
O gatherers of poetry, is there not

يا قالة الشعر أما

1. O gatherers of poetry, is there not
Among you a man of valor

١. يا قالَةَ الشِعرِ أَما
فيكُم فَتىً ذو مَحمِيَه

2. Who scorns to beg at the doors
Of those who bring shame?

٢. يَأنَفُ أَن يَغشى مَقا
ماتِ السُؤالِ المُخزِيَه

3. How long will you remain
With eyes averted in avoidance?

٣. إِلى مَتى جُفونُكُم
عَلى قَذاها مُغضِيَه

4. And how often do you die from
Ills that rack the soul?

٤. وَكَم تَموتونَ بِأَد
واءِ الهُمومِ المُدوِيَه

5. Leave off praise and cool
Your breasts with satire -

٥. دَعوا المَديحَ وَاِبرُدوا
صُدورَكُم بِالأَهجِيَه

6. Mocking the sons of adultery
Can bring some relief,

٦. فَذَمُّ أَولادِ الزِنا
ءِ فيهِ بَعضُ التَسلِيَة

7. And raillery may heal
The sickness in hearts.

٧. وَرُبَّما شَفا الهِجاءُ
مِن قُلوبٍ مُشفِيَه

8. No blood-price is owed for killing
Vile men who deny virtue,

٨. وَما عَلى قاتِلِ أَع
راضِ اللِئامِ مِن دِيَه

9. A gang who aggrieve
The noble and high-minded,

٩. وَعُصبَةٍ صَحِبتُهُم
لِلفُضَلاءِ مُضنِيَه

10. Commanding no good,
Forbidding no evil.

١٠. ما أَمَروا بِطاعَةٍ
وَلا نَهَوا عَن مَعصِيَه

11. The rhymes of verse rebel
Against praising them,

١١. تَمشي قَوافي الشِعرِ في
مَدحِهِمِ مُستَعصِيَه

12. Meters break and lose form
When put to lampooning them.

١٢. وَطُصحِبُ الأَوزانُ في
هِجائِهِم وَالأَبنِيَه

13. They have souls filled
With poverty and grasping hands.

١٣. لَهُم نُفوسٌ مُلِئَت
فَقراً وَأَيدٍ مُثرِيَه

14. Their faces are more repulsive
Than skulls picked clean.

١٤. وَأَوجُهٌ كالِحَةٌ
أَحسَنُ مِنها الأَقفِيَه

15. The hues of modesty long since
Faded from their color.

١٥. ناشِفَةِ الأَلوانِ مِن
ماءِ الحَياءِ مُكدِيَه

16. Their vile speech is more rotten
ThanAdd to dictionary the foulest privy.

١٦. وَمَنطِقٌ إِفحاشُهُ
تَخبُثُ مِنهُ الأَندِيَه

17. They have no princely traits
Save their borrowed titles.

١٧. ما لَهُمُ مِن شِيَمِ ال
مُلوكِ غَيرُ التَسمِيَه

18. They are content if their halls
And edifices are exalted.

١٨. قَد قَنِعوا مِنَ العُلى
بِأَن تُشادَ الأَبنِيَه

19. Homes less fit for them
Would be ruins and rubble

١٩. مَنازِلٌ أَليَقُ مِن
ها بِالهَناءِ التَعزِيَه

20. Heaped in courtyards wide -
How many misgivings and fears

٢٠. يَضيقُ بوعاً أَهلُها
وَهِيَ رِحابُ الأَفنِيَه

21. Their houses hide,
How much baseness and vileness

٢١. كَم خَبَأَت مِن رَيبَةٍ
بُيوتُهُم وَالأَخبِيَه

22. Under cloak and robe!
Never have I brought them

٢٢. وَخِسَّةٍ تَحتَ الثِيا
بِ مِنهُمُ وَالأَردِيَه

23. Eulogy or congratulations
Without first making intercession

٢٣. ما جِئتُهُم بِمَدحَةٍ
في مَوسِمٍ وَتَهنِيَه

24. And devious petition.
Even their cooked food must have

٢٤. إِلّا وَلي أَمامَها
شَفاعَةٌ مُوَطِّيَه

25. Spices to make it palatable.
Each morn their ways

٢٥. وَشَربَةُ المَطبوخِ لا
بُدَّ لَها مِن تَقوِيَه

26. Show more disgrace.
Draw not nigh them, for the ethics

٢٦. تُريكَ مِن أَخلاقِهِم
كُلَّ صَباحٍ مُخزِيَه

27. Of villains are infectious.
O Lord, save us from souls

٢٧. لا تَقتَرِب مِنهُم فَأَخ
لاقُ اللِئامِ مُعدِيَه

28. Fallen into corruption,
And grant us a contentment

٢٨. يا رَبِّ جَنِّبَنا طَما
عاتِ النُفوسِ المُردِيَه

29. To make us independent of them!

٢٩. وَهَب لَنا قَناعَةً
تَكونُ عَنهُم مُغنِيَه