1. How many days have I spent serving,
Only to make a losing deal,
١. كَم أُنفِقُ الأَيّامَ في خِدمَةٍ
أَحرَزتُ فيها صَفقَةَ المُخسِرِ
2. My night of luck never dawns,
And my praise was never fruitful.
٢. وَلَيلُ حَظّي ما اِنجَلى صُبحُهُ
وَغَرسُ مَدحي بَعدُ لَم يُثمِرِ
3. Every day a habitual journey,
To a vast, desolate place,
٣. في كُلِّ يَومٍ سَفَرٌ راتِبٌ
إِلى مَكانٍ شاسِعٍ مُقفِرِ
4. As if I put from its heat,
My heels upon embers.
٤. كَأَنَّني مِن حَرِّهِ واضِعٌ
أَخمَصَ رِجلَيَّ عَلى مِجمَرِ
5. My sandals wear out from walking,
Yet they never acquire patches.
٥. يُثبَرُ بِالمَشيِ كِعابي فَما
أَوقَعَ ما سُمِّيَ بِالمَثبِرِ
6. Since my burdens were loaded,
I have endured harm patiently.
٦. عَقَدتُ مُذ حَلَّت حُمولي بِهِ
عَلى اِحتِمالٍ لِلأَذى خِنصِري
7. If the wolf of adversity weakened me,
I would taste humiliation and the dawn would not come.
٧. لَو حَلَّهُ ذِئبُ الفَلا مَوهِناً
ذاقَ الرَدى وَالصُبحُ لَم يُسفِرِ
8. Among those around me are many
Modest armpits and eloquent mouths.
٨. هَذا وَكَم فيهِ حَوالِيَّ مِن
إِبطٍ مُصِنٍّ وَفَمٍ أَبخَرِ
9. My only complaint is that
I string together pearls no one wants to buy.
٩. وَليسَ شَكوايَ سِوى أَنَّني
أَنظُمُ دُرّاً ما لَهُ مُشتَري
10. And that I hope for the company of a group
I would be diminished among people by associating with.
١٠. وَأَنَّني أَرجو نَدى مَعشَرٍ
أَخسِس بِهِم في الناسِ مِن مَعشَرِ
11. Forsaken if I sin, they do not accept
My excuse, and if I do good, I am not thanked.
١١. سُدىً إِذا أَجرَمتُ لَم يَقبَلوا
عُذري وَإِن أَحسَنتُ لَم أُشكَرِ
12. They do not enjoin good
Or forbid evil among themselves.
١٢. لا يَتَواصَونَ بِأَمرٍ بِمَع
روفٍ وَلا يَنهونَ عَن مُنكَرِ
13. What blood ever spilled in their land
And a covenant with God was violated?
١٣. أَيُّ دَمٍ ما طاحَ في أَرضِهِم
وَذِمَّةٍ لِلَّهِ لَم تُخفَرِ
14. They are pleased with me when I come to them
As the Kurds are pleased with Ja'far.
١٤. يُعجِبُهُم مِنّي إِذا جِئتُهُم
ما يُعجِبُ الأَكرادَ مِن جَعفَرِ
15. It is as if I am transported between them
From the angel of death to the Denier.
١٥. كَأَنَّني أُنقَلُ ما بَينَهُم
مِن مَلَكِ المَوتِ إِلى مُنكَرِ