
Your hand gleams with the radiance of your face,

الدست من لألاء وجهك مشرق

1. Your hand gleams with the radiance of your face,
And your mantle is enhanced by your majesty.

١. الدَستُ مِن لَألاءِ وَجهِكَ مُشرِقُ
وَعَلى الوِزارَةِ مِن جَلالِكَ رَونَقُ

2. No sooner did it see a palm like it than
The black flags fluttered over your standards.

٢. ما إِن رَأَت كَفواً لَها حَتّى رَأَت
سودُ البُنودِ عَلى لِوائِكَ تَخفِقُ

3. It cooed with the tenderness of its breast, and you can see
In it a yearning and desire for you.

٣. قَرَّت بِلابِلُ صَدرِها وَلَقَد تُرى
وَبِها إِلَيكَ صَبابَةٌ وَتَشَوّقُ

4. Today its face shone, though long
We sensed it was downcast with melancholy.

٤. أَليَومَ أَسفَرَ دَستُها وَلَطالَما
شِمناهُ وَهُوَ مِنَ الكَآبَةِ مُطرِقٌ

5. It was in a wasteland where jackals and ravens
Preyed upon its pasture.

٥. كانَت بِمَضيَعَةٍ تُعاوي سَرحَها ال
ذُؤبانُ وَالغُربانُ فيها تَنفِقُ

6. It turned back to you, so its origin with you is firm,
Its building lofty and its branch verdant with you.

٦. رُدَّت إِلَيكَ فَأَصلُها بِكَ ثابِتٌ
عالي البِناءِ وَفَرعُها بِكَ مورِقُ

7. You, though the enemy and his kin resisted,
Are its pillar and the others mere followers.

٧. أَنتُم وَإِن رَغَمَ العِدى وَرّاثُها
قِدَماً وَغَيرُكُم الدَعِيُّ المُلحَقُ

8. Its setting suns regained their glory through you
And through you its scattered union came together.

٨. لَكُمُ اِستِقادَ عَلى الإِباءِ شَموسُها
وَبِكُم تَجَمَّعَ شَملُها المُتَفَرِّقُ

9. The garments of its pride were sewn
For your glory – without your grace, it has no fragrance.

٩. وَلِمَجدِكُم خيطَت مَلابِسُ فَخرِها
فَبِغَيرِ نِعمَةِ طيبِكُم لا تَعبَقُ

10. The Al Mozaffar, sovereignty resides in you,
A nature, while others merely feign it.

١٠. آلَ المُظَفَّرِ وَالسِيادَةُ فيكُمُ
خُلقٌ وَغَيرُكُمُ بِها يَتَخَلَّقُ

11. One after another seizes power contracted
When one of you holds it expanded.

١١. يَتلو قَعيداً في السِيادَةِ مُعرَقاً
مِنكُم قَعيدٌ في السِيادَةِ مُعرَقُ

12. Since the minister Mohammed
Became its buttress, the reins of power are slackened.

١٢. فَالدينُ مُذ أَضحى الوَزيرُ مُحَمَّدٌ
عَضُداً لَهُ طَلقُ الأَسِرَّةِ مُؤنِقُ

13. Through you, Islam is fortified
With a rampart of your making and a trench.

١٣. أَضحى بِكَ الإِسلامُ وَهُوَ مُحَصَّنٌ
فَعَلَيهِ سورٌ مِن سُطاكَ وَخَندَقُ

14. You routed the rebels when they massed
And saw their plot, how scattered they became.

١٤. عاجَلتَ أَهلَ البَغي حينَ تَجَمَّعوا
وَرَأَيتَهُم بِالرَأيِ كَيفَ تَفَرَّقوا

15. On the day of meeting, their fancies belied them
When they desired what no notion can verify.

١٥. كَذَبَتهُمُ يَومَ اللِقاءِ ظُنونُهُم
لَمّا بَغوا ما كُلُّ ظَنِّ يَصدُقُ

16. They slipped from the true faith by their rebellion
Like an arrow slipping from the bowstring.

١٦. مَرَقوا عَنِ الدينِ الحَنيفِ بِبَغيِهِم
كَالسَهمِ مِن كَبِدِ الحَنِيَّةِ يمرُقُ

17. When they saw you, more steadfast than them,
In terror, with the hearts of horsemen fluttering,

١٧. لَمّا رَأَوكَ وَأَنتَ أَثبَتُ مِنهُم
جَأشاً وَأَفئِدَةُ الفَوارِسِ تَخفِقُ

18. They turned and fled not knowing
They raced toward the watering place of death.

١٨. وَلَّوا عَلى الأَدبارِ لا يَدرونَ أَنَّ
هُمُ إِلى وِردِ المَنِيَّةِ أَسبَقُ

19. You made them drink from red cups of death
While the foe enjoyed the drink and became intoxicated.

١٩. وَأَدَرتَهُنَّ كُؤوسَ مَوتٍ أَحمَرٍ
عافَ الشَرابَ بِهِ العَدُوِّ الأَزرَقُ

20. So he was rescued, his breast expansive,
While the heart of his rival was anguished.

٢٠. فَنَجا وَصَدرُ الأَشرَفِيَّةِ واغِرٌ
مِنهُ وَقَلبُ الزاغِبِيَّةِ مُحنِقُ

21. The regions of the land cast him off, becoming
Too narrow, with vastness within them.

٢١. نَبَذَتهُ أَقطارُ البِلادِ فَأَصبَحَت
مِن دونِهِ وَالرَحبُ فيها ضَيِّقُ

22. Until the earth was like a ring on his finger
And the sky a dome covering it.

٢٢. حَتّى كَأَنَّ الأَرضَ حَلقَةُ خاتَمٍ
في عَينِهِ وَالجَوُّ سَقفٌ مُطبَقُ

23. He starts at the mention of you, should it occur to him,
And sees you in a dream and awakes terrified.

٢٣. يَرتاعُ مِن ذِكراكَ إِن خَطَرَت لَهُ
وَيَراكَ في حُلمِ المَنامِ فَيَفرَقُ

24. His soul almost expired from bearing disgrace –
If only a soul in adversity could expire!

٢٤. كادَت لِحَملِ الذُّلِّ تَزهَقُ نَفسُهُ
لَو أَنَّ نَفساً في الشَدائِدِ تَزهَقُ

25. So may he find in you a father when the Muslims
Have no humpbacked friend to show compassion for them.

٢٥. فَليَهنَ مِنكَ المُسلِمونَ أَباً إِذا
لا ذوا بِهِ حَدَباً عَلَيهِم يُشفِقُ

26. You are the rain cloud pregnant with lightning bolts
To smite the foe, and heavy with pouring rain.

٢٦. أَنتَ الغَمامُ الجونُ فيهِ صَواعِقٌ
تُردي العَدُوَّ وَفيهِ غَيثٌ مُغدِقُ

27. Your palm is like a constant, flowing spring,
And the light of your face its flashing lightning.

٢٧. وَكَأَنَّ كَفَّكَ ديمَةٌ مِدرارَةٌ
وَضِياءُ وَجهِكَ بَرقُها المُتَأَلِّقُ

28. Alas! For your stature is a slick precipice,
Unattainable, and a goal that cannot be reached.

٢٨. هَيهاتَ شَأوُكَ هَضبَةٌ إِزليقَةٌ
لا تُستَطاعُ وَغايَةٌ لا تُلحَقُ

29. No petitioner finds his plea made worthless in your presence;
No, and no hopeful finds his efforts dashed.

٢٩. لا حُرمَةُ الراجي لَديكَ مُضاعَةٌ
كَلّا وَلا سَعيُ المُؤَمِّلِ مُخفِقُ

30. Our goods were spent in your service, else
The throats of merit would not be open.

٣٠. نَفَقَت بَضائِعُنا لَديكَ وَلَم تَكُن
لَولاكَ أَعلاقُ الفَضائِلِ تَنفُقُ

31. So listen to praise composed about you as if
It were a unique pearl, and all else counterfeit.

٣١. فَاِنصِت لِمَدحٍ فيكَ صيغَ كَأَنَّهُ ال
دُرُّ الفَريدُ وَما عَداهُ مُلَفَّقُ

32. Draw the surplus of a happiness whose days
Will not run out, and whose newness creates no boredom.

٣٢. فَاِسحَب فُضولَ سَعادَةٍ أَيّامُها
لاتَنقَضي وَجَديدُها لا يُخلِقُ