1. Make haste, make haste before it's too late!
You are merely prey to annihilation.
١. البِدار البِدار قَبلَ الفَواتِ
إِنَّما أَنتَ عَرضَةَ الآفاتِ
2. Hasten to avoid being cut off
From what you seek, by the shrouds of death.
٢. بادَرَ الفَواتَ قَبلَ أَن تَقطَعَنكَ
دونَ ما تَبتَغي حُتوفِ المَماتِ
3. I see you unprepared as nights go by,
And what is to come draws near steadily.
٣. ما أَراكَ مُشَمِّراً وَاللَيالي
وَسَوفَ تَدنى إِلَيكَ ما هُوَ آتِ
4. Your life is all you have - so live it well
With good deeds and acts of generosity.
٤. إِنَّما رَأسَ ما لَكَ العُمرُ فَاِعمُرِ
بِفِعلِ الجَميلِ وَالمَكرُماتِ
5. Make it your steed on the path
To ascend the ranks of virtue.
٥. وَاِتَّخِذهُ مَطِيَّةً تَمتَطِيا
في سُلوكِ السَبيلِ لِلدَرَجاتِ
6. A generous horse that carries you across
This world to attain the highest goals.
٦. وَجَواداً تُطوى عَلَيهِ مَدى هَ
ذِهِ الدُنيا لِتُبلِغَ الغاياتِ