
I was not the first keeper of a wasted love,

ما كنت أول حافظ لمضيع

1. I was not the first keeper of a wasted love,
And betrayal from a beautiful one is nothing new.

١. ما كُنتُ أَوَّلَ حافِظٍ لِمُضَيَّعٍ
وَالغَدرُ مِن حَسناءَ غَيرُ بَديعِ

2. What's past of the days of my youth -
If only they would allow us to return!

٢. ماذا عَلى الأَيّامِ أَيّامِ الصِبى
لَو أَنَّها سَمَحَت لَنا بِرُجوعِ

3. If only the nights would repeat themselves,
Restoring our gathered lives again.

٣. وَعَلى اللَيالي لَو تَكُرُّ مُعيدَةً
ما فَرَّقَت مِن شَملِنا المَجموعِ

4. Suns setting in darkened chambers -
If only their disappearance heralded a dawn.

٤. وَعَلى شَموسٍ في الخُدورِ غَوارِبٍ
لَو أَذَّنَت بَعدَ النَوى بِطُلوعِ

5. My eyes did not weep blood the day we parted -
Except that my tears had already drained me.

٥. لَم تَبكِ يَومَ فِراقِكُم عَيني دَماً
إِلا وَقَد نَزَحَ البُكاءُ دُموعي

6. I bid farewell to my loved ones, and oh! What
That moment of parting did to my heart!

٦. وَدَّعتُ عيسَهُمُ فَيا لِلَّهِ ما
صَنَعَت بِقَلبي ساعَةَ التَوديعِ

7. They left with an intoxicating glance, their hearts
Wounded by what my soul and ribs endure,

٧. بانوا بِسَكرى اللَحظِ صاحٍ قَلبُها
مِمّا تُجِنُّ جَوانِحي وَضُلوعي

8. A glance that makes even the healthy scream -
Would that it had spared a heart it broke!

٨. لَحظٍ بِهِ يَدوى الصَحيحُ فَليتَها
أَبقَت عَلى قَلبٍ بِها مَصدوعِ

9. She said, "Can you be content if I visit you in dreams,
So you spend the night in imaginary union?"

٩. قالَت أَتَقنَعُ أَن أَزورَكَ في الكَرى
فَتَبيتَ في حُكمِ المَنامِ ضَجيعي

10. But she would not permit even the ghost of her image
Except to dominate my waking reveries.

١٠. وَأَبيكَ ما سَمُحَت بِطَيفِ خَيالِها
إِلّا وَقَد مَلَكَت عَلَيَّ هُجوعي

11. O Salma, love has surrendered me to the passion
Of longing for you and being obsessed with you.

١١. يا سَلمَ إِنَّ الحُبَّ أَسلَمَني إِلى
شُغلَينِ مِن وَجدٍ بِكُم وَوُلوعِ

12. Your sweet lips, O beautiful one, have seduced me -
I spend the night in the madness of desire.

١٢. وَهَواكِ يا ذاتَ اللِما المَعسولِ غا
دَرَني أَبيتُ بِلَيلَةِ المَلسوعِ

13. O you who reproach me, though now my heart is deaf
To all but its own fervent call.

١٣. يا قارِعاً بِالعَذلِ سَمعي بَعدَ ما
عَلِقَ الفُؤادُ دَعَوتَ غَيرَ سَميعِ

14. I am enraptured with her, while Majd ad-Din's love
Is ever obedient to the reproach of palms.

١٤. أَنا في الغَرامِ بِها وَمَجدُ الدينِ في
حُبِّ النَدى لِلعَذلِ غَيرَ مُطيعِ

15. I am a king towering over other kings -
Noble of lineage and highly esteemed.

١٥. مَلِكٌ أَنافَ عَلى المُلوكِ بِسودَدٍ
عالٍ وَبيتٍ في الأَنامِ رَفيعِ

16. Glory dwells beneath my lofty dome, and aid
Rests upon my appointed throne.

١٦. فَالعِزُّ تَحتَ رِواقِهِ المَرفوعِ وَال
تَأيِيدُ فَوقَ سَريرِهِ المَوضوعِ

17. If you behold the lightning flash of my sky,
You can dispense with every flaring torch.

١٧. تَغنى بِهِ إِن شِمتَ بَرقَ سَمائِهِ
عَن كُلِّ خَلّابِ البُروقِ لَموعِ

18. My wealth is plunder for ruffians, and my neighbor
Shelters in an impregnable stronghold,

١٨. أَموالُهُ نَهبُ العُفاةِ وَجارُهُ
في مُشمَخِرٍّ مِن سُطاهُ مَنيعِ

19. The affairs of my kingdom empowered by counsels
From one worldly-wise and greatly experienced.

١٩. نيطَت أُمورُ المُلكِ مِن آرائِهِ
بِقَوٍ أَشَمِّ المَنكِبَينِ ضَليعِ

20. Restored by his management from neglect
And loss, until poured forth in his courtyard,

٢٠. رُدَّت إِلى تَدَبيرِهِ فَاِنتاشَها
مِن قَبضَةِ الإِهمالِ وَالتَضيِيعِ

21. Into a bosom vast as the rent firmament
And spacious as the water-logged plain.

٢١. أَفضَت وَقَد نَزَلَت بِساحَتِهِ إِلى
صَدرٍ كَمُنخَرِقِ الفَضاءِ وَسيعِ

22. How often has he shielded me from the cunning of foes
With the striking blades of his able hands!

٢٢. كَم ذَبَّ عَنهُ مُصالِتاً كَيدَ العِدى
بِذُبابِ ما ضي الشَفرَتَينِ صَنيعِ

23. A band aspiring to supremacy -
Their zeal surpasses the fleetest runner.

٢٣. مِن مَعشَرٍ لَهُمُ إِلى أَمَدِ العُلى
سَعيٌ يَفوقُ نَجاءَ كُلِّ سَريعِ

24. Valiant warriors brandishing swords -
Too proud to stoop in surrender.

٢٤. غُرٌّ هُجانٌ كَالسُيوفِ أَعِزَّةٌ
ما هُيِّجوا لِمُلِمَّةٍ بِخُضوعِ

25. They soared to the height of glory, heedless
Of hardship and tribulation.

٢٥. طارَت بِهِم في ذُروَةِ العَلياءِ وَال
أَحسابِ بَينَ مَشَقَّةٍ وَوُقوعِ

26. Their days marked the brow of Time
With the beauty of their deeds and work.

٢٦. وَسَموا جِباهَ الدَهرِ مِن أَيّامِهِم
بِجَميلِ آثارٍ وَحُسنِ صَنيعِ

27. We were revived when generosity was eclipsed
By a faith bringing fresh life to palms.

٢٧. بُعِثوا لَنا وَالجودُ قَد نُسِخَت شَرا
ئِعُهُ بِدينٍ في النَدى مَشروعِ

28. No shame to their origins from their branches,
No defect transmitted through their line.

٢٨. ما عَيبَ تالِدُهُم بِطارِفِهِم وَلا
خَجِلَت أُصولٌ مِنهُمُ بِفُروعِ

29. Keen of scent when called to battle,
Rising tall and sturdy for the fray,

٢٩. شُمُّ الأُنوفِ إِذا اِنتَدوا فَإِذا دُعوا
لِمُلِمَّةٍ نَهَضوا طِوالَ البوعِ

30. Brandishing sharp tongues and shields,
With an onslaught from their counsel and armor.

٣٠. فَلّوا الأَسِنَّةِ وَالدُروعَ حَواسِراً
بِأَسِنَّةٍ مِن رَأيِهِم وَدُروعِ

31. Through the grandson of my companion I found solace -
Not in my nature to seek comfort in diversions.

٣١. بِالصاحِبِ اِبنِ الصاحِبِ التَأَمَت وَما
كانَت بِطَبعِ الإِلتِيامِ ضُلوعي

32. To him I poured out my complaints as if
He were a drain for my misfortunes and woes,

٣٢. زالَت شِكاياتي بِهِ وَكَأَنَّني
أَنزَلتُها مِنهُ بِبَختيشوعِ

33. And I clung to the refuge of his dreaded power
And might, whose hands rain favors,

٣٣. وَعَلِقتُ مِنهُ بِحَبلِ مَرهوبِ السُطى
وَالبَأسِ ضَرّارِ اليَدَينِ نَفوعِ

34. Till my meadows grew verdant and flowered
With the bounty his hands bestowed on my pastures and hills.

٣٤. وَرَبَعتُ مِن مَعروفِهِ وَحِبائِهِ
في مُمرِعٍ خَضِلِ النَباتِ مَريعِ

35. So it was as if his virtues blended
The tides of the sea and the gardens of Spring.

٣٥. حَتّى غَدَت مُبيَضَّةً مُخضَرَّةً
بِنَدى يَديهِ مَطالِبي وَرُبوعي

36. Through him I was safe from the striking adversity
And joined the ranks of the unvanquished defender of Islam.

٣٦. فَكَأَنَّما جاوَرَتَ مِن أَخلاقِهِ
تَيّارَ بَحرٍ أَو رِياضَ رَبيعٍ

37. I confronted tribulations with one who cannot
Be matched by days however adverse.

٣٧. وَأَمِنتُ رائِعَةَ الخُطوبِ بِهِ وَجا
رُ مُؤَيِّدِ الإِسلامِ غَيرُ مَروعِ

38. Of ample favor, you are praised if granted success,
And pardon if you meet refusal.

٣٨. قارَعتُهُنَّ بِمُحسِنٍ لا تُحسِنُ ال
أَيّامُ أَن تَأتي لَهُ بِقَريعِ

39. My champion against the tyranny of an unjust fate!
Nobler than I can say is my intercessor -

٣٩. ذي المَورِدِ المَشفوهِ تَحمَدُهُ إِذا
يَمَّمتَهُ وَالنائِلِ المَشفوعِ

40. If my palms are dry, you are my refuge;
If my land is arid, you are my Spring.

٤٠. يا مُنصِفي مِن جَورِ دَهرِ قاسِطٍ
وَأَجِلُّهُ مِن أَن أَقولَ شَفيعي

41. For the thirst of my hopes and the zeal of my stead
Without you, would never taste fulfillment.

٤١. إِن أَقتَرَت كَفّي فَأَنتَ ذَخيرَتي
أَو أَجدَبَت أَرضي فَأَنتَ رَبيعي

42. Listen, O noble one, to a poet
Who recites his rhymes for you,

٤٢. وَعِطاشُ آمالي وَهُنَّ حَوائِمٌ
لَولاكُمُ ما ذُقنَ يَومَ شُروعِ

43. Bringing you a pearl thrown forth
From its shell by a fount gushing clear,

٤٣. سَمعاً أَبا الفَضلِ الجَوادَ لِشاعِرٍ
يُدلي إِلَيكَ بِشِعرِهِ المَطبوعِ

44. Like a bride whose dress exhales a fragrance
From the praise of you it carries,

٤٤. وافاكَ مِنهُ بِدُرَّةٍ قَذفَت بِها
أَصدافُها مِن زاخِرٍ يَنبوعِ

45. Coming to you adorned with figures of speech -
Paronomasia, parallels, and assonance,

٤٥. مِثلِ العَروسِ يَفوحُ مِن أَردانِها
أَرَجٌ بِطيبِ ثَنائِكَ المَسموعِ

46. Joining the chastity of a noble woman of her clan
To the modesty of Nahid and the gleam of lamps.

٤٦. جاءَتكَ حالِيَةً تَرائِبُها مِنَ ال
تَجنيسِ وَالتَطبيقِ وَالتَرصيعِ

47. So rule, gathering the realm under your protection
In the shade of an enduring union,

٤٧. جَمَعَت عَفافَ حَسيبَةٍ في قَومِها
وَحَياءَ ناهِدَةٍ وَدَلَّ شَموعِ

48. And judge the world, obeyed in command,
Following custom and sealing decrees.

٤٨. فَتَمَلَّ مُلكاً أَنتَ جامِعُ أَمرِهِ
في ظِلِّ شَملٍ بِالبَقاءِ جَميعِ

49. No dawning storm heralded abundance,
No lightning writhed from the clouds,

٤٩. وَاِحكُم عَلى الدُنيا مُطاعَ الأَمرِ مُت
تَبَعَ المَراسِمِ نافِذَ التَوقيعِ

50. No full moon rose from the belly of darkness,
No dawn emerged from the rim of gloom,

٥٠. ما بَشَّرَت بِالخِصبِ أُمُّ بَوارِقٍ
تَفتَرُّ عَن واري الزِنادِ لَموعِ

51. When you gave me good tidings with your auspicious presence,
O embodiment of all I hope for!

٥١. وَأَضاءَ بَدرٌ مِن سُجوفِ غَمامَةٍ
وَاِستَلَّ فَجرٌ مِن قِرابِ هَزيعِ