
Our Lord, our Lord

يا ربنا يا ربنا

1. Our Lord, our Lord
O Lord, O Master of praise

١. يا رَبَّنا يا رَبَّنا
يا رَبِّ يا أَهلَ الثَنا

2. O You of majesty and highness
O You of splendor and loftiness

٢. يا ذا الجَلالِ وَذا العُلا
يا ذا البِهاءِ وَذا السَنا

3. You have encompassed, my Master
all that our love has missed

٣. أَحَطتَ عِلماً سَيِّدي
مِمّا تَقاصى وُدُّنا

4. To You belongs the will in all
that which has guided us, resigned

٤. وَلَكَ المَشيئَةَ ما تَشا
كانَ دَليلاً مُذعِنا

5. Beyond comprehension You rose
though we strained in discipline

٥. عَن إِدراكٍ عَلَوتَ كُنّا
وَإِن أَطَلنا الإِعتِنا

6. So the summit for the diligent
is: "Protect us, O Faithful Friend!"

٦. فَنِهايَةُ المُتَعَمِّقي
نَ تُجيرِ يا مُمعِنا

7. That from which we shrank, indeed
'twas but our incapacity

٧. ما عَنهُ حَرَّنا إِنَّما
فيهِ تَحَيَّرَ لِعَجزِنا

8. For all existence, in its sum
proclaims Your oneness, ev'ry one

٨. إِنَّ الوُجودَ بِأَسرِهِ
بِالواحِدِيَّةَ مُعلِنا

9. Reason is dazed by Your creation's glories;
so the prosperous is made certain

٩. بَهَرتُ بَدائِعَهُ العُقو
لَ فَغَدا المُوَفَّقُ موقِنا

10. while the doubters are frustrated
as though they are not present here

١٠. وَتَثبِطُ المُتَشَكِّكو
نَ وَكَأَنَّهُ لَيسوا هُنا

11. Damned be those who doubt the Truth
when it is manifest and clear!

١١. سُحقاً لِمَن يَشُكُّ في ال
حَقِّ وَقَد تَبينا

12. O First, O Last, O Outward, O Inward
To You belong eternity, to us transience

١٢. يا أَوَّلاً يا آخِراً
يا ظاهِراً يا باطِنا

13. To You belong permanence, to us evanescence
O Living, O Self-Subsisting, unto You we are entrusted

١٣. لَكَ القِدَمُ وَلَنا الحُدو
ثُ وَلَكَ البَقا وَلَنا الفَنا

14. So who do we have but You?
Far be it from You to neglect us

١٤. يا حَيُّ يا قَيّومُ إِن
وَكَّلتَنا فَمَن لَنا

15. Far be it from You to forsake us
O Hope of the hopeful

١٥. حاشاكَ أَن تُهمِلَنا
حاشاكَ أَن تَخلِنا

16. O Refuge, be for us a protection
For from You is every excellence

١٦. يا أَمَلَ المُؤمِلينَ
وَيا مَلاذا كُن لَنا

17. and every bounty that reaches us
You have been Bountiful in the past

١٧. فَمِنكَ كُلُّ خَيرَةٍ
وَكُلُّ نِعمَةٍ بِنا

18. So always increase Your goodness, O Bestower of Favors
brought to naught by evanescence

١٨. أَحسَنَت فيما قَد مَضى
أَبَداً وَزِد يا مُحسِنا

19. Asking forgiveness for his sin
confessing all his erring ways

١٩. ها أَنا ذا عَبيدُكَ ال
جاني المُقصِرُ بِالفَنا

20. Ever does he see his need of You
as his eternal sufficiency

٢٠. مُستَغفِراً لِذَنبِهِ
مُعتَرِفاً بِما جَنا

21. To Your irresistible dominion he bows down
humble, lowly, yielding

٢١. يَرى اِفتِقارُهُ إِلَي
كَ دائِماً هُوَ الغِنا

22. Vain desires have tempted him
until he met with disfavor from them

٢٢. وَلِعِزِّ قَهرِكَ خاضِعٌ
مُتَواضِعٌ مُتَمَسكِنا

23. He is ruled by the soul's fancies
its passion was but the life of this low world

٢٣. وَلَقد سَبَتهُ حُظوظُهُ
حَتّى لَقِيَ مِنها العَنا

24. And so to You he comes with his disappointment
in all save You; none else gains his praise

٢٤. مَلَكَتهُ أُمنياتُ نف
سِ هَمِّها عَرضَ الدَنا

25. With empty hands he reaches out
So grant him the utmost of desires!

٢٥. وَلَقَد أَتاكَ بِياسِهِ
عَمَّن سِواكَ وَلا الثَنا

26. And cool him with Your good pleasure
with a touch from You, what bliss he'll gain!

٢٦. صِفرُ اليَدَينِ يَمُدُّها
فَأَنِلهُ غاياتِ المُنى

27. And give him life in submission to You
and in faith take his soul

٢٧. وَأَدِقهُ بَردَ رِضاكَ عَن
هُ يَدٌ لَهُ مِنكَ الهَنا

28. And on the Day of his arising
make him secure from every fear

٢٨. وَأَحيِهِ لَكَ مُسلِماً
وَتوفِهِ بِكَ مُؤمِنا

٢٩. وَاِجعَلهُ يَومَ نُشورِهِ
مِن كُلٍّ خَوفٍ آمِنا