
I regret as the nights have passed me by

أسفت وقد نضت عني الليالي

1. I regret as the nights have passed me by
Bringing me a fresh youth in borrowed time

١. أَسِفتُ وَقَد نَضَت عَنّي اللَيالي
جَديداً مِن شَبابٍ مُستَعارِ

2. So there dwelled in me, in days gone by
The hue of boyhood in my flushing prime

٢. فَكانَ يُقيمُ عِندي في زَمانِ ال
صِبى لَونُ الشَبيبَةِ في عِذاري

3. And I disliked the whiteness of old age
Only because defects appear in light of day

٣. وَلَم أَكرَه بَياضَ الشَيبِ إِلّا
لِأَنَّ العَيبَ يَظهَرُ بِالنَهارِ