1. With the cold of injustice and scattered allure,
And weak pacts together and waist,
١. وَبارِدِ الظَلمِ شَتيتِ الثَغرِ
واهي المَواثيقِ مَعاً وَالخَصرِ
2. He gets angry if I compare him to the full moon,
His excuse to aloofness is my excuse,
٢. يَغضَبُ إِن شَبَّهتُهُ بِالبَدرِ
عِذارُهُ إِلى العُذولِ عُذري
3. He makes me wait and he is the alluring king,
His eyelids are lined with magic,
٣. يَمطُلُني وَهوَ المَلِيُّ المُثري
قَد كُحِلَت جُفونُهُ بِسِحرِ
4. Harsh as if his heart is made of rock,
In his cheek the water of youth flows,
٤. قاسٍ كَأَنَّ قَلبَهُ مِن صَخرٍ
في خَدِّهِ ماءُ الشَبابِ يَجري
5. Revealing my secret and public declaration of him,
When will I wake up from my drunkenness of passion?
٥. سِيّانِ إِعلاني بِهِ وَسِرّي
مَتى أُفيقُ في الهَوى مِن سُكري
6. And from his folds is my wine of torment,
The light of a face and the darkness of hair,
٦. وَمِن ثَناياهُ العِذابِ خَمري
ضِياءُ وَجهٍ وَظَلامُ شَعرِ
7. Have taken from my skin and patience,
Taking the morn and evening from my life,
٧. قَد أَخَذا مِن جَلَدي وَصَبري
أَخذَ الصَباحِ وَالمَسا مِن عُمري
8. If I complain of his harm to me,
He returns to his habit of betrayal,
٨. إِذا شَكَوتُ في هَواهُ ضُرّي
عادَ إِلى عادَتِهِ في الغَدرِ
9. As if I enticed him with my estrangement,
What do I have to do with the dusty nights?
٩. كَأَنَّني أَغرَيتُهُ بِهَجري
ما لي وَأَحداثَ اللَيالي الغُبرِ
10. You knew me while showing no recognition,
Sending me its arrows and being indifferent,
١٠. قَد عَرَفتَني وَهيَ تُبدي نُكري
تَريشُ لي سِهامَها وَتَبري
11. As if seeking me with a bowstring,
Why does my laughter and good news meet,
١١. كَأَنَّها تَطلُبُني بِوِترِ
إِلامَ تَلقى ضُحُكي وَبِشري
12. With a face grim and frowning?
Do you not know, O turner of my fate,
١٢. بِوَجهِ جَهمِ الوَجهِ مُكفَهِرِّ
أَما عَلِمتِ ياصُروفَ دَهري
13. True and certain knowledge and reports,
That Jalal Ad-Din is my helper
١٣. عِلمَ يَقينٍ صادِقٍ وَخِبرِ
أَنَّ جَلالَ الدينِ والي نَصري
14. And that he is the treasure of mankind for me!
I graze in his lush gardens,
١٤. وَأَنَّهُ مِنَ الأَنامِ ذُخري
أَرتَعُ في جِنانِهِ المُخضَرِّ
15. My gratitude is too weak to carry his benefaction,
The generous, noble, glorious son of Bukhari,
١٥. يَضعَفُ عَن حَملِ نَداهُ شُكري
إِبنُ البُخاريِّ الكَريمُ النَجرِ
16. The offspring of the generous, noble, and free,
The leader of the courageous and sweeping army,
١٦. نَجلُ البَهاليلِ الكِرامِ الغُرِّ
القائِدُ الجَيشِ اللُهامِ المَجرِ
17. The abundant, licit, copious,
The narrow excuse, spacious chest,
١٧. الوافِرُ العِرضِ المُباحُ الوَفرِ
الضَيِّقُ العُذرِ الرَحيبُ الصَدرِ
18. Reviver of generosity and killer of poverty,
Submerger with cloak and submersion in gifts,
١٨. مُحيِي السَماحِ وَمُميتُ الفَقرِ
غَمرُ الرِداءِ وَالعَطاءِ الغَمرِ
19. He sold affluence for the sake of good mention,
Dragging the train of my glorified blackness,
١٩. باعَ الثَراءَ بِجَميلِ الذِكرِ
يَسحَبُ ذَيلي سودَدٍ وَفَخرِ
20. Merits like the shining stars,
They escape all count and reckoning,
٢٠. مَناقِبٌ مِثلُ النُجومِ اّلزُهرِ
تَفوتُ كُلَّ عَدَدٍ وَحَصرِ
21. And manners like the breeze of flowers,
And comfort that shames the torrent of seas,
٢١. وَخُلُقٌ مِثلُ نَسيمِ الزَهرِ
وَراحَةٌ تُخجِلُ فَيضَ البَحرِ
22. Watering mortals with the rain of generous palms,
Takes the place of rain in drought,
٢٢. يَروي الوَرى بِجودِ كَفٍّ ثَرِّ
يَقومُ في الجَدبِ مَقامَ القَطرِ
23. Shedding his frightening gloom,
His pens flow on the spears,
٢٣. في مُخلِفِ الأَنواءِ مُقشَعِرِّ
أَقلامُهُ عَلى الرِماحِ تَزري
24. They race in the arenas of gifts,
Going with the light of polished Indian swords,
٢٤. في حَلَباتِ المَكرُماتِ تَجري
تَمضى مُضاءَ المُرهَفاتِ البُترِ
25. Severing in the zeal of enemies and swarming,
To you, O master of the people of the age,
٢٥. تَقطَعُ في هامِ العِدى وَتَفري
إِلَيكَ يا سَيِّدَ أَهلِ العَصرِ
26. I have raised with praise the daughters of my thoughts,
As precious gifts offered to one not a brother-in-law,
٢٦. رَفَعتُ بِالمَدحِ بَناتِ فِكري
كَرائِماً تُهدى لِغَيرِ صِهرِ
27. I have protected them from errors and estrangement,
Innocently coming to you from the flaws of poetry,
٢٧. نَزَّهتُها عَن خَطَلٍ وَهُجرِ
تَبرا إِلَيكَ مِن عُيوبِ الشِعرِ
28. Their meters safe from imperfections,
Adorned for you in the dress of the untouched camel,
٢٨. عَروضُها سالِمَةٌ مِن كَسرِ
تَمَلَّ مِنها بِالحَصانِ البِكرِ
29. Like a bride brought out from her tent,
I have composed it in the form of a pearl necklace,
٢٩. مِثلِ العَروسِ أُبرِزَت مِن خِدرِ
نَظَمتُها نَظمَ عُقودِ الدُرِّ
30. I shine in an ancient and pure lineage,
In which the honor of the noble freeman is sacrificed,
٣٠. أُشرِقُ في سالِفَةٍ وَنَحرِ
يُضحي بِها عِرضُ الكَريمِ الحُرِّ
31. With a bouquet from its perfume and strewing,
As if smeared with fragrance,
٣١. ذا أَرَجٍ مِن طيبِها وَنَشرِ
كَأَنَّهُ مُضَمَّخٌ بِعِطرِ
32. I ask you by the judge and the odd prayer,
And the pilgrimage and the ten nights,
٣٢. بِالشَفعِ يا رَبَّ العُلى وَالوِترِ
وَبِالحَجيجِ وَاللَيالي العَشرِ
33. And Safa, Zamzam and the Black Stone,
Grant to Jalal Ad-Din a long life,
٣٣. وَبِالصَفا وَزَمزَمٍ وَالحُجرِ
هَب لِجَلالِ الدينِ طولَ العُمرِ
34. And strengthen me through him in tribulations,
O You who answers the call of the distressed!
٣٤. وَاِشدُد بِهِ في الحادِثاتِ إِزري
يا مَن يُجيبُ دَعوَةَ المُضطَرِّ
35. Respond to my prayer and accept my vow,
Bring him happiness, O Lord, in this month,
٣٥. أَجِب دُعائي وَتَقَبَّل نَذري
أَسعِدهُ يا رَبِّ بِهَذا الَشَهرِ
36. A happiness that remains for eternity,
In lowly and high station,
٣٦. سَعادَةً تَبقَى بَقاءَ الدَهرِ
في خَفضِ عَيشٍ وَاِرتِفاعِ قَدرِ
37. No night has invented against the whiteness of dawn,
Nor did a caller call in a den,
٣٧. ما اِفتَرَّ لَيلٌ عَن بَياضِ فَجرِ
وَما دَعَت هاتِفَةٌ في وَكرِ
38. With the towering summit sneering!
٣٨. بِشاهِقِ الذُروَةِ مُشمَخِرِّ