1. O visitor, when there are no people around
And the night approaches with the chill of dawn
١. يا زائِري حينَ لا واشِ مِنَ البَشَرِ
وَاللَيلُ يَخطُرُ في بَردٍ مِنَ السَحَرِ
2. I said, O ultimate hope protect me
With determination to reach you I was encouraged by success
٢. فَقُلتُ يا غايَةَ الآمالِ يَأموني
بِالسَعي نَحوَكَ لَاِستَبشَرتَ بِالظَفَرِ
3. So when you came, O my wish and hope
Thanks to God who succeeded without hardship
٣. فَكَيفَ إِذا جِئتَ يا سُؤلي وَيا أَمَلي
فَالحَمدُ لِلَهِ ذا فَوزَ بِلا خَطَرِ
4. I did not think I was close to you
For the burden upon me, O my heavy load
٤. ما كُنتُ أَحسَبُ أَنّي مِنكَ مُقتَرِبُ
لِما لَدَيَّ مِنَ الأَوزارِ يا وَزري
5. Until we drew near and our connection brought us together
The secret from you and from you did not cease
٥. حَتّىدَنَوتُ وَصارَ الوَصلِ يَجمَعُنا
وَالسِرُّ مِنكَ وَمِنكَ غَيرَ مُستَمِرِّ
6. He gave drink to the high dune from the valley
From the clouds with lightning and hail
٦. عَلى الكَثيبِ مِنَ الوادي سَقاهُ حَيا
مِنَ الغَمائِمِ بِالآصالِ وَالبِكَرِ
7. For my heart a lightning bolt from God flashed
Not from the world of forms but from the world of command
٧. لِلَهِ بارِقَةٌ لِلقَلبِ قَد لَمَعَت
مِن عالَمِ الأَمرِ لا مِن عالَمِ الصُوَرِ
8. It made you forget all the universes
And stopped you at what is sought and missed
٨. أَنسَتكَ إِيّاكَ وَالأَكوانُ أَجمَعُها
وَأَوقَفَتكَ عَلى المَطلوبِ وَالوَطَرِ
9. This discourse and what the keen minded discern
I wanted with it to alert, so take heed
٩. هَذا الحَديثُ وَما يَخفى عَلى فَطَنِ
إِنّي أَرَدتُ بِهِ التَنبيهِ فَاِعتبَرِ
10. O essence confined in a shell
Of a creation aiming at change and turmoil
١٠. يا أَيُّها الجَوهَرُ المَحصورُ في صَدَفٍ
مَخلوقٍ غَرَضِ التَغييرِ وَالكَدَرِ
11. His ambition is destitute, in the lowliest place
Lost in the pleasures of food, sex, and sight
١١. مُبِطٌ في حَضيضِ الحَضِّ هِمَّتُهُ
في لِذَّةِ البَطنِ وَالمَنكوحِ وَالنَظَرِ
12. Passions lead him, raging in him
Until they cast him into the pit of harm
١٢. تَقودُهُ شَهَواتٌ فيهِ جامِحَةٌ
حَتّى تَزُجُّ بِهِ في لُجَّةِ الضَرَرِ
13. O soul, do you accept, forever residing
In this dark troubled place?
١٣. يا أَيُّها الروحُ هَل تَرضى مُجاوَرَةً
عَلى الدَوامِ لِهَذا المَظلِمِ الكَدَرِ
14. Where were you before inhabiting a body?
Were you not in the holy precincts, remember!
١٤. وَأَينَ كُنتَ وَلا جِسمٍ تُساكِنُهُ
أَلَستَ في حَضراتِ القُدسِ فَاِدَّكِرِ
15. You dwell with the exalted assembly, and drink from
Basins of intimacy as plucking fruit
١٥. تَأوي مَعَ المَلَأِ الأَعلى وَتَكرَعُ مِن
حِياضِ أَنسَ كَما تَجني مِنَ الثَمَرِ
16. The breeze of nearness comes to you welcoming,
The fragrance of beauty like scent of fresh myrtle
١٦. تَأتي عَلَيكَ نَسيمُ القُربِ مَهدِيَّةً
عَرَفَ الجَمالُ كَعُرفُ المَندَلِ العَطِرِ
17. Until by God's command you were placed in a cage
To be tested, so be of the best of the tested
١٧. حَتّى جَعَلَت بِأَمرِ اللَهِ في قَفَصِ
لَيَبتَليكَ فَكُن مِن مِن خَيرِ مُختَبَرِ
18. When you saw this body appear
Showing wonders of creation hidden and manifest
١٨. فَحينَ أَبصَرَت هَذا الجِسمِ قَد بَرَزَت
بِهِ العَجائِبِ مِن بادِ ومُستَتَرِ
19. Its splendor made you forget the holiness
You witnessed from your Lord, so know the loss of life
١٩. أَنسَتكَ بَهجَتَهُ ما كُنتَ تَشهَدُهُ
مِن قُدسِ رَبِّكَ فَاِعرِف ضَيعَةَ العُمرِ
20. I was content with reason apart from unveiling you
While immersed in reason from the clarity of truth
٢٠. رَضيتُ بِالفِكرِ عَن كَشفِ وَأَينِكَ مِن
جَلِيَّةِ الحَقِّ إِن أَخلَدَت لِلفِكرِ
21. Do not settle for less than the eye's witnessing
For love, who is content with shadow and trace?
٢١. لا تَقنَعَن بِدونِ العَينِ مَنزِلَةً
فَالحُبِّ مَن يَكتَفي بِالظِلِّ وَالأَثَرِ
22. A promise you were given so you surrendered
This existence and all in it of others
٢٢. وَعدٌ هُديتَ فَقَد تَوَدَّيتَ مَطرَحا
هَذا الوُجودُ وَما فيهِ مِنَ الغَيرِ
23. Take a path to the Merciful established
By which He came to you before nomad and settled
٢٣. وَاِسلُك سَبيلاً إِلى الرَحمَنِ قيمَةً
بِها أَتاكَ أَمام البَدوِ وَالحَضَرِ
24. Clarified in God's book, elucidated
Walk upon it, and be clothed in sincerity
٢٤. مَشروحَةً في كِتابِ اللَهِ واضِحَةً
فَسِر عَلَيها وَكُن بِالصِدقِ مُتَّزِرِ
25. With spiritual training, silence, and withdrawal
Abandoning opposites and keeping vigil
٢٥. وَبِالرِياضَةِ مَن صَمَتَ وَمَخمَصَةً
مَعَ التَخَلّي عَنِ الأَضدادِ وَالسَهَرِ
26. And persist upon remembrance, never tiring
For turning to Him is the spirit and aim of breasts
٢٦. وَدُم عَلى الذِكرِ لا تَسأَمُهُ مُعتَقِداً
إِنَّ التَوَجُّهَ روحُ القَصدِ وَالصَدرِ
27. The best of prophets is our guide
With what he brought us of signs and surahs
٢٧. خَيرُ النَبِيّينَ هادينا وَمُرشِدَنا
بِما أَتانا مِنَ الآياتِ وَالسُوَرِ
28. My God, bless him whenever a dove coos
Above a lofty tree of the forest
٢٨. صَلّى عَلَيهِ إِلَهي كُلَّما سَجَعَت
حَمامَةٌ فَوقَ مَياسٍ مِنَ الشَجَرِ