
O guide of the rose bouquet for us

يا مهدي الورد الجني لنا

1. O guide of the rose bouquet for us
Flowing in its old ways

١. يا مُهدِيَ الوَردِ الجَنِيِّ لَنا
جَرياً عَلى عاداتِهِ الأُوَلِ

2. Time has cast its glance at your loved one
With a momentous event in its eyes

٢. إِنَّ الزَمانَ رَمى وَليَّكُمُ
في مُقلَتَيهِ بِحادِثٍ جَلَلِ

3. So when will it be pleased with a good sight
As fortune favors beauty for the glance

٣. فَمَتى يُسَرُّ بِمَنظَرٍ حَسَنٍ
وَالحَظُّ عِندَ الحُسنِ لِلمُقلِ

4. You gifted it like blushing cheeks
Cheeks white as if tear-stained from shyness

٤. أَهدَيتَها مِثلَ الخُدودِ خُدو
دَ البيضِ قَد دَمِيَت مِنَ الخَجَلِ

5. A beautiful woman came in her clothes
Strutting in the best apparel

٥. حَسناءَ جاءَت مِن مَلابِسِها
مُختالَةً في أَحسَنِ الحُلَلِ

6. In a season not her own as her days went
And time is fickle in its rounds

٦. في غَيرِ مَوسِمِها وَقَد ذَهَبَت
أَيّامُها وَالدَهرُ ذو دُوَلِ

7. As if she was alone, apart
From her kind, walking slowly

٧. فَكَأَنَّها كانَت قَدِ اِنفَرَدَت
عَن جِنسِها تَمشي عَلى مَهَلِ

8. I got from her, while she was present
Nothing but scent and kisses

٨. لَم أَحظَ مِنها وَهيَ حاضِرَةٌ
عِندي بِغَيرِ الشَمِّ وَالقُبَلِ

9. So I knew your scent from her fragrance
And understood from her your good taste for me

٩. فَعَرَفتُ عَرفَكَ مِن رَوائِحِها
وَفَهِمتُ مِنها حُسنَ رَأيِكَ لي

10. How many gifts you have for me I won't deny
Thanked the likes of which before me

١٠. كَم مِن يَدٍ لَكَ لَستُ أُنكِرُها
مَشكورَةٍ أَمثالُها قِبَلي

11. A maiden whose appreciation outpaces
My thanks as she bolsters my hopes

١١. عَذراءَ يَضعُفُ عَن تَحَمُّلِها
شُكري كَما يَقوى بِها أَمَلي

12. You reminded me of youth's morn with her
And seasons of joy and coquetry

١٢. أَذكَرتَني عَصرَ الشَبابِ بِها
وَمَواسِمَ الأَفراحِ وَالجَذَلِ

13. Days when I heed no reproachers
Nor listen to blame

١٣. أَيّامَ لا أُرعي لِعاذِلَةٍ
سَمعي وَلا أُصغي إِلى العَذَلِ

14. So today the wheel of fate is firewood
Lost, and the sun of life in its sunset

١٤. فَاليَومَ عودُ الدَهرِ مُحتَطَبٌ
ذاوٍ وَشَمسُ العُمرِ في الطَفَلِ

15. No pleasure remains for me in enjoyment
I am busy with crowds and cares

١٥. لَم يَبقَ لي في لَذَّةٍ أَرَبٌ
أَنا مِن زِحامِ الهَمِّ في شُغُلِ

16. I cry over this life and its joys
And the nearing of my death's distance

١٦. أَبكي عَلى الدُنيا وَبَهجَتِها
وَعَلى اِقتِرابِ مَسافَةِ الأَجَلِ

17. So pull the train of happiness my excess
In the shade of a soft, green life

١٧. فَاِسحَب ذُيولَ سَعادَةٍ فُضُلا
في ظِلِّ عَيشٍ ناعِمٍ خَضِلِ