
You are the prophet's successor enjoying

لك النهي بعد الله في الخلق والأمر

1. You are the prophet's successor enjoying
Supreme authority over all creatures;

١. لَكَ النَهيُ بَعدَ اللَهِ في الخَلقِ وَالأَمرُ
وَفي يَدِكَ المَبسوطَةِ النَفعُ وَالضُرُّ

2. Obeying you is believing in Allah and guidance,
While disobeying you is blasphemy and unbelief.

٢. وَطاعَتُكَ الإيمانُ بِاللَهِ وَالهُدى
وَعِصيانُكَ الإِلحادِ في الدينِ وَالكُفرُ

3. Were it not for you, no believer's faith would be valid,
Neither his prayer nor vow would be accepted.

٣. وَلَولاكَ ما صَحَّت عَقيدَةُ مُؤمِنٍ
تَقِيٍّ وَلَم يُقبَل دُعاءٌ وَلا نَذرُ

4. Command time as you wish, for it
Rules according to your order.

٤. مُرِ الدَهرَ يَفعَل ما تَشاءُ فَإِنَّهُ
بِأَمرِكَ يَجري في تَصَرُّفِهِ الدَهرُ

5. Your stalwarts ready to fight the foe
Are armor-clad swordsmen and select horsemen.

٥. عِتادُكَ لِلأَعداءِ بيضٌ صَوارِمٌ
وَمُقرَبَةٌ جُردٌ وَخَطِيَّةٌ سُمرُ

6. You are Allah's trustee over us and the prophet's heir;
To you belongs the right to rule.

٦. وَأَنتَ أَمينُ اللَهِ فينا وَوارِثُ ال
نَبِيِّ وَمِن أَمسى يَحُقُّ لَهُ الأَمرُ

7. You are the imam and guide whose justice
Has spread all over, killing poverty first of all.

٧. إِمامُ هُدىً عَمَّت سِياسَةُ عَدلِهِ
فَأَوَّلُ مَقتولٍ بِأَسيافِهِ الفَقرُ

8. Eulogists fall short of enumerating your attributes,
While poets are too humble to praise you enough.

٨. يُقَصِّرُ باعُ المَدحِ دونَ صِفاتِهِ
وَتَصغُرُ أَن يَهدي الثَناءَ لَهُ الشِعرُ

9. Those whose glory the Qur'an has proclaimed,
Cannot be ever praised enough by prose or verse.

٩. وَمَن نَطَقَت آيُ الكِتابِ بِفَضلِهِ
فَما حَدُّهُ أَن يَبلُغَ النَظمُ وَالنَثرُ

10. How can the sea be compared to your liberal hands
When what you hold in one palm is more than all the sea?

١٠. وَكَيفَ يُقاسُ البَحرُ جوداً بِكَفِّهِ
وَمِن بَعضِ ما تَحويهِ قَبضَتُهُ البَحرُ

11. The full moon borrows its light from your face;
How can the full moon shine without your light?

١١. وَما لِضِياءِ البَدرِ إِشراقُ وَجهِهِ
وَأَنّى وَمِن إِشراقِهِ خُلِقَ البَدرِ

12. It would be unfair if a drop of your blessings
Were equaled with rain pouring all over people.

١٢. وَمَن يَستَهِلُّ القَطرُ مِن بَرَكاتِهِ
عَلى الناسِ ظُلمٌ أَن يُقاسَ بِهِ القَطرُ

13. How can time be belittled when only
Days, years and centuries are belittled by it?

١٣. وَكَيفَ يُهَنّى بِالزَمانِ وَإِنَّما
تُهَنّى بِهِ الأَيّامُ وَالعامُ وَالعَصرُ

14. The sky is jealous of your walk on earth,
And of the stars that illuminate your path.

١٤. تَغارُ مِنَ الأَرضِ السَماءُ لِوَطئِهِ
ثَراهَ وَمِن حَصبائِها الأَنجُمُ الزُهرُ

15. Through your ancestors, revelation used to come down
To the angels, and the Book was revealed in their homes.

١٥. مِنَ القَومِ لِلأَملاكِ بِالوَحيِ مَهبِطٌ
عَلَيهِم وَفي أَبياتِهِم نَزَلَ الذِكرُ

16. Through their glory, Quraysh and Hashim gained leadership;
Before them, neither Kananah nor Nidhar had it.

١٦. بِمَجدِهِمُ سادَت قُرَيشٌ وَهاشِمٌ
وَمِن قَبلُ ما سادَت كُنانَةُ وَالنِضرُ

17. Seeking their support is salvation
Without which no sinner's burden would be removed.

١٧. وَلاؤُهُمُ لِلمُذنِبينَ وَسيلَةٌ
فَلولاهُمُ ما حُطَّ عَن مُذنِبٍ وِزرُ

18. It was through them that the precinct of Mecca gained nobility
As well as Safa, Zamzam, the Inviolable House and the Black Stone.

١٨. بِهِم شَرُفَت بَطحاءُ مَكَّةَ وَالصَفا
وَزَمزَمُ وَالبَيتُ المُحَجَّبُ وَالحُجرُ

19. How could any group be proud among mankind
When through your father, Adam will take pride on the Day of Judgment?

١٩. وَكَيفَ تُجارى في الفِخارِ عِصابَةٌ
لِآدَمَ في يَومِ المَعادِ بِهِم فَخرُ

20. O prince of the faithful, you are a treasure
To their offspring; may their mention ever be blessed!

٢٠. وَأَنتَ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ ذَخيرَةٌ
لِأَعقابِهِم طابَت وَطابَ بِها الذِكرُ

21. When the foes persisted in aggression,
Allah granted you victory over them.

٢١. وَلَمّا أَبى الأَعداءُ إِلّا تَمَرُّداً
أَبى اللَهُ إِلّا أَن يَكونَ لَكَ النَصرُ

22. How many warnings did your speeches give them,
But neither warning nor threat did benefit the warned!

٢٢. وَكَم زَجَرَتهُم مِن سُطاكَ مَواعِظٌ
فَما نَفَعَ الوَعظُ المُنَهنِهُ وَالزَجرُ

23. The calm nights deluded them, and they did not know
That nights are infamous for being treacherous.

٢٣. وَغَرَّهُمُ سِلمُ اللَيالي وَما دَرَوا
بِأَنَّ اللَيالي مِن سَجِيَّتِها الغَدرُ

24. You showed them in your anger open death
When your secrets and proclamations became all the same.

٢٤. أَريتَهُمُ مِن سُخطِكَ المَوتَ جَهرَةً
غَداةَ اِستَوى في عَزمِكَ السِرُّ وَالجَهرُ

25. They pleasure in seeing war dressed
In black robes and reddish raiment.

٢٥. تَشِفُّ لَهُم وَالحرَبُ مُلقىً جِرانُها
مِنَ الهَبَواتِ السودِ أَثوابُهُ الحُمرُ

26. Allah decreed humiliation and death for them
As they ran away, while death and fleeing chased them.

٢٦. أَبى اللَهُ إِلّا أَن يَموتوا أَذِلَّةً
وَفَرّوا وَسَيّانِ المَنِيَّةُ وَالفَرُّ

27. Had they been patient, they would have died honorably,
But patience betrayed them during misfortune.

٢٧. وَلَو صَبَروا ماتوا كِراماً أَعِزَّةً
وَلَكِنَّ عِندَ السوءِ خانَهُمُ الصَبرُ

28. Their death was better for them than
Their disgraceful escape and humiliating capture.

٢٨. وَقَد كانَ خَيراً مِن حَياتِهِمُ الرَدى
وَأَجدى عَلَيهِم مِن فِرارِهِمُ الأَسرُ

29. Their tongues were unable to speak out of thirst,
And the swords spared them not their piercing.

٢٩. يَعِزُّ عَلى زُرقِ الأَسِنَّةِ عَودُها
وَما نَهَلَت مِنهُم ذُوابِلُها السُمرُ

30. Had you wished, you could have let their tongues speak
And made the tongueless Indian swords speak eloquently,

٣٠. تَحومُ ظِماءً وَالنُحورُ كَأَنَّها
مَناهِلِ وِردٍ وَالرِماحُ قَطاً كُدرُ

31. You did not annihilate them out of pity,
Rather, you left them alone till distress destroyed them

٣١. وَلَو شِئتَ حَكَّمتَ الأَسِنَّةَ فيهُمُ
وَبَلَّت صَداها الهِندُوانِيَّةُ البُترُ

32. You made them fearful wherever they went,
So much so that every path led them to a spy ambushing them;

٣٢. وَلَم تُبقِ إِشفاقاً عَليهِم وَإِنَّما
تَبَقَّيتَهُم حَتّى يُميتَهُمُ الذُعرُ

33. Even the vast expanse of Malik's territory was narrow for them,
And its towns were frightening, valleys mere traps.

٣٣. قَذَفتَهُمُ بِالرُعبِ في كُلِّ مَسلَكٍ
فَكُلُّ سَبيلٍ أَمَّ رائِدُهُم وَعرُ

34. Their dreams scared them during the year of insurrection,
And upon waking, fear overwhelmed them at dawn.

٣٤. وَضاقَت بِهِم أَكنافُ رَحبَةِ مالِكٍ
وَأَقطارُها فيحٌ وَأَمواهُها غُدرُ

35. As though the white dawn were your spears
And the dark night the harbinger of your advent.

٣٥. تَروعُهُمُ الأَحلامُ في سِنَةِ الكَرى
وَيُذهِلُهُم خَوفاً إِذا اِستَيقَظوا الفَجرُ

36. Their sighs are so intense that
When they drink water, it boils like embers in fire.

٣٦. كَأَنَّ بَياضَ الصُبحِ بيضُكَ جُرِّدَت
لَهُم وَسَوادُ اللَيلِ عَسكَرُكَ المَجرُ

37. They plotted wickedly before daybreak,
Thus the evils of plotting and scheming backfired on them.

٣٧. لَهُم زَفَراتٌ مُحرِقاتٌ كَأَنَّها
إِذا اِستَبرَدوا بِالماءِ مِن حَرِّها جَمرُ

38. Their homelands became fed up with them
So much so that homelands casting out their inhabitants was legitimized.

٣٨. طَوَوا مَكرَهُم تَحتَ الظُلوعِ خِيانَةً
فَحاقَ بِهِم خُبثُ الطَوِيَةِ وَالمُكرُ

39. The songs sung for them by mourning women under the dust
Were accompanied by black-robed women on gray mounts

٣٩. نَبَت بِهِمُ أَوطانُهُم وَتَنَكَّرَت
وَحَقَّ لِأَوطانٍ بَغى أَهلُها النُكرُ

40. Thus did they become the talk of every country and
A lesson for others, while their treasures were all plundered

٤٠. وَكانَت بِهِم غَنّاءَ حالِيَةَ الثَرى
مَواقِدُها سودٌ وَأَكنافُها خُضرُ

41. And their residences became vacant and deserted.
Many a morning does not carry an evening in its wings

٤١. فَأَضحَوا حَديثاً في البِلادِ وَعِبرَةً
ذَخائِرُهُم نَهبٌ وَأَطلالُهُم قَفرُ

42. And many an evening carries no morning in its womb!
The steeds of death raced with them exhilarated

٤٢. وَرُبَّ صَباحٍ لا يَعودُ مَساؤُهُ
نَعَم وَمَساءٍ لا يَكونُ لَهُ فَجرُ

43. And still expect more from their remaining number.
Thus, neither a fort nor a protective quarter

٤٣. لَقَد رَكَضَت خَيلُ المَنايا فَأَوجَفَت
بِهِم وَلَها فيمَن بَقي مِنهُمُ كَرُّ

44. Could avail them, nor could wealth or plenty do so.
The choice detachments of Mansur's horsemen

٤٤. فَلَم ينُجِهِم قَصرٌ مَشَيدٌ وَلا حِمىً
وَلَم يُغنِهِم مالٌ عَتيدٌ وَلا وَفرُ

45. Could be stopped by none and accept no excuse.
Can victory ever forsake an army raising the standard

٤٥. عَزائِمُ مَنصورِ السَرايا مُؤَيَّدٍ
أَبى أَن يَرى هَضماً إِباءٌ لَهُ مُرُّ

46. Of `Nasr' and whose soldiers wear its insignia on their sleeves?
I swear by God had they come to you repentant,

٤٦. وَهَل يَتَعَدّى النَصرُ مَلكاً شِعارُهُ
وَوَسمُ مَذاكيهِ غَداةَ الوَغى نَصرُ

47. You would have met them excitedly and pleasantly!
Let not those who antagonize

٤٧. وَأَقسِمُ لَو عادوا فَعاذوا بِعَفوِهِ
تَلَقَّتهُمُ مِنهُ الطَلاقَةُ وَالبِشرُ

48. Your rule covet any hope to undermine it
Nor let them seek any excuse, since God

٤٨. فَلا يَطمَعِ الباغونَ في رَدِّ حُكمِهِ
فَلِلَّهِ في إِعزازِ دَولَتِهِ سِرُّ

49. Accepts no excuse when one commits a sin.
Had it not been for the guiding imam and his views,

٤٩. وَلا يَطلُبوا عُذراً فَليسَ لِمُجرِمٍ
مِنَ اللَهِ في إِتيانِ مَعصِيَةٍ عُذرُ

50. The foundations of Islam would have collapsed and gaping holes opened in its domain.
It is through him that God granted the caliphate stability

٥٠. وَلَولا الإِمامُ المُستَضيءُ وَرَأيُهُ
تَداعَت قُوى الإِسلامِ وَاِنثَغَرَ الثَغرُ

51. After much dissension, treachery and discord.
Who can inform the son of Hanif who lies buried

٥١. بِهِ أَيَّدَ اللَهُ الخِلافَةَ بَعدَ ما
تَفاقَمَ داءُ البَغيِ وَاِستَفحَلَ الشَرُّ

52. Under the ground or al-Mu`izz in his grave
That the rights have been restored through his reign

٥٢. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ تَحتَ التُرابِ اِبنَ هانِئٍ
وَقَبرَ المُعِزِّ إِن أَصاخَ لَهُ القَبرُ

53. And Egypt conquered again after he had almost lost it?
The dark and depressing nights were followed

٥٣. بِأَنَّ الحُقوقَ اُستُرجِعَت في زَمانِهِ
عَلى رَغمِ مِن ناواهُ وَاِفتَتَحَت مِصرُ

54. Through him by brightly lit days.
We cannot thank him enough for the rewards he gave us,

٥٤. وَأَنَّ اللَيالي الدُهمَ بِالجَورِ أَشرَقَت
عَلى إِثرِها بِالعَدلِ أَيّامُهُ الغُرُّ

55. For our own thanksgiving falls short of being adequate;
Rather, we glorify and pray for him

٥٥. شَكَرناهُ ما أَولاهُ لا أَنَّ وُسعَنا
بِنا بالِغٌ ما يَقتَضيهِ لَهُ الشُكرُ

56. Though he does not stand in need of our prayers.
In our nights and days, we implore God

٥٦. وَلَكِنَّنا نُثني عَليهِ تَعَبُّدا
وَإِن كانَ عَنّا ذا غِنى فَبِنا فَقرُ

57. To prolong for him his stay.
When hopes lodged us at his door,

٥٧. فَما نَبتَغي في لَيلِنا وَنَهارِنا
مِنَ اللَهِ إِلّا أَن يُمَدَّ لَهُ العُمرُ

58. We found out that one distress follow another:
Poetry today has to stand at his door

٥٨. وَلَمّا أَحَلَّتنا الأَماني بِبابِهِ
تَيَقَّنتُ أَنَّ العُسرَ يَتبَعُهُ العُسرُ

59. In need of the nobility his hands dispense,
And though my poetry may be independent in praising his glory,

٥٩. فَلِلشِعرِ في أَبوابِهِ اليَومَ مَوقِفٌ
تَدينُ لَهُ الشِعرى وَيَعنو لَهُ النَسرُ

60. Yet the cream of poetry is what praises him.
Narrated by the poets as they traverse the land,

٦٠. وَإِن يُمسِ مَدحي مُستَقَلِّاً لِمَجدِهِ
فَيا رُبَّ جيدٍ مُستَقَلٍّ لَهُ الدُرُّ

61. Seeking anecdotes before other bards,
And drawing their swords before others unsheathe...

٦١. عَلَيكَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ جَلَوتُها
عَرائِسَ لَم يَسمَح بِمِثلٍ لَها فِكرُ

62. Though generous of praise, my share of its benefits
Remained too little to be praised.

٦٢. غَرائِبُ تَسري في البِلادِ شَوارِداً
يُغَنّي بِها الحادي وَيَشدو بِها السَفرُ

63. Which, when it meets the minds and moods, is sheer magic!
It is delicate and solid,

٦٣. سَبَقتُ إِلَيها القائِلينَ فَوِردُهُم
نَقائِعُ مِن أَوشالِها وَلِيَ الغَمرُ

64. Like water intermingled with wine's strainer.
Not everyone who eulogized you is a poet,

٦٤. وَإِنّي مِنَ الإِحسانِ في القَولِ مُكثِرٌ
وَلَكِنَّ حَظّي مِن فَوائِدِهِ نَزرُ

65. Nor is everything recited to you called poetry!

٦٥. فَدونَكَ أَلفاظاً عِذاباً هِيَ الرُقى
إِذا طَرَقَت سَمعاً وَمَعنىً هُوَ السِحرُ

٦٦. لَها رِقَّةٌ في قُوَّةٍ وَجَزالَةٌ
هِيَ الماءُ مَقطوبٌ بِسَلسالِهِ الخَمرُ

٦٧. فَما كُلُّ مَن أَهدى لَكَ المَدحَ شاعِرٌ
وَلا كُلُّ نَظمٍ حينَ تَسمَعُهُ شِعرُ