
O Lord, I complain to You of a gang

يا رب أشكو إليك من نفر

1. O Lord, I complain to You of a gang
Whose tongues for me are venomous stings.

١. يا رَبِّ أَشكو إِلَيكَ مِن نَفَرٍ
وَفاهُمُ لي بِالغَدرِ مَمزوجُ

2. Their tyranny has encompassed lands;
They are, vis-à-vis corruption, Gog and Magog.

٢. عَمَّ أَقاصي البِلادِ جَورُهُمُ
كَأَنَّهُم في الفَسادِ ياجوجُ

3. They are the plague of my heart while You are
More able to assuage the flames that sear my breast.

٣. هُم داءُ قَلبي وَأَنتَ أَقدَرُ أَن
إِمسي وَصَدري الحَرّانُ مَثلوجُ

4. On every feast day they prepare for me
A dish of my ancestors' shredded arms and legs,

٤. في كُلِّ عيدٍ لي مِنهُمُ طَبَقٌ
فيهِ ذِراعا جَديٍ وَفَرّوجُ

5. Along with loaves on which their faces resemble
Black, faded, withered, wretched flatbreads.

٥. مَع رُغَفٍ أَشبَهَت وَجوهَهُمُ ال
سودَ عَلَيها يُبسٌ وَتَكريجُ

6. These are brought in to me by a servant of theirs,
An old, hunchbacked, bandylegged black man.

٦. يَحمِلُهُ خادِمٌ لَهُم هَرِمٌ
أَسوَدُ رَخوُ الساقَينِ مَفلوجُ

7. I swear, if I sold him and his crew
I'd not fetch from the bunch one measly coin.

٧. أُقسِمُ لَو بِعتُهُ وَما مَعَهُ
ما صَحَّ لي في الجَميعِ طَسّوجُ