
It is forbidden for eyelids to wish for slumber

حرام على الأجفان أن ترد الغمضا

1. It is forbidden for eyelids to wish for slumber
When they have glimpsed the flash of a shooting star's glimmer

١. حَرامٌ عَلى الأَجفانِ أَن تَرِدَ الغُمضا
وَقَد آنَسَت مِن جَوِّ كاظِمَةٍ وَمضا

2. Its shine appeared like Indian steel
Then it faded away, with no pulse left to feel

٢. بَدا كَالصَفيحِ الهِندُوانِيِّ لَمعُهُ
وعادَ كَليلاً لا تَجُسُّ لَهُ نَبضا

3. It reminded me of the era of lovers and ardour
And the race of my youth which I spent in fervour

٣. فَذَكَّرَني عَهدَ الأَحِبَّةِ بِاللَوى
وَشَوطَ صِبىً أَفنَيتُ مَيدانَهُ رَكضا

4. The sad destined one fulfilled his woeful fate
And the debt of the angels, which cannot abate

٤. قَضى الكَلِفُ المَحزونُ في الحُبِّ حَسرَةً
وَيَأساً وَدَينُ المالِكيَّةِ ما يُقضى

5. They said: "Be content with the spectre which comes to you
But how can a spectre visit one who never knew slumber?"

٥. وَقالوا اِقتَنِع بِالطَيفِ يَغشاكَ في الكَرى
وَكَيفَ يَزورُ الطَيفُ مَن لَم يَذُق غُمضا

6. An agony which the separation exhaled
And tears whose bitterness sadness curdled

٦. جَوىً صَعَّدَتهُ زَفرَةُ البَينِ فَاِعتَلى
وَدَمعٌ مَرَتهُ لَوعَةُ الحُزنِ فَاِرفَضّا

7. And of the caravan is one whose heart is inclined to betrayal
I confide my love in him, yet he openly declares his hatred

٧. وَفي الرَكبِ مَجبولٌ عَلى الغَدرِ قَلبُهُ
أُسِرُّ لَهُ حُبّاً فَيُعلِنُ لي بُغضا

8. He emaciated me with his slender waist
And his sickly eyelids brought me disease

٨. مِنَ الهَيفِ أَعداني النُحولَ بِخَصرِهِ
وَأَمرَضَني تَفتيرُ أَجفانِهِ المَرضى

9. The day we parted, he wore the garb of an Indian warrior
And his glances were the keenest of what he wore

٩. تَقَلَّدَ يَومَ البَينِ هِنديَّ صارِمٍ
وَأَلحاظُهُ مِمّا تَقَلَّدَهُ أَمضى

10. I was happy to be slain by his love, and if only
My soul had consented to being slain by him

١٠. رَضيتُ بِقَتلي في هَواهُ وَلَيتَهُ
وَقَد رَضِيَت نَفسي بِهِ قاتِلاً يَرضى

11. I marveled at a visitor who came riding the night
Without his mount galloping or pacing light

١١. عَجِبتُ لَهُ مِن زائِرٍ يَركَبُ الدُجى
إِلَيَّ وَما كَدَّ المَطِيَّ وَلا أَنضى

12. He made me dizzy with a Babylonian wine
And let me taste, from his lips, a blossom evergreen

١٢. فَأَرشَفَني مِن ريقِهِ بابِلِيَّةً
وَأَلثَمَني مِن ثَغرِهِ زَهَراً غَضّا

13. I blamed him, and his hand strangled me in rage
As I watched his fingers clench white

١٣. وَنادَمتُ مِنهُ دُميَةً وَرَقيبُهُ
عَلى حَنَقٍ يُدمي أَنامِلَهُ عَضّا

14. He travels from the outskirts of Syria, his specter crosses
The heavens' breadth and length to reach my dwelling place

١٤. سَرى مِن أَقاصي الشَأمِ يَقطَعُ طَيفَهُ
إِلى مَضجَعي طولَ السَماوةِ وَالعَرضا

15. As the heir of Muhammad's son travels nightly
Crossing the land to fulfill my earnest wish

١٥. كَما باتَ يُسري نائِلُ اِبنِ مُحَمَّدٍ
إِلى طالِبي مَعروفِهِ يَقطَعُ الأَرضا

16. The noble one who brings greetings does not resent
Eyelids, but if he sees a slip, then he resents

١٦. كَريمُ المُحَيّا لا يَغُصُّ عَلى القَذى
جُفوناً وَلَكِن إِن رَأى هَفوَةً أَغضى

17. If you seek his affection and companionship
You will find the loyal, the noble and the benevolent

١٧. إِذا جِئتَهُ تَبغي المَوَدَّةَ وَالقِرى
رَأَيتَ الوَفِيَّ الحُرَّ وَالكَرَمَ المَحضا

18. He protected his honor from being disgraced by money
And money is no good if it cannot protect one's honor

١٨. وَقى عِرضَهُ مِن أَن يُذالَ بِمالِهِ
وَلا خَيرَ في مالٍ إِذا لَم يَقِ العِرضا

19. He took a stand to manage the ministry, one which
Humiliates those who attempt to oppose or refute

١٩. وَقامَ لِتَدبيرِ الوِزارَةِ مَوقِفاً
زَليلاً لِمَن رامَ الوُقوفَ بِهِ دَحضا

20. So he avoided base living, yearning for sublime heights
And he who spends his night aspiring for the sublime, avoids all that is base

٢٠. فَجانَبَ خَفضَ العَيشِ شَوقاً إِلى العُلى
وَمَن باتَ صَبّاً بِالعُلى جانَبَ الخَفضا

21. The world displays to him its beauty and esteem
Yet he responds with indifference and refusal

٢١. وَتُبدي لَهُ الدُنيا جَمالاً وَشارَةً
فَيَمنَحُها صَدّاً وَيوسِعُها رَفضا

22. His eyes stay awake protecting the realm
And one tasked to protect it forsakes slumber

٢٢. وَيَسهَرُ في رَعيِ المَمالِكِ طَرفُهُ
وَمَن كانَ مُستَرعىً لَها هَجَرَ الغُمضا

23. When he intends to be generous, his generosity ensues
To its seekers, continuously, some after the other

٢٣. إِذا هَمَّ بِالجَدوى تَتابَعَ جودُهُ
إِلى سائِليهِ تابِعاً بَعضُهُ بَعضا

24. If a miser pollutes a good deed by demanding compensation
He gifts you, yet does not obligate you to express appreciation

٢٤. وَإِن كَدَّرَ المَعروفَ بِالمَطلِ باخِلٌ
حَباَكَ وَلَم يَمنُن بِهِ رائِجاً نَضّا

25. I came to terms with the days for making him
My envoy to my fate, though I did not approve

٢٥. رَضَيتُ عَنِ الأَيّامِ لَمّاّ جَعَلتُهُ
سَفيري إِلى دَهري وَقَد كُنتُ لا أَرضى

26. He protected me from the tyranny of nights and their meandering
Glancing at me mockingly and watching me intently

٢٦. حَمانِيَ مِن جَورِ اللَيالي وَصَرفِها
يُلاحِظُني شَزراً وَيَنظُرُني عَرضا

27. And his grandfather lifted me from the burden of struggle
And burdened me with what I cannot handle or juggle

٢٧. وَأَنهَضَني مِن كَبوَةِ الجِدِّ جِدُّهُ
وَحَمَّلَني ما لا أُطيقُ بِهِ نَهضا

28. If not for him, the pursuits I hold dear
Would not have seen the light of favorable days, ever so clear

٢٨. فَلَولاهُ لَم تُسفِر وُجوهُ مَطالِبي
وَلا صادَفَت يَوماً مِنَ الحَظِّ مُبيَضّا

29. I swear by the disheveled tresses and scattered hair
Of a doe hiding between jujube trees without care

٢٩. حَلَفتُ بِشُعثٍ في ذُرى العيسِ جُثَّمٍ
كَأَنَّ عَليهِ مِنهُما أُسُداً رُبضا

30. By every slender, emaciated gazelle struck
By separation, as beasts fight over it and pluck

٣٠. وَكُلِّ هَضيمِ الكَشحِ بَضٍ تَقاذَفَت
بِهِ البيدُ مُزجٍ مِن مَطِيَّتِهِ نِقضا

31. Letters that make his traveling clothes sweat
Without leaving on the parchment a thing or trace

٣١. تَخُبُّ بِهِ حَرفٌ يُعَرِّقُها السُرى
فَلَم يُبقِ شَيئاً في الأَديمِ وَلا نَحضا

32. The darkness and traveling leave them in a certain state
That one may think, by their complexion, that they are old by trait

٣٢. يُخَلِّفُها الإِدلاجُ وَالسَيرُ خِلفَةً
فَتَحسِبُها في العَرضِ مِن ضُمُرٍ عِرضا

33. When she takes off the gown of nobility to dress up, donned
In travelers garb, leading or ending a caravan

٣٣. إِذا خَلَعَت ثَوبَ الأَصيلِ تَدَرَّعَت
ثِيابَ الدُجى تُنضي الرَكائِبِ أَو تُنضى

34. They head to the landmarks of Tayba, a place one descends,
Where its visitors unload their burdens and cares

٣٤. يَؤُمّونَ مِن أَعلامِ طَيبَةَ مَنزِلاً
بِهِ تَنفُضُ الأَوزارَ زُوّارُها نَفضا

35. The favor of empowerment has enveloped, without a doubt
The office of Suddud, may its affairs make you devout

٣٥. لَقَد حُفَّ بِالتَأيِيدِ مَنصِبُ سودَدٍ
إِلَيكَ جَلالَ الدينِ تَدبيرُهُ أَفضى

36. And the glory you reunited that once was split
Unlike days gone in eras where it saw naught but loss and omit

٣٦. وَأَصبَحَ شَملُ المَجدِ وَهوَ مُجَمَّعٌ
وَقَد كانَ في أَيّامِ غَيرِكَ مُنفَضّا

37. Without you to revive what remains of its old ways
The edifice of all things noble would surely decay

٣٧. وَلَولاكَ تُحيي ما عَفا مِن رُسومِهِ
لَقُوِّضَ بُنيانُ المَكارِمِ وَاِنقَضّا

38. My praises which affection has pronounced and bound
I trust in you shall honor, and never confound

٣٨. إِلَيكَ ثَناءً أَبرَمَتهُ مَوَدَّةٌ
أَمِنتُ عَلَيها النَكثَ عِندَكَ وَالنَقضا

39. Necklaces of praise, though composed, could never raise
Your status, but fulfil an obligation always

٣٩. قَلائِدَ حَمدٍ لَم أَزِدكَ بِنَظمِها
جَلالاً وَلَكِنّي قَضَيتُ بِها الفَرضا

40. You continue to bestow favors however high skies climb
Or lowly depths earth conceives, until the end of time

٤٠. بَقيتَ لِإِسداءِ المَكارِمِ ما سَمَت
سَماءٌ وَما أَرضَت بِصَوبِ الحَيا أَرضا

41. You reign over all the kingdoms you possess
With swaying authority, unfettered nonetheless

٤١. وَما مَلَكَت إِلّا وَأَمرُكَ حاكِمٌ
عَليها يَدُ الأَيّامِ بَسطاً وَلا قَبضا