
The bird of his success and good fortune flew smoothly,

ختان جرى بالنجح واليمن طائره

1. The bird of his success and good fortune flew smoothly,
Its resources are praiseworthy and its sources are pure.

١. خِتانٌ جَرى بِالنُجحِ وَاليُمنِ طائِرُه
مَوارِدُهُ مَحمودَةٌ وَمَصادِرُه

2. Their hearts were elated by the glad tidings of his coming,
His achievements fulfilled their wishes and hopes.

٢. قَضَت بِتَباشيرِ الصُدورِ صُدورُهُ
وَنيلِ المُنى أَعجازُهُ وَأَواخِرُه

3. With the rising of a fortunate star whose light never sets,
And abundant, unceasing good omens.

٣. بِطالِعِ سَعدٍ لا يَغيبُ نُجومُهُ
وَزائِدِ حَظٍّ لا تَغِبُّ بَشائِرُه

4. What a day in which its perfection was complete!
Its ornaments gleamed and its sights were pleasing.

٤. فَيالَكَ مِن يَومٍ تَكامَلَ حُسنُهُ
فَرَقَّت حَواشيهِ وَراقَت مَناظِرُه

5. It encompassed a nobility that will be remembered on earth
When its eras and storms have passed away.

٥. حَوى شَرَفاً يَبقى عَلى الأَرضِ ذِكرُهُ
إِذا فَنِيَت أَدوارُهُ وَأَعاصِرُه

6. It spreads on the days superiority and darkness,
Were it to compete, its glories would overwhelm.

٦. يَتيهُ عَلى الأَيّامِ فَضلاً وَسودَداً
فَلَو فاخَرَتهُ أَفحَمَتها مَفاخِرُه

7. It poured on the world a garment of joy,
And its downpours were abundant.

٧. أُفيضَ عَلى الدُنيا بِهِ ثَوبُ بَهجَةٍ
وَأَمسَت عَليها ضافِياتٍ حَبائِرُه

8. In every heart there is an ardor it excites,
And a intoxication of bliss it stirs within.

٨. فَفي كُلِّ قَلبٍ غِبطَةٌ تَستَفِزُّهُ
وَنَشوَةُ سُكرٍ مِن سُرورٍ تُخامِرُه

9. Indeed, Islam shed from it and its rule
Blood too precious to be spilled on the ground.

٩. لَقَد سَفَكَ الإِسلامُ مِنهُ وَحُكمُهُ
دَماً جَلَّ أَن يُلقى عَلى الأَرضِ قاطِرُه

10. Were it not for the Commander of the Faithful, submitting
To God's command, it would flood and surge.

١٠. وَلَولا أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ وَأَنَّهُ
بِإيثارِهِ في طاعَةِ اللَهِ هادِرُه

11. The sky would have fallen to the ground and its foundations shaken
In awe, and its torrents unleashed.

١١. لَخَرَّت عَلى الأَرضِ السَماءُ وَزُلزِلَت
رَواسيهِ إِجلالاً وَغَيضَت زَواخِرُه

12. Is he rebelled against, when he is the descendant of the Caliph?
His troops surround him and his armies obey his orders.

١٢. أَيُعصى عَلى وِترٍ سَليلُ خَليفَةٍ
كَتائِبُهُ مِن حَولِهِ وَعَساكِرُه

13. A vast city yields to the hands of the healer,
And its outskirts and environs bow to him.

١٣. وَتَجني عَليهِ في يَدِ العِلجِ مُديَةٌ
وَخِرصانُهُ مِن دونِها وَبَواتِرُه

14. The white swords have not parted from their sheaths,
Nor have the lions of the den bared their fangs.

١٤. وَما فارَقَت بيضُ السُيوفِ غُمودَها
وَلا حَمَلَت أُسدَ العَرينِ ضَوامِرُه

15. Rather, Islam yields to him obediently,
Every tyrant whose commands are obeyed.

١٥. وَلَكِنَّهُ الإِسلامُ يَنقادُ طائِعاً
لَهُ كُلُّ جَبّارٍ تُطاعُ أَوامِرُه

16. May Abul 'Abbas enjoy God's blessing
Unceasingly refreshing and aiding him.

١٦. لِيَهنَ أَبا العَبّاسِ لِلَّهِ نِعمَةٌ
تُراوِحُهُ مَوصولَةً وَتُباكِرُه

17. Soon they will experience from the two of them a fierce lion
That tears apart the limbs of enemies with its claws.

١٧. سَيَبلوا وَشيكاً مِنهُما لَيثُ غابَةٍ
تُمَزِّقُ أَشلاءَ الأَعادي أَظافِرُه

18. And a rain from the sky that fills the horizon with its pattering
Its downpours quench the thirst of the hot and feverish.

١٨. وَغَيثُ سَماءٍ يَملَأُ الأُفُقَ وَدَقُهُ
وَيَروي صَدى الهيمِ العِطاشِ مَواطِرُه

19. They are the commanders of the Muslims; when the flocks of kings cry out,
Their forelocks are bent low.

١٩. هُمُ أُمَراءُ المُسلِمينَ عَليهِمُ
إِذا ريعَ سِربُ المُلكِ تُثنى خَناصِرُه

20. They are the pillars of Islam; if events should trouble it
They spare it and they are its pillars and treasures.

٢٠. وَهُم عُدَدُ الإِسلامِ إِن عَنَّ حادِثٌ
كَفوهُ وَهُم أَعضادُهُ وَذَخائِرُه

21. Descendants of the Prophet's family whose elements are intermingled
In one womb - they are its carpenters and architects.

٢١. بَهاليلُ مِن آلِ النَبِّيِ تَأَشَّبَت
عَناصِرُهُم في خِندِفٍ وَعَناصِرُه

22. Their reckoning on the Day of Judgement is His reckoning,
And their achievements are His achievements and traces.

٢٢. نِجارُهُم يَومَ الفِخارِ نِجارُهُ
وَأَحسابُهُم أَحسابُهُ وَمَآثِرُه

23. Time with its inevitable course obeys their judgement,
Although its events and cycles frighten them.

٢٣. يُطيعُهُمُ الدَهرُ المُطاعُ قَضاؤُهُ
وَتَرهَبُهُم أَحداثُهُ وَدَوائِرُه

24. Indeed, he has acted among us in the Sunna of Umar
Statesmanship, so assistance is inspired by him.

٢٤. لَقَد سارَ فينا سيرَةً عُمَرِيَّةَ ال
سِياسَةِ فَالتَأيِيدُ فيها يُسايرُه

25. An imam of reverence for God and complete justice,
His conduct toward people is giving and kindness.

٢٥. إِمامٌ لِتَقوى اللَهِ وَالعَدلِ كُلُّهُ
وَلِلبَذلِ وَالمَعروفِ في الناسِ سائِرُه

26. Noble in his manners and traits,
The eloquent and silent meet at his doors.

٢٦. كَريمُ المُحَيّا وَالشَمائِلِ يَلتَقي
بِأَبوابِهِ بادي الثَناءِ وَحاضِرُه

27. The cheerfulness of his face illuminates,
And reveals the generous nature of his soul.

٢٧. أَضاءَت لَنا بَشراً أَسِرَّةُ وَجهِهِ
وَشَفَّت عَنِ الخُلقِ الكَريمِ سَرائِرُه

28. He pardons the sins of the transgressor, even if
His excuses become straitened by his forbearance.

٢٨. وَأَوسَعَ جاني الذَنبِ عَفواً وَإِن غَدَت
تَضيقُ عَلَيهِ في السَماحِ مَعاذِرُه

29. He is the champion of the true religion with his sword
And his views - and God unseen is his supporter.

٢٩. هُوَ الناصِرُ الدينَ الحَنيفَ بِسَيفِهِ
وَآرائِهِ وَاللَهُ بِالغَيبِ ناصِرُه

30. So I fell prostrate before the people of my time in praising him,
And my status was ennobled by my being his poet today.

٣٠. فَخَرتُ عَلى أَبناءِ دَهري بِمَدحِهِ
وَعَظَّمَ قَدري أَنَّني اليَومَ شاعِرُه

31. I fashion jewels of praise for him, though they would not
Be beautiful unless set in his sublime gold.

٣١. أَصوغُ لَهُ حَليَ المَديحِ وَلَم تَكُن
لِتَحسُنَ إِلّا في عُلاهُ جَواهِرُه

32. The destinies continue to flow by his command,
And avert from his threshold what he fears.

٣٢. فَلا زالَتِ الأَقدارُ تَجري بِأَمرِهِ
وَتَدفَعُ عَن حَوبائِهِ ما يُحاذِرُه

33. The stars were not ceasing in their course to be auspicious,
Their orbits and signs being at his prayer.

٣٣. وَلا بَرِحَت في الخافِقينِ أَواهِلاً
بِدَعوَتِهِ أَعوادُهُ وَمَنابِرُه