1. O evil time that has afflicted me
With a deep darkness that has no unveiler
١. يا زَمَنَ السوءِ الَّذي مَسَّني
بِغَمرَةٍ لَيسَ لَها كاشِفُ
2. I have accompanied it for so long, yet it has not brought me joy
Neither my past days nor my present ones
٢. صَحِبتُهُ قِدماً فَما سَرَّني
سالِفُ أَيّامي وَلا الآنِفُ
3. Whenever I try to heal my worries
The unjust one returns to commit his crimes again
٣. إِذا كُلومُ الهَمِّ داوَيتُها
عادَ لَها مِن جَورِهِ قارِفُ
4. And whenever I overlook a misstep
My forgiveness encourages him to repeat it
٤. وَكُلَّما أَغضَيتُ عَن زَلَّةٍ
أَغراهُ عَفوي بي فَيَستانِفُ
5. He submits to the world because of
Its deceit, both the naive and the wise
٥. يَخضَعُ مِنهُ لِلدَنايا عَلى
غُرَّتِها الجَبهَةُ وَالسالِفُ
6. You have no money to spend in the market of
Your sons except counterfeit coins
٦. مالَكَ لا يَنفُقُ في سوقِ أَب
نائِكَ إِلّا البَهرَجُ الزائِفُ
7. So how often do I indulge them thinking
That I know cures for their illnesses
٧. فَكَم أُداجيهِم عَلى أَنَّني
طِبٌّ بِأَدوائِهِم عارِفُ
8. And many a walking sick who
When examined is just faking it
٨. وَرُبَّ مَشّاءٍ عَلى عِلَّةٍ
وَهوَ إِذا اِستَثبَتَّهُ واقِفُ
9. People envy me for a source
That is turbid but cleaned by the strainer
٩. يَحسُدُني الناسُ عَلى مَورِدٍ
مُكَدَّرٍ يَنزَحُهُ الراشِفُ
10. And a friend who does not care for my worries
But is preoccupied with what displeases me
١٠. وَصاحِبٍ هَمِّيَ ما سَرَّهُ
وَهوَ عَلى ما ساءَني عاكِفُ
11. If he sees a slip from me
He turns away, no sympathizer makes him gentle
١١. إِذا بَدَت مِنّي لَهُ هَفوَةٌ
أَعرَضَ لا يَعطِفُهُ عاطِفُ
12. The high ones are not reached except by a
Youth who bears sorrows and plays the flute
١٢. لا يُدرِكُ العَلياءَ إِلّا فَتىً
آبٍ عَلى حَملِ الأَسى عازِفُ
13. And honor is not attained until one is seen
Staying up late, his place of rest known
١٣. وَلا يَنالُ العِزَّ حَتّى يُرى
خابِطَ لَيلٍ نَوؤُهُ واكِفُ
14. So move on whenever you feel disgraced and
Neither heritage nor friends can set you free
١٤. فَاِرحَل مَتى آنَستَ ذُلّاً وَلا
يَعتاقُكَ التالِدُ وَالطارِفُ
15. Nothing suits ruins except desires
Or a dwelling you are familiar with
١٥. فَما يَسومُ الخَسفَ إِلا هَوىً
أَو مَنزِلٌ أَنتَ بِهِ آلِفُ
16. No disease or worry has left me
While you follow their traces
١٦. لا سَلِمَت داءٌ وَلا خُلَّةٌ
أَنتَ عَلى آثارِها تالِفُ
17. Oh state! I have not gained any good from you
Though I fear much evil from you
١٧. يا دَولَةً ما نالَني خَيرُها
وَإِنَّني مِن شَرِّها خائِفُ
18. The turns of fate have abandoned it so
No terrified one circles around it
١٨. ناءَت صُروفُ الدَهرِ عَنها فَما
يَطوفُ لِلذُعرِ بِها طائِفُ
19. So watch over it when it falls into strife
The evils of its winds are stormy
١٩. فَاِرقُب لَها إِن رَقَدَت فِتنَةً
نَكباءَ شَرُّ ريحِها عاصِفُ