلة في فجرها قد أسفرت