
O my master, you are my asset

يا سيدا هو عدتي

1. O my master, you are my asset
If any matter arises or occurs

١. يا سَيِّداً هُوَ عُدَّتي
إِن نابَ أَمرٌ أَو عَرَض

2. The cordiality of hope would be annulled
And the rope of your love hasn't snapped

٢. نُقِضَت مَوَدّاتُ الرِجا
لِ وَحَبلُ وَدِّكَ ما اِنتَقَض

3. O you whom when I seek help from
For the concerns of my needs, you get up

٣. يا مَن إِذا اِستَنهَضتُهُ
لِمُهِمِّ حاجاتي نَهَض

4. Ask Jamal al-Din about
The state of the borrowed book

٤. إِسأَل جَمالَ الدينِ عَن
حالِ الكِتابِ المُقتَرَض

5. If he accepts taking it, thank
His acceptance, for that is the purpose

٥. إِن كانَ يَقبَلُهُ شَكَر
تُ قَبولَهُ وَهُوَ الغَرَض

6. And I know for certain that my
Purpose has been fulfilled by it

٦. وَعَلِمتُ قَطعاً أَنَّ سَه
مي قَد أُصيبَ بِهِ الغَرَض

7. And I was lenient, but I am as
Lenient as the content one with bitterness

٧. وَسَمُحتُ لَكِنّي كَما
سَمُحَ الرَضِيُّ عَلى مَضَض

8. Or if he refuses taking it
Except with compensation

٨. أَو كانَ يَأبى أَخذَهُ
إِلا بِإِنفاذِ العِوَض

9. Then obeying what
I see necessary is binding upon me

٩. فَالإِنقِيادُ لِما يَنُصُّ
عَليهِ عِندي مُفتَرَض

He still brings to life with leniency

١٠. لا زالَ يُحيِي بِالسَماحِ
مِنَ الفَضائِلِ ما اِنقَرَض

11. Of virtues whatever has become extinct
Until he renews what has been

١١. حَتّى يُجَدِّدَ ما عَفا
مِنها وَيَرفَعَ ما اِنخَفَض

12. Forgiven of it and lifts up what has sunk
So unwind the knot of worry and unwind

١٢. فَاِبسُط عِقالَ الهَمِّ وَاِب
سُط مِن نَشاطي ما اِنقَضَض

13. Of my vigor what has slackened
And know that anticipation

١٣. وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّ الاِنتِظارَ
فَلا بُليتَ بِهِ مَرَض

14. So don't be diseased by it, is harmful
For the lasting essence is

١٤. فَالجَوهَرُ الباقي هُوَ ال
إِحسانُ وَالدُنيا عَرَض