
We entered your bathhouse and saw

قد دخلنا حمامكم فرأينا

1. We entered your bathhouse and saw
A wonder in the gathering of opposites

١. قَد دَخلَنا حَمّامَكُم فَرَأَينا
عَجَباً مِن تَجَمُّعِ الضِدَّينِ

2. The water cold and the firewood all
Yet for the bather it is the heat of the eyes

٢. بارِدُ الماءِ وَالوَقودِ جَميعاً
فَهوَ لِلمُستَحِمِّ سُخنَةُ عَينِ

3. And in it a rough coarse attendant
Frowning of face, flattened of nostrils

٣. وَبِهِ قَيِّمٌ بَغيضٌ غَليظٌ
عابِسُ الوَجهِ قالِصُ المِنخَرَينِ

4. An attendant unlike attendants, harsh became his
Forearm yet he has soft palms

٤. قَيِّمٌ غَيرُ قَيِّمٍ خَشُنَت مُد
يَتُهُ وَهوَ ناعِمُ الكَفَّينِ

5. With a hand like silk he does not raise the
Dirt of his kneading from the shoulders

٥. بِيَدٍ كَالحَريرِ لا يَرفَعُ الأَو
ساخَ تَدليكُها عَنِ المَنكِبَينِ

6. And a hand whose palm in people
Leaves bruises when it is from two hands

٦. وَيَدٍ كَرُّها يُغادِرُ في النا
سِ كُلوماً شَلَّت إِذا مِن يَدَينِ

7. So take my retribution from him for he has
Afflicted me with wounds on the temples

٧. فَخُذوا لي مِنهُ القَصاصَ فَقَد أَو
بَقَني بِالجِراحِ في الأَخدَعَينِ