1. O son of Zureishi, what is Zureish
Tell me, who is your ancestor Zureishi
١. يا اِبنَ الزُرَيشِيِّ ما زُرَيشِ
قُل لي وَمَن جَدُّكَ الزُرَيشي
2. And you are like the Jews in wickedness
Created from suspicion and obscenity
٢. وَأَنتَ مِثلُ اليَهودِ خُبثاً
خُلِقتَ مِن ريبَةٍ وَفُحشِ
3. More despicable than a hyena and more spiteful
In nature than a wild donkey
٣. أَحقَرُ مِن بَقَّةٍ وَأَجفى
خَلائِقاً مِن حِمارِ وَحشِ
4. Every misfortune is gathered in you
And every villainy and every deception
٤. مُجتَمِعٌ فيكَ كُلُّ شُؤمٍ
وَكُلُّ لُؤمٍ وَكُلُّ غُشِّ
5. Neither intelligent, nor perceptive
Nor eloquent in speech, slack
٥. غَيرُ لَبيبٍ وَلا أَريبٍ
وَلا مَليحِ الكَلامِ هَشِّ
6. A matter that grieves hearts and
A sight that blinds eyes
٦. فَمَخبَرٌ لِلقُلوبِ يُدوي
وَمَنظَرٌ لِلعُيونِ يُعشي
7. A face that people wake up to in the morning
As if it were the face of Murdaqish
٧. يُصبِحُ لِلناسِ مِنهُ وَجهٌ
كَأَنَّهُ وَجهُ مُردَقِشِّ
8. No good or shame in it
So it neither has breakfast nor dinner
٨. ما فيهِ خَيرٌ وَلا حَياءٌ
فَلا يُغَدّي وَلا يُعَشّي
9. A face that whoever sees it says
How nice is the worm walking on it
٩. وَجهٌ يَقولُ الَّذي يَراهُ
ما أَحسَنَ الدودَ فيهِ يَمشي
10. It has horns that if they were straight
In length, they would exceed the biers of Nash
١٠. لَهُ قُرونٌ لَوِ اِستَقامَت
طولاً لَجازَت بَناتِ نَعشِ
11. Distorted in physique and manners
No trace of goodness in it
١١. مُشَوَّهٌ خِلقَةً وَخُلقاً
ما فيهِ لِلخَيرِ مِن مِخَشِّ
12. A goat's beard and a monkey's face
And a bull's eye and a ram's head
١٢. لِحيَةُ تَيسٍ وَوَجهُ قِردٍ
وَعَينُ ثَورٍ وَرَأسُ كَبشِ
13. Oh, I wish I knew what mind
And what power and might
١٣. يا لَيتَ شِعري بِأَيِّ عَقلٍ
وَأَيِّ ما قُوَّةٍ وَبَطشِ
14. Has provoked me against you pieces
Of poetry, and what pieces
١٤. هَيَّجتَ مِنّي عَليكَ رَقشاً
مِنَ القَوافي وَأَيَّ رَقشِ
15. So go away with a reputation that the snakes of
Satire have left in it bite scars
١٥. فَاِذهَب بِعِرضٍ أَبقَت أَفاعي ال
هِجاءِ فيهِ نُدوبَ نَهشِ
16. Tattered, my arrows of blame
Have not left in it a place for scratching
١٦. مُمَزَّقٍ لَم تَدَع سِهامِيَ
لِلذَمِّ فيهِ مَكانَ خَدشٍ