
Arise amidst the ruins of homes and call out,

قم بين أكسار البيوت وناد

1. Arise amidst the ruins of homes and call out,
The mother of glory has knocked with generosity.

١. قُم بَينَ أَكسارِ البُيوتِ وَنادِ
قَد طَرَّقَت أُمُّ العُلى بِجَوادٍ

2. She came barren with a lion of evil,
Who amassed clouds of sand and called out.

٢. جاءَت عَلى عُقمٍ بِهِ لَيثَ الشَرى
طَوَدَ الحِجى جَمَّ النَدى وَالنادِ

3. She was raised to bestow favors,
Singing to the poor and watering the thirsty.

٣. نَشَأَت لِإِسداءِ المَكارِمِ مُزنَةٌ
تُغني الفَقيرَ وَتُروِيَ الصادي

4. The tithe collectors wept so she met their needs,
As the swords smiled sheathed.

٤. بَكَتِ العِشارُ فَصالَها وَتَبَسَّمَت
لِقُدومِهِ الأَسيافُ في الأَغمادِ

5. Wondrous is he in the cradle aiming
Deeds of merit and creation.

٥. عَجَباً لَهُ في المَهدِ وَهوَ مُسَدَّدُ
الأَفعالِ في الإِصدارِ وَالإيرادِ

6. He gave friend and foe their due,
Healing hearts and opening livers.

٦. أَعطى المُوالِيَ وَالمُعادِيَ حَقَّهُ
فَشَفى الصُدورَ وَفَتَّ في الأَكبادِ

7. So rejoice Emad Al-Din happily for the auspices
Of this blessed timely arrival.

٧. فَاِسعَد عِمادَ الدينِ مُغتَبِطاً بِمَي
مونِ القُدومِ مُبارَكِ الميلادِ

8. As if he reached with steps well-trained
The heights accustomed and able.

٨. فَكَأَنَّهُ قَد مَدَّ عَن كَثَبٍ إِلى ال
عَلياءِ كَفَّ مُدَرَّبٍ مُعتادِ

9. Becoming the lion leader of the army
Prancing in the forest of lofty trees.

٩. وَغَدا إِمامَ الجَيشِ لَيثَ عَرينَةٍ
يَختالُ في غابِ القَنا المَيّادِ

10. Clothed like his father in the garb of Najd's
Generosity and grace of dew and downpour.

١٠. مُتَسَربِلاً كَأَبيهِ ثَوبَي نَجدَةٍ
وَسَماحَةٍ يَومَي نَدىً وَطِرادِ

11. Renewing in his generosity and dignity
The morals of generous forefathers.

١١. مُتَقَيِّلاً في جودِهِ وَإِبائِهِ
أَخلاقَ آباءٍ لَهُ أَجوادِ

12. Emulating their veins he grows
Traits of honor and custom.

١٢. جارٍ عَلى أَعراقِهِم يُنمى إِلى
شِيَمٍ لَهُ في المَكرُماتِ وَعادِ

13. Until you see in him a noble one unseen
By your generous fathers in children before.

١٣. حَتّى تَرى فيهِ نَجيباً ما رَأى
آباؤُكَ الكُرَماءُ في الأَولادِ