
O God's deputy on earth, His caliph

يا نائب الله في الأر

1. O God's deputy on earth, His caliph
We seek from him sustenance and aid

١. يا نائِبَ اللَهِ في الأَر
ضِ وَالخَليفَةَ عَنهُ

2. God has granted you bounty
And mercy from Himself

٢. فَنَحنُ نَلتَمِسُ الرِز
قَ وَالمَعونَةَ مِنهُ

3. How can poetry encapsulate
The essence of your attributes?

٣. اللَهُ آتاكَ فَضلاً
وَرَحمَةً مِن لَدُنهُ

4. Look after those looked after by time
And help them

٤. فَكَيفَ يُدرَكُ بِالشِع
رِ مِن صِفاتِكَ كُنهُ

5. The nights have worn away at him
Yet his resolve did not fail him

٥. فَراعِ مَن راعَهُ الآ
نَ صَرفُ دَهرٍ وَاَعِنهُ

6. He has lived in wealth, his days
So do not impoverish him

٦. أَخنَت عَلَيهِ اللَيالي
وَعَزمُهُ لَم يَخُنهُ

7. And conceal his shame from the
Indignity of asking and protect him

٧. قَد عاشَ في ثَروَةٍ دَه
رَهُ فَلا تُحوِجَنهُ

٨. وَاِستُر مُحَيّاهُ عَن بَذ
لَةِ السُؤالِ وَصُنهُ