
Say to my friend Abu Ali

قل لصديقي أبي علي

1. Say to my friend Abu Ali
This is not what a friend does

١. قُل لِصَديقي أَبي عَلِيٍّ
ما هَكَذا يَفعَلُ الصَديقُ

2. You did what was unbecoming of me
Or anyone like you

٢. أَتَيتَ ما لَم يَكُن بِمِثلي
وَلا بِأَمثالِكُم يَليقُ

3. You broke your vow though I thought
It was firm and binding

٣. نَقَضتَ عَهدي وَكانَ ظَنّي
بِأَنَّهُ مُحكَمٌ وَثيقُ

4. And you forgot my due rights which
You tended to neglect

٤. وَكُنتَ تَنسى حَقّي وَكانَت
مَرعِيَّةً عِندَكَ الحُقوقُ

5. You had promised me a promise that
The likes of you can easily break

٥. قَد كُنتَ أَوعَدتَني بِوَعدٍ
أَنتَ بِأَمثالِهِ خَليقُ

6. That you would dispel my worries on a day
That brings together separated friends

٦. أَنَّكَ تَجلو هَمّي بِيَومٍ
يَجمَعُ أَطرافَهُ الفُسوقُ

7. A day in which your intoxicating old wine
Would soothe the anguish in my heart

٧. يَبُلُّ فيهِ غَليلَ صَدري
شَرابُكَ المُسكِرُ العَتيقُ

8. But you abandoned me and left me
Does not your gentle face feel ashamed?

٨. أَخلَفتَني وَاِنفَرَدتَ عَنّي
أَما اِستَحى وَجهُكَ الصَفيقُ

9. You knew well that I am thirsty
For a sip and will not cease to crave

٩. وَقَد تَحَقَّقتَ فِيَّ أَنّي
صَبٌّ إِلى شُربِها مَشوقُ

10. That in craving beautiful faces I have
No life unless I pine

١٠. وَأَنَّني في هَوى الوُجوهُ ال
حِسانِ ما عِشتُ ما أُفيقُ

11. You shut your door to me though it
Does not shut out true friends

١١. أَضاقَ عَنّي لَكُم فِناءٌ
عَنِ الأَخِلّاءِ لا يَضيقُ

12. And did you not know that my gratitude
Is a tender slave to your kindness?

١٢. وَهَل عَلِمتُم بِأَنَّ شُكري
عَبدٌ لِإِحسانِكُم رَقيقُ

13. By the wine we shared which would
Shame the blush of anemones

١٣. أَما وَحَقِّ المُدامِ صِرفاً
يَخجَلُ مِن لَونِها الشَقيقُ

14. And every dark-eyed gazelle whose
Slim waist tortures me

١٤. وَكُلِّ هَيفاءَ ذاتِ دَلٍّ
يَقتُلُني قَدُّها الرَشيقُ

15. Whose buttocks complain to her hips
Of the wrongdoing of her delicate waist

١٥. يَشكو إِلى رِدفِها المُعَبّا
مِن جَورِهِ خَصرُها الدَقيقُ

16. The youth has from her roses and gardens
Fragrance and from her mouth, nectar

١٦. لِلصَبِّ مِن وَردِ وَجنَتَيها
وِردٌ وَمِن ثَغرِها رَحيقُ

17. If you do not lament my reproach
It will bring what you cannot endure

١٧. إِنَّكَ إِن لَم تُصِخِ لِعَتَبي
جاءَكَ مِنِّيَ ما لا تُطيقُ

18. For we have never met along the road
Without it uniting our paths

١٨. وَإِنَّنا الدَهرَ لا اِلتَقَينا
إِلّا وَقَد ضَمَّنا الطَريقُ