
O people of Nu'man, I found no solace with you, only my own solace.

لا وجدتم يا أهل نعمان وجدي

1. O people of Nu'man, I found no solace with you, only my own solace.
You greeted me with betrayal after I trusted you,

١. لا وَجَدتُم يا أَهلَ نَعمانَ وَجدي
وَسَلِمتُم سَلامَةً العَهدِ عِندي

2. Every spring quenched the thirst of wild deer,
While my tears quenched the thirst of barren valleys.

٢. وَسَقى دارَةَ الحِمى كُلُّ مُنهَل
لِ الغَوادي سُقيا دُموعي لَحدي

3. Dwellings gleamed with dazzling lights,
Illuminating the land and making it prosper.

٣. وَاِكتَسَت مِن خَمائِلِ النَورِ أَفوا
فاً يُنَيِّرُ الرَبعُ فيها وَيُسدي

4. Gardens flourished far from frontiers,
With cheeks of myrtle and roses in full bloom.

٤. سافِراتٍ رِياضُها عَن ثُغورٍ
وَخُدودٍ مِن أُقحُوانٍ وَوَردِ

5. Clouds gathered and gently rained,
With thunder rumbling and lightning striking the meadows.

٥. وَتَمَشَّت بِها سَحائِبُ وَطفٍ
تَتَهادى ما بَينَ بَرقٍ وَرَعدِ

6. The breeze adorned the ponds when it rained,
Dotting them with the eggs of the francolin.

٦. وَصَباً يُلبِسُ الغَديرَ إِذا البَر
قُ نَضا بيضَهُ مُفاضَةَ سَردِ

7. How wonderful, as the breeze carried gentle wafts
Of fragrance from the willow's dangling tresses.

٧. حَبَّذا وَالنَسيمُ يَبعَثُ أَنفا
ساً ضِعافاً مِن نَفحِ ضالٍ وَرَندِ

8. My life was lost among them, though it was unworthy,
The days changed but you did not change, O home of my solace.

٨. ناقِلاً مِن ذَوائِبِ الزَهرِ السَب
طِ حَديثاً إِلى ثَراها الجَعدِ

9. Many days I spent with you, in hardship and in ease,
And a time I spent in my youth, never to retrieve or redeem.

٩. ضَلَّ عَيشي بِها وَقَولي لِما فا
تَ مِنَ العَيشِ حَبَّذا غَيرُ مُجدِ

10. Welcome, O phantom of imagination that visited me at night unexpectedly,
While the stars watched enviously from above.

١٠. غَيَّرَت عَهدَهُ اللَيالي وَما حا
لَ عَنِ الظاعِنينَ يادارُ عَهدي

11. As if the Pleiades dispersed in the western sky,
Like pearls unstrung after their thread was severed.

١١. رُبَّ يَومٍ صَحِبتُهُ فيكَ مَشكو
رٍ وَعَيشٍ قَضَيتُهُ فيكَ رَغدِ

12. My companions would have lost their way, had I not sighed,
O my friends, would you help a traveller whose days have passed virtuously?

١٢. وَزَمانٍ أَنفَقتُهُ مِن شَبابٍ
غَيرَ مُستَرجَعٍ وَلا مُستَرَدِّ

13. Aid me with a pause at the taverns of life, if you are guided by the landmarks of al-Najd,
And mourn it with my tears, and ask who shall water it with tears after me.

١٣. مَرحَباً بِالخَيالِ خاضَ دُجى اللَي
لِ إِلى مَضجَعي عَلى غَيرِ وَعدِ

14. For in its valleys crouch dormant sands,
And in its gowns hide ferocious lions.

١٤. وَنُجومُ السَماءِ يَنظُرنَ شَزراً
كُلَّما تَنظُرُ الوُشاةُ بِحِقدِ

15. Though its sharp swords glitter gently,
Death lurks in each French blade.

١٥. وَكَأَنَّ الجَوزاءَ في أُفقِ الغَر
بِ لَآلٍ تَناثَرَت بَعدَ عَقدِ

16. When will those who have left return to reunite?
Prepare yourself for the imminent separation and prevention.

١٦. لَم يَكَد يَهتَدي لِرَحلِيَ لَولا
زَفَراتي دونَ الرِفاقِ وَوَجدي

17. I hoped to be cured by kissing the taverns,
But it is as if I was cured by my own passion.

١٧. يا رَفيقَيَّ هَل لِذاهِبِ أَيّا
مٍ تَقَضَّت حَميدَةً مِن مَرَدِ

18. Shall I find solace in an antelope or a branch,
Daydreaming of you, marching with a quiver and arrows?

١٨. أَنجِداني بِوَقفَةٍ في مَغاني ال
حَيِّ إِن جُزتُما بِأَعلامِ نَجدِ

19. My eyes have shed so many tears for the departed over the lone sands,
As if I extended them from the pillars of faith of al-Jawwad.

١٩. وَاِبكِياها بِمُقلَتي وَاِسأَلاها
مَن سَقاها ماءَ المَدامِعِ بَعدي

20. Neighboring and sanctuary are permitted,
And springtide for the destitute, while the year has made me weary.

٢٠. فَبِأَكنافِها جَآذِرُ رَملٍ
بَينَ أَثوابِها بَراثِنُ أُسدٍ

21. Owner of the white mantle and the red palette,
The austere uniform and the well-woven belt.

٢١. وَالحُسامُ الطَريرُ إِن رَقَّ لِلنا
ظِرِ فَالمَوتُ كامِنٌ في الفِرِندِ

22. Who combines gentleness and firmness in manner,
Mingling easiness with severity.

٢٢. مُخلِفاتٌ مَتى يَعِدنَكَ وَصلاً
فَتَأَهَّب لِوَشكِ بَينٍ وَصَدِّ

23. He is like rain that fills the land with his generosity,
To me, remoteness and nearness are equal from him.

٢٣. عُجتُ مُستَشفِياً بِلَثمِ المَغاني
فَكَأَنّي اِستَشفَيتُ مِنها بِوَجدي

24. His good deeds have spread,
So he makes no distinction in generosity between freeman and slave.

٢٤. أَتَسَلّى عَنكُم بِحَقفٍ وَغُصنٍ
مُستَهاماً فيكُم بِرِدفٍ وَقَدِّ

25. Thus also the abundant rain, when it pours down,
Makes no distinction between highland and valley.

٢٥. كَم لِعَيني إِثرَ الظَعائِنِ مِن دَم
عٍ تُؤامٍ عَلى الكَثيبِ الفَردِ

26. O brother of dedication and determination, the steeds have concluded
What lies between easiness and severity.

٢٦. فَكَأَنّي أُمدِدتُها مِن يَدِ القَر
مِ عِمادِ الدينِ الجَوادِ بِمَدِّ

27. Visit ‘Ali and partake of his plain of generosity,
Its soil, if you seek sustenance.

٢٧. مانِعُ الجارِ وَالحَريمُ مُباحٌ
وَرَبيعُ العُفاةِ وَالعامُ مُكدي

28. Inhale the air of his valleys and find rest,
As the riding camels rest from exhaustion and toil.

٢٨. مُقتَني المَشرَفِيَّةِ البيضِ وَالخَط
طِيَّةِ السُمرِ وَالرِباطِ الجُردِ

29. Fear not under his protection, the turns of fate,
And ask him for safety, without fear of rejection.

٢٩. يَجمَعُ اللينَ وَالشَراسَةَ مِن أَخ
لاقِهِ الغُرِّ بَينَ صابٍ وَشَدِّ

30. Buyer of praise through devotion, not through vainglory,
Seeking to buy God’s praise through devotion.

٣٠. هُوَ كَالغَيثِ يَملَأُ الأَرضَ جَدوا
هُ فَسِيّانِ مِنهُ قُربي وَبُعدي

31. A king from whom I have never gained audience
Except that I left rewarded and gratified.

٣١. عَمَّ مَعروفُهُ فَأَصبَحَ لا يَف
رُقُ في الجودِ بَينَ حُرٍّ وَعَبدِ

32. Whenever time unfolds its gifts,
He endows me from his bliss with new gains.

٣٢. وَكَذا العارِضُ الرُكامُ إِذا أَن
جَمَ سَوّى بَينَ الرُبى وَالوَهدِ

33. Hardships have weakened my resolve,
So he strengthens me against them with a sturdy arm.

٣٣. يا أَخا البيدِ وَالمَهامِهِ قَد أَن
ضى المَطايا ما بَينَ حَلٍّ وَشَدِّ

34. Men of repute paved the way for his glory,
They were nurtured on the pearl of exaltation in the cradle.

٣٤. زُر عَلِيّاً وَاِرتَع بِساحَتِهِ الخِص
بِ ثَراها إِن كُنتَ طالِبَ رِفدِ

35. On the day of battle, they sacrificed white swords and keen tongues,
Vanquishing all who dared transgress and challenge.

٣٥. شِم غَواديهِ تَستَرِح وَتُرِح كو
مَ المَطايا مِنَ العَنا وَالكَدِّ

36. They fought the enemies with every sharp and unsheathed sword,
Every single-handed warrior, every solitary champion.

٣٦. لا تَخَف في جِوارِهِ نُوَبَ الأَي
يامِ وَاِسأَلهُ آمِناً مِن رَدِّ

37. Virtue belongs to you, O sons of al-Muzaffar,
Though our time has been darkened.

٣٧. مُشتَري الحَمدِ بِاللُهى لا كَمُغتَر
رِ الثَرى يَشتَري اللُهى بِالحَمدِ

38. My soul has wearied counting the favors
I failed to reciprocate, while I exhausted my efforts.

٣٨. مَلِكٌ ما اِجتَدَيتُهُ قَطُّ إِلّا
رُحتُ مِن بابِهِ أُثيبُ وَأَجدي

39. O you who help me as fate destroys my happiness
Between jest and passion, between easiness and severity,

٣٩. كُلَّما أَخلَقَ الزَمانُ حَباني
مِن نَداهُ بِنائِلٍ مُستَجِدِّ

40. My adversary, since I sought refuge in your abode,
His days have become my soldiers.

٤٠. أَضعَفَت مَتنِيَ الخُطوبُ فَأَعدا
ني عَلَيها بِساعِدٍ مُشتَدِّ

41. You have enriched me and protected my worth
From every disgrace and every ignominy.

٤١. مَهَّدَت مَجدَهُ الأَثيلَ رِجالٌ
رَضِعوا دَرَّةَ العُلى في المَهدِ

42. A people who do not favor releasing hands
With gifts, or tongues with promises.

٤٢. مورِدوا البيضِ وَالأَسِنَّةِ في يَو
مِ الوَغى نَحرَ كُلِّ أَغلَبَ وَردِ

43. The tidings of celebration have arrived
With the finest pilgrims of high and noble ranks.

٤٣. نَهَدوا لِلعِدى بِكُلِّ طَليقِ ال
حَدِّ ماضٍ وَكُلِّ أَجرَدَ نَهدِ

44. Your share from them is our share from you,
So adorn yourself and celebrate it as an omen of fortune.

٤٤. شِيَمٌ يا بَني المُظَفَّرِ بيضٌ
لَكُم في زَمانِنا المُسوَدِّ

45. May you fulfill the needs of the people as you fulfill
The year's tithe-tax and pay off debts!

٤٥. وَأَيادٍ جَهَدتُ في عَدِّها نَف
سي فَلَم أُفنِها وَأَفنَيتُ جُهدي

46. You have lived among us in sincere aid and ample shade,
Unfailing in generosity and unsheathing swords.

٤٦. يا مُعيني وَالدَهرُ يَحطِمُ عودي
بَينَ هزلٍ مِنَ الخُطوبِ وَجَدِّ

٤٧. كانَ خَصمي فَمُذ لَجَأتُ إِلى با
بِكَ أَضحَت أَيّامُهُ وَهيَ جُندي

٤٨. أَنتَ أَغنَيتَني وَصُنتَ بِمَعرو
فِكَ قَدري عَن كُلِّ خِسٍّ وَوَغدِ

٤٩. مَعشَرٌ لا يَرونَ إِطلاقَ كَفٍّ
بِنَوالٍ وَلا لِسانٍ بِوَعدِ

٥٠. قَد أَظَلَّت بَشائِرُ العيدِ في أَك
رَمِ زَورٍ مِنهُ وَأَشرَفِ وَفدِ

٥١. حَظُّهُ مِنكَ حَظُّنا مِنهُ فَاِلبَس
هُ وَعَيَّد فيهِ بِطائِرِ سَعدِ

٥٢. سالِماً تُنجِزُ الأَعادي كَما تُن
جِزُ فيهِ الكومَ العِشارَ وَتَفدي

٥٣. عِشتَ فينا صافي المَوارِدِ ضافي ال
ظِلِّ فالَّ الحُسامِ واري الزَندِ