1. O Jalal al-Din, O shelter,
His gifts are relief,
١. يا جَلالَ الدينِ يامَو
لىً عَطاياهُ غُيوثُ
2. And generous without
Holding back aught in his palms.
٢. وَجَواداً لَيسَ لِلما
لِ بِكَفّيهِ لُبوث
3. He who has awe as his horsemen
Against enemies and troops,
٣. مَن لَهُ الرُعبُ سَرايا
في الأَعادي وَبُعوثُ
4. O son of one whose righteous deeds
Have made vile time sweeten,
٤. يا اِبنَ مَن طابَ بِأَفعا
لِهِمُ الدَهرُ الخَبيثُ
5. So they, in drought and war
Are streams and flashes of lightning.
٥. فَهُمُ في الجَدبِ وَالحَر
بِ سُيولٌ وَلُيوثُ
6. What is with rose-water, O he
Whose nature is gentle and new,
٦. ما لِماءِ الوَردِ يا مَن
خُلقُهُ سَهلٌ دَميثُ
7. The year has passed and there has not
Occurred for us in it anything.
٧. قَد مَضى العامُ وَلَم يَج
رِ لَنا فيهِ حَديثُ
8. I am seeking drink from you,
Thirsty and begging for help,
٨. أَنا مِن مَطلِ شَرابي
يِكَ شاكٍ مُستَغيثُ
9. Abyssinian, fierce of manners
Like sparks bursting out,
٩. حَبَشِيٌّ شَرِسُ الأَخ
لاقِ كَالصِلِّ نَفوثُ
10. His face without your acquaintance
Is drunkenness and sickness,
١٠. وَجهُهُ مِن دونِ مَعرو
فِكَ سِكرٌ وَمُريثُ
11. And behind the tavern from him
Is a persistent beggar,
١١. وَوَراءَ المَطلِ مِنه
طالِبٌ مِنّي حَثيثُ
12. And he neither rewards with it nor
Does fresh roses enter.
١٢. وَهوَ لا يَسخو بِهِ أَو
يَدخُلَ الوَردُ الحَديثُ