
It was adorned by the noblest place on earth

تهن بها أشرف الأرض دارا

1. It was adorned by the noblest place on earth,
Bringing together for it glory and pride.

١. تَهَنَّ بِها أَشرَفَ الأَرضِ دارا
جَمَعتَ العَلاءَ لَها وَالفَخارا

2. You clothed it with awe from Your majesty,
Filling gazes with its dignity.

٢. وَأَلبَستَها هَيبَةً مِن عُلاكَ
مَلَأتَ النَواظِرَ مِنها وَقارا

3. Your light made the evening into morning in it,
And the night into daytime.

٣. أَعادَ المَساءَ صَباحاً بِها
ضِياؤُكَ وَاللَيلَ فيها نَهارا

4. You made it such that mountains
Seemed to surround its outskirts and seas.

٤. تَبَوَّأتَها فَكَأَنَّ الجِبالَ
حَلَّت بِأَرجائِها وَالبِحارا

5. The full moon loses its way
In its resident's glory and pride.

٥. تَتيهُ عَلى البَدرِ بَدرَ السَماءِ
بِساكِنِها شَرَفاً وَاِفتِخارا

6. In it there is a full moon that never wanes in gifts,
And a rising moon that does not fear darkness.

٦. بِها عارِضٌ لا يَغِبُ العَطاءَ
وَبَدرُ دُجىً لا يَخافُ السِرارا

7. You ordained it with the gentlest governance,
Excelled in what You ordained in choice.

٧. قَضاها بِأَلطَفِ تَدبيرِهِ
فَأَحسَنَ فيما قَضاهُ اِختِيارا

8. And You created it as a sanctuary for benevolence,
Clarifying a path and raising a minaret.

٨. وَأَنشَأَها كَعبَةً لِلسَماحِ
فَأَوضَحَ نَهجاً وَأَعلى مَنارا

9. You see pilgrims of bounty circling it,
Circling its pillars and venerating.

٩. تَرى لِوُفودِ النَدى حَولَها
طَوافاً بِأَركانِها وَاِعتِمارا

10. The sky almost pelted it with stars
When it winked at it.

١٠. فَكادَت وَقَد رَمَقَتها السَماءُ
تُلقي النُجومَ عَليها نِثارا

11. It became the protected domain of a King
Who cannot be challenged, an ocean of bounty that has no rival.

١١. وَأَضحَت حِمى مَلِكٍ لا يُجارُ
عَليهِ وَبَحرُ نَدىً لا يُجارا

12. A Leader whom the face of time shone brightly
With the face of his caliphate and illumination.

١٢. إِمامٌ تَبَلَّجَ وَجهُ الزَمانِ
بِوَجهِ خِلافَتِهِ وَاِستَنارا

13. Our days used to see betrayal,
But he taught it how to shepherd the herd.

١٣. وَكانَت تَرى الغَدرَ أَيّامُنا
فَعَلَّمَها كَيفَ تَرعى الذِمارا

14. And he tasked time to never attain
Its purposes from it except through force.

١٤. وَآلى عَلى الدَهرِ أَن لا يَنالَ
مَآرِبَهُ مِنهُ إِلّا اِقتِسارا

15. He became in the morning backed by God,
Giving it extension and capability.

١٥. وَأَصبَحَ بِاللَهِ مُستَنجِداً
فَخَوَّلَهُ بَسطَةً وَاِقتِدارا

16. A generous plant from Hashim
Protecting the enemy and pardoning sin.

١٦. كَريمُ المَغارِسِ مِن هاشِمٍ
يُجيرُ العِدى وَيُقيلُ العِثارا

17. He narrows in his generosity the excuse of sinners
And widens in sin the repentance of the evildoer.

١٧. يُضَيِّقُ بِالجودِ عُذرَ الجُناةِ
وَيوسِعُ ذَنبَ المُسيءِ اِغتِفارا

18. A generous man - if he did not initiate giving you
Before you asked, he would see generosity as shameful.

١٨. جَوادٌ إِذا لَم يَكُن يَبتَديكَ
قَبلَ السُؤالِ رَأى الجودَ عارا

19. He ended asking and revived granting,
Satisfied the eager and mixed with the cautious.

١٩. أَماتَ السُؤالَ وَأَحيى النَوالَ
وَراضَ الجِماحَ وَخاضَ الغِمارا

20. Happy arrival, so abundant,
Drawing near harvest and ripening fruits.

٢٠. هَنيءُ المَوارِدِ جَمُّ الحِياضِ
يَدنو قُطوفاً وَيَحلو ثِمارا

21. War and generosity are his twin pens,
One day fresh and one day in full blossom.

٢١. بَرى البَأسُ وَالجودُ أَقلامَهُ
فَطوراً نَجيعاً وَطوراً نُضارا

22. As if he challenged in the sky's rein,
The fire and flood carry water and fire.

٢٢. كَما اِعتَرَضَت في عَنانِ السَماءِ
وَطفاءُ تَحمِلُ ماءً وَناراً

23. He protected the realm of religion with bitterness,
Time was too weak to challenge him.

٢٣. حَمى حوزَةَ الدينِ مُرُّ الإِباءِ
أَبى أَن يُذِلَّ لَهُ الدَهرُ جارا

24. And he repelled the hyenas of injustice humiliated,
And the hands of events from us short.

٢٤. وَرَدَّ ظُبى الجَورِ مَفلولَةً
وَأَيدي الحَوادِثِ عَنّا قِصارا

25. When the swords removed their sheaths,
His horses covered the air struck and astir.

٢٥. إِذا أَنضَتِ البيضُ أَغمادَها
كَسَت خَيلُهُ الجَوَّ نَقعاً مُثارا

26. From his people, their judgement shines,
As the dawn shone then blazed.

٢٦. مِنَ القَومِ تُشرِقُ أَحسابُهُم
كَما وَضَحَ الصُبحُ ثُمَّ اِستَطارا

27. They are God's elite of creation,
And his most honoured on the day of pride and glory.

٢٧. هُمُ خيرَةُ اللَهِ مِن خَلقِهِ
وَأَكرَمُهُم يَومَ فَخرٍ فِخارا

28. When some faces frowned and poverty stricken,
Theirs shone like the morning and hands heavy flowing.

٢٨. إِذا عَنَّ خَطبٌ وَجَدبٌ قَرَوهُ
وُجوهاً صِباحاً وَأَيدٍ غِزارا

29. I will fill across the countries
Praise when the sun travels.

٢٩. سَأَملَأُ فيهِ أَقاصي البِلادِ
ثَناءً مَتى سارَتِ الشَمسُ سارا

30. And I will keep for the passage of time,
For it a crown and on its wrists bangles.

٣٠. وَأُبقي عَلى مَفرِقِ الدَهرِ مِن
هُ تاجاً وَفي مِعصَمَيهِ سِوارا

31. Witty words, as if with it
I turned to the listeners a brew of aloewood,

٣١. قَوافٍ كَأَنّي عَلى السامِعينَ
أُديرُ بِهِنَّ شُمولاً عُقارا

32. Imbibing musk as if praise
Sprouted in it jasmine and caves.

٣٢. تَضَوَّعَ مِسكاً كَأَنَّ الثَناءَ
شَبَّ بِها مَندَلِيّاً وَغارا

33. Bursting with virtues like gardens
Its laughing blossoms flame red.

٣٣. وَتَفتَرُّ عَن شِيَمٍ كَالرِياضِ
ضاحَكَ نَوّارُها الجُلَّنارا

34. Beauty, so if I have enlisted them
As support, then meanings are virgins.

٣٤. حِسانٌ فَإِن كُنتُ أَرسَلتُهُنَّ
عَوناً فَإِنَّ المَعاني عَذارا

35. And I thank what it has given my hand
Thanks that rival the gardens flowery spring.

٣٥. وَأَشكُرُ ما خَوَّلَتني يَداهُ
شُكرَ رِياضِ الرَبيعِ القُطارا

36. And it makes me hope to attain a lofty place
And great command.

٣٦. وَإِنّي لَراجٍ بِهِ أَن أَنالَ
مَحَلّاً رَفيعاً وَأَمراً كُبارا

37. So it removes for me from the days of youth
Nights I spent waiting.

٣٧. فَيُعدِمَ لي مِن زَمانِ الشَبابِ
لَيالِيَ قَضَّيتُهُنَّ اِنتِظارا

38. Not ceasing to erode time's clothes
And age what ran for us and abode.

٣٨. فَلا زالَ يُبلي لُبوسَ الزَمانِ
وَيَنضوهُ ما كَرَّ فينا وَدارا

39. Pilgrims of greetings circle its protection
As campers faced a flood's stillness.

٣٩. تَؤُمُّ وُفودُ التَهاني حِماهُ
كَما أَمَّ دُفّاعُ سَيلٍ قَرارا