
The destiny of life watered our blood

سقى صوب الحيا دمنا

1. The destiny of life watered our blood
With drafts of torment and misery

١. سَقى صَوبُ الحَيا دِمَناً
بِجَرعاءِ اللِوى دُرَسا

2. And your abode increased, O house of passion
O comfort of loves past

٢. وَزادَ مَحَلَّكِ المَأنو
سَ يا دارَ الهَوى أَنَسا

3. Though your meadows are deserted
My virginal love is not forsaken

٣. لَئِن دَرَسَت رُبوعُكِ فَال
هَوى العُذرِيُّ ما دَرَسا

4. My soul is neighbored by those
Whose parting does not trouble my breath

٤. بِنَفسي جيرَةٌ لَم يُب
قِ فيَّ فِراقُهُم نَفَسا

5. I implored God against their guide
Neither did I waver nor hesitate

٥. نَشَدتُ اللَهَ حادِيَهُم
فَما أَلوى وَلا حَبَسا

6. And he led them into plains
Like a driven camel herd

٦. وَسارَ بِهِنَّ في الأَظعا
نِ حُوّاً كَالدُمى لُعُسا

7. Their litters borne on camels
As if a caravan took rest

٧. تِخالُ هَوادِجاً رُفِعَت
عَلى ظَبياتِهِم كُنُسا

8. Among the departing are censuring glances
Mocking the languid gazelle

٨. وَفي الغادينَ مائِسَةٌ
تُعيرُ البانَةَ المَيَسا

9. Showing you a fawn without
Blemish or fault

٩. تُريكَ الظَبيَةَ الأَدما
لا حَمشاً وَلا خَنَسا

10. The arrows of their eyes beneath
The canopies deny all sleep

١٠. سِهامُ جُفونِها دونَ ال
مَراشِفِ تَمنَعُ اللَعَسا

11. May time allow me
To return the slanderers' harms

١١. عَسى الأَيّامُ تَسمَحُ لي
بِرَدِّ الظاعِنينَ عَسى

12. And nights we stole from their time
Surreptitiously and furtively

١٢. وَلَيلاتٍ سَرَقنا العَي
شِ مِن أَوقاتِها خُلَسا

13. Oh God, how much intimacies and pleasure
I have treasured and kept

١٣. فَيا لِلَّهِ ما أَشأَر
نَ عِندي مِن جَوىً وَأَسا

14. In a monastery I lodged
While its monk was asleep

١٤. وَدَيرٍ قَد حَلَلتُ بِهِ
وَرَبُّ الدَيرِ قَد نَعَسا

15. And from the inebriation of old age
One came to me holding a lantern

١٥. فَقامَ إِلَيَّ مِن سِنَةِ ال
كَرى عَجلانَ مُقتَبِسا

16. As if the wine had bound
His tongue into silence

١٦. كَأَنَّ بِهِ وَقَد عَقَلَ
الشَرابُ لِسانَهُ خَرَسا

17. And he brought cups as though
The sun was immersed in their wine

١٧. وَجاءَ بِها كَأَنَّ الشَم
سَ في كاساتِها غَلَسا

18. I weighed not their worth
Nor did he diminish the price

١٨. فَلا ما كَستُهُ وَزناً
وَلا هُوَ كائِلاً بَخسا

19. A potion like the scintillating
Sparks in the wing of night

١٩. عُقاراً مِثلَ ما شَعشَع
تَ في جُنحِ الدُجى قَبَسا

20. Bearing the scent as though it came
From the meadow's breath

٢٠. لَها أَرَجٌ كَما اِستَقبَل
تَ مِن رَوضِ الحِمى نَفَسا

21. As if the soul of his draughts
Were the best of humanity

٢١. كَأَنَّ ذَكِيَّ نَفحَتِها
خَلائِقُ سَيِّدِ الرُؤَسا

22. The majesty of religion and the faithful
To his hopeful with what he sought

٢٢. جَلالِ الدينِ وَالموفي
لِآمِلِهِ بِما اِلتَمَسا

23. If he plants his hand in moisture
He waters with good tidings what was planted

٢٣. إِذا غَرَسَت يَداهُ نَداً
سَقى بِالبِشرِ ما غَرَسا

24. If his hand touches barrenness
He makes it grow where he touched

٢٤. وَلَو لَمَسَت يَداهُ صَفاً
لَأَعشَبَ مِنهُ ما لَمَسا

25. He guaranteed, whenever he smiles, bounty
And death when he frowned

٢٥. تَكَفَّلَ حينَ يَبسِمُ بِال
غِنى وَالمَوتِ إِن عَبَسا

26. And I swear he never disappointed
A hopeful nor despaired one

٢٦. وَأُقسِمُ أَنَّهُ ما خا
بَ راجيهِ وَما أَيَسا

27. The expectant never suffered
The tightfistedness of his palms or misery

٢٧. وَلا عَشَرَ المُؤَمِّلُ جو
دَ كَفَّيهِ وَلا تَعِسا

28. His time made the noble traits
Flourish after their death

٢٨. أَعادَ زَمانُهُ المَعرو
فَ غَضّاً بَعدَما يَبِسا

29. And revived what symbols faded
Of the tenets of faith

٢٩. وَأَحيا مِن رُسومِ مَعا
لِمَ الإيمانِ ما طَمَسا

30. Solemn is he when beasts settle
And crawl humbly

٣٠. وَقورٌ يَومَ جِلسَتِهِ
إِذا هَفَتِ الحُلومُ رَسا

31. And you meet him in the morn
Immersed in thoughts and contemplation

٣١. وَتَلقاهُ غَداةَ الرَو
عِ في الهَبَواتِ مُنغَمِسا

32. A lion stalking prey
And a towering minaret when settled

٣٢. فَليثُ شَرىً إِذا أَسرى
وَطَودُ خِمىً إِذا جَلَسا

33. When his fingers give generously
You'd think the rain was pouring

٣٣. إِذا جادَت أَنامِلُهُ
حَسِبتَ الغَيثَ مُنبَجِسا

34. For the men of opinion wearied them
And they fell silent

٣٤. فَإِن مَحَضَ الرِجالُ الرَأ
يَ أَعياهُم وَقَد خَرِسا

35. The flowing of his munificence spares
The protected path if it became sullied

٣٥. يُبَخِّلُ جودُهُ صَوبَ ال
حَيا الساري إِذا رَجَسا

36. And his cunning makes him forget
The wolves of wickedness and villains

٣٦. وَيُنسي المَكرَ خيفَتُهُ
ذِئابَ الرَدهَةِ الطُلُسا

37. He renders fairly his judgment
When fate alternates

٣٧. وَيَحسُنُ في قَضِيَّتِهِ
إِذا صَرَفَ الزَمانُ أَسا

38. Laughing in amity, and in battle
Baring fangs and ferocious

٣٨. ضَحوكاً في النَدِيِّ وَفي ال
وَغى مُتَنَمِّراً شَرِسا

39. Thus the Caliph benefits from him
In matters well-trained and proficient

٣٩. بَلا مِنهُ الخَليفَةُ في ال
أُمورِ مُدَرَّباً مِرَسا

40. Never did right mix with
His discernment or confuse him

٤٠. فَما اِختَلَطَ الصَوابُ عَلى
بَديهَتِهِ وَلا اِلتَبَسا

41. A stalwart whose sustenance
Did not tarry from his palms or cease

٤١. جَوادٌ ما جَرى رِزقي
عَلى كَفَّيهِ ما اِحتَبَسا

42. For when I sought his company
With my gloomy day sunny

٤٢. وَلَمّا أَن حَلَلتُ بِهِ
وَيَومي دامِسٌ شَمِسا

43. I tamed time through him
And after sunrise he accompanied

٤٣. وَذَلَّلتُ الزَمانَ بِهِ
فَأَصحَبَ بَعدَ أَن شَمَسا

44. Thus his survival was prolonged
As he enjoyed what he wore

٤٤. فَطالَ مَدى البَقاءِ لَهُ
تَمَتَّعَ فيهِ ما لَبِسا

45. The branches of his rule thrive
When the time's peg is firm

٤٥. تَرِقُّ غُصونُ دَولَتِهِ
إِذا عودُ الزَمانِ عَسا

46. Every day he sees in his comfort
A quarter of celebration

٤٦. يَرى في كُلِّ يَومٍ لِل
هَناءِ بِرَبعِهِ عُرُسا

47. Felicity alternates him
Like the morning breeze refreshes him

٤٧. يُغاديهِ السُرورُ كَما
يُراوِحُهُ صَباحَ مَسا

48. Upon you, son of Bukhari
The generous, glorious, and chaste

٤٨. عَلَيكَ اِبنَ البُخارِيِّ ال
جَوادَ الماجِدَ النَدِسا

49. A barren she-camel whose resting
In her enclosure was prolonged

٤٩. جَلَوتُ البِكرَ طالَ ثَوا
ؤُها في خِدرِها عَنَسا

50. The steed of the Beloved that was not revealed
To the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the settled

٥٠. حَصانُ الحَبيبِ ما جُلِيَت
عَلى الخُطّابِ وَالجُلَسا

51. The steed of the Beloved that was not revealed
Defiled or impure

٥١. حَصانُ الحَبيبِ ما جُلِيَت
بِها شُبثاً وَلا نَجَسا

52. Of words that were not
Flawed by their speaker or wretched

٥٢. مِنَ الكِلَمِ الَّتي ما عَي
بَ قائِلُها وَلا وُكِسا

53. Meters that did not dress
Another with over-praised attire

٥٣. قَوافٍ ما لَبِسنَ بِمَد
حِ غَيرِكَ مَلبَساً دَنِسا

54. Nor competed below the full moon
Veils or guards

٥٤. وَلا زاحَمنَ دونَ الرِف
دِ حَجّاباً وَلا حَرَسا

55. They wove for you Eulogies as jewelry
And threaded for you Praise as a necklace

٥٥. نَظَمنَ لَكَ المَديحَ حِلىً
وَحِكنَ لَكَ الثَناءَ كِسا