
A curtain is cast over a gathering

ستارة ترخى على مجلس

1. A curtain is cast over a gathering
Where pleasure and charm have taken place

١. سِتارَةٌ تُرخى عَلى مَجلِسٍ
تَمَّت بِهِ اللَذَّةُ وَالأُنسُ

2. It will act as a veil for the sun, and for the
Rain, with the rain and sun both inside

٢. تَكونُ لِلشَمسِ حِجاباً وَلِل
غَيثِ وَفيهِ الغَيثُ وَالشَمسُ

3. It clothes it in the splendor of its lights
The finest of what it wears in its grace

٣. تُلبِسُها بَهجَةَ أَنوارِهِ
أَروَعُ ما في فَضلِهِ لَبسُ

4. Glory is a body, and it a spirit to it
An image, and it the breath to this

٤. المَجدُ جِسمٌ وَهوَ روحٌ لَهُ
وَصورَةٌ وَهوَ لَها نَفسُ