
You have conquered my heart, so rule it justly

ملكت قلبي في الحكم فاحتكمي

1. You have conquered my heart, so rule it justly
I ransom you from any master and any ruler

١. مَلَكتِ قَلبي في الحُكمِ فَاِحتَكِمي
أَفديكِ مِن مالِكٍ وَمِن حَكَمِ

2. The night grows weary of my vigils for you
O night, and my returning bouts of lovesickness

٢. قَد سَئِمَ اللَيلُ فيكِ مِن سَهَري
يا لَيلُ وَالعائِداتُ مِن سَقَمي

3. My eyes shed their tears profusely
For a time that was fleeting and did not last

٣. تَسفَحُ عَيني دَموعَها أَسَفاً
عَلى زَمانٍ بِالسَفحِ لَم يَدُمِ

4. The memory of his days excites me
To nights of our union that have passed

٤. يُحدِثُ لي ذِكرُ عَهدِهِ طَرَباً
إِلى لَيالٍ مِن وَصلِنا قُدُمِ

5. Grant my eyes an apparition of you in my dreams
For were it not for their fantasy I would not sleep

٥. هَبي لِعَينَيَّ زَورَةً مِنكِ في ال
طَيفِ فَلَولا سُراهُ لَم أَنَمِ

6. She swore she would not let her imagination
Find rest on my eyelids, and she was true to her oath

٦. قَد أَقسَمَت لا اِهتَدى الخَيالُ إِلى
جَفني وَبَرَّت لَمياءُ في القَسَمِ

7. O you who blame me, pretending to advise me
As if advice could be free of accusation

٧. يا عاذِلي مُهدِياً نَصيحَتَهُ
لَو كانَ في النُصحِ غَيرَ مُتَّهَمِ

8. He blames me for love, but I reckon
Had he tasted what I tasted, he would not blame

٨. يَلومُني في الهَوى وَأَحسِبُهُ
لَو ذاقَ مِنهُ ما ذُقتِ لَم يَلُمِ

9. Spare me censure for loving an unjust woman
My heart cannot be free of pain for her

٩. خَلِّ مَلامي في حُبِّ ظالِمَةٍ
لَم يَخلُ قَلبي فيها مِنَ الأَلَمِ

10. It is her nature to spurn union with me
Awake and in dreams she withholds her affection

١٠. شيمَتُها الهَجرُ فَهيَ تَبخَلُ بِال
وَصلِ عَلَينا يَقظى وَفي الحُلُمِ

11. If she is miserly, generosity is my nature
And if she betrays, fidelity is my way

١١. إِن بَخِلَت فَالسَماحُ لي خُلُقٌ
أَو غَدَرَت فَالوَفاءُ مِن شِيَمي

12. How many a night I spend tossing sleepless
Sipping the cool draught of her mouth and her wrap

١٢. كَم لَيلَةٍ بِتُّ بَينَ مُرتَشَفٍ
مِن ريقِها بارِدٍ وَمُلتَثَمِ

13. I mingle my complaint with submission to her
And the tears from my eyes flow copiously like my blood

١٣. أَمزُجُ شَكوايَ بِالخُضوعِ لَها
وَدَمعَ عَيني صَبابَةً بِدَمي

14. Not to mention the perfume of her words, infusing
Steadily through her lips as she speaks

١٤. أَما وَدُرٍّ مِن لَفظِها بَدَدٍ
يَمُرُّ مِن ثَغرِها بِمُنتَظِمِ

15. Her swaying figure, perfectly ripened
Her agreeable nature, pure intoxication

١٥. وَمائِسٍ مِن قَوامِها ثَمِلٍ
وَمُسكِرٍ مِن رُضابِها شَيَمِ

16. Her cheek knows no shame from reproach
And her lover's heart no hurt or blame

١٦. وَما بِخَدِّ الحَبيبِ أَخجَلَهُ ال
عَتبِ وَقَلبِ المُحِبِّ مِن ضَرَمِ

17. The outstretched hand is most generous in giving
On a day of bounty, rather than a miser's fist

١٧. إِنَّ يَدَ المُستَضيءِ أَسمَحُ بِال
عَطاءِ يَومَ النَدى مِنَ الدِيَّمِ

18. God's Regent, heir of the Prophet's mantle and signet
And sword, ruler of the nations

١٨. خَليفَةُ اللَهِ وارِثُ البُردِ وَال
خاتَمِ وَالسَيفِ مالِكُ الأُمَمِ

19. Who restored the unity of Islam, which would otherwise
Have remained divided

١٩. مُعيدُ شَملِ الإِسلامِ مُلتَئِماً
وَكانَ لَولاهُ غَيرَ مُلتَئِمِ

20. And spread justice among the people, equitably
Distributing sustenance by sword and pen

٢٠. وَناشِرُ العَدلِ في الأَنامِ عَلى
فَقرٍ إِلَيهِ وَمُنشِرُ الكَرَمِ

21. The Imam to whom those who oppose
God also oppose, shunning the easy path

٢١. هُوَ الإِمامُ الَّذي مُعانِدُهُ
مُعانِدُ اللَهِ بارِىءِ النَسَمِ

22. Defender of the realm with bright Indian swords
And white blades, polished, straight and sharp

٢٢. حامي حِمى المُلكِ بِالمُثَقَّفَةِ ال
سُمرِ وَبيضِ الصَوارِمِ الحُذُمِ

23. His hands mete out lifespans and sustenance among the people
With justice, by sword and by pen

٢٣. بَثَّت يَداهُ الآجالَ في الناسِ وَال
أَرزاقَ عَدلا بِالسَيفِ وَالقَلَمِ

24. Most generous is he who extends a hand
And best strives who walks the straight path

٢٤. أَكرَمُ مَن مَدَّ بِالنَوالِ يَداً
وَخَيرُ ساعٍ يَسعى عَلى قَدَمِ

25. His beneficence encompasses all lands, so that
None are deprived in his era, save the non-existent

٢٥. طَبَّقَ إِحسانُهُ البِلادَ فَما
يَعدَمُ في عَصرِهِ سِوى العَدَمِ

26. He alleviates every hopeful person's needs
And pardons every sinner

٢٦. وَعَمَّ بِالجودِ كُلَّ ذي أَمَلٍ
وَخَصَّ بِالعَفوِ كُلَّ مُجتَرِمِ

27. His whiteness disdains sheaths, as he unsheathes
His blades from the scabbards of mischief and blame

٢٧. قَد نَكِرَت بيضُهُ الغُمودَ لِما
يُغمِدُها في التَريبِ وَاللِمَمِ

28. A fierce lion of glorious Hashim
Who makes even the fierce lions recoil in dread

٢٨. نَمَتهُ مِن هاشِمٍ لُيوثُ وَغىً
يَفرَقُ مِنها اللُيوثُ في الأَجَمِ

29. Branches of glory whose achievements
Tower from the loftiest branches and summits

٢٩. فُروعُ مَجدٍ جَلَّت مَآثِرُهُم
مِنَ العُلى في الفُروعِ وَالقِمَمِ

30. Clearing every blemished lineage of shame
And purifying every sullied name

٣٠. مِن كُلِّ قيلٍ يُقيلُ زَلَّةَ عا
ثِرٍ وَقَرمٍ إِلى النَدى قَرِمِ

31. Bright of visage, the sheen of his smile
Dispels the darkness of gloom in his discourse

٣١. طَلقِ المُحَيّا لَألاءُ غُرَّتِهِ
في الخَطبِ تَجلو حَنادِسَ الظُلمِ

32. True to their pacts when other men
Fail in their sworn obligations

٣٢. هُمُ الوَفِيّونَ بِالعُهودِ إِذا
قَلَّ وَفاءُ الرِجالِ بِالذِمَمِ

33. Striking the enemy cavalry in raids
And feeding the needy in hard times

٣٣. الضارِبونَ الكُماةَ في الغارَةِ ال
شَعواءِ وَالمُطعِمونَ في الإِزَمِ

34. Neighbors of Allah's Holy House whom
All hold in esteem, the eminent of the Sanctuary

٣٤. جيرانُ بَيتِ اللَهِ الحَرامِ إِذا
عُدَّ فِخارٌ وَسادَةُ الحَرَمِ

35. The Resplendent One endowed them with sublime
Aspiration and ambition for the highest summits

٣٥. طالَهُمُ المُستَضيءُ باعَ عُلىً
وَهِمَّةً وَالعُلُوُّ بِالهِمَمِ

36. God appointed him over the affairs of His nation
And spared it from the blows of fate's tyrannies

٣٦. مَلَّكَهُ اللَهُ أَمرَ أُمَّتِهِ
وَكَفَّ عَنها بَوائِقَ النِقَمِ

37. He repelled the evil of enemies with the sharp blades
Of his terrible might and ruthless resolve

٣٧. وَرَدَّ كَيدَ الأَعداءِ باغِيَةً
بِحَدِّ سَيفٍ مِن بَأسِهِ حَذِمِ

38. So he was the best defender of the faith
And God the Best of those who avenge

٣٨. فَكانَ لِلدينِ خَيرَ مُنتَصِرٍ
وَكانَ اللَهُ خَيرَ مُنتَقِمِ

39. I turned to him thirsty and he gave me to drink
From his copious pools and overflowing rain

٣٩. يَمَّمتُهُ ظامِئاً فَأَورَدَني
مَناهِلاً مِن حِياضِهِ الفُعُمِ

40. I drew near him and my hopes
Plunged into an ocean of generosity, surging

٤٠. وَشارَفَت بي مِنهُ الأَماني عَلى
بَحرِ عَطاءٍ بِالجودِ مُلتَطِمِ

41. I clung to him, grasping a bond
From God that will never be severed

٤١. أَعلَقتُ كَفّي لَمّا اِعتَلَقتُ بِهِ
حَبلاً مِنَ اللَهِ غَيرَ مُنقَصِمِ

42. And a pact that if an impetuous youth were to violate
He still would not reach old age

٤٢. وَذِمَّةً مِنهُ لَو أُذِمَّ بِها
لِذي شَبابٍ ما ريعَ بِالهَرَمِ

43. So treat it as a bride, following in the custom
Of her righteous ancestresses in benevolence

٤٣. فَاِجتَلِها كَالعَروسِ تَتبَعُ في ال
إِحسانِ أَسلافَها مِنَ الخَدَمِ

44. A virgin never matched in nobility
Not even by Zuheir in his day, despite his age

٤٤. عَذراءَ لَم يُجدِ مِثلَها كَرَماً
قَبلي زُهَيرٌ يَوماً عَلى هَرِمِ

45. Bringing news of victories, carrying
Unprecedented tidings never voiced before

٤٥. عونَ قَوافٍ أَتَتكَ تَحمِلُ أَب
كارَ مَعانٍ لَم تُفتَرَع بِفَمِ

46. So follow their course, for they are
The conceptions of barren minds now fruitful

٤٦. شَوارِداً يُقتَفى مَذاهِبُها
فَهيَ لَقاحُ الخَواطِرِ العُقُمِ

47. And meet him with blessings of new life
Bestowing upon you from him the garb of blessings

٤٧. وَاِبلِ جَديدَ البَقاءِ ضافِيَةً
عَلَيكَ مِنهُ مَلابِسُ النِعَمِ

48. Celebrate and feast and be ready to defend
The oppressed weak, and to heal the wounded spirit

٤٨. وَاِفطِر وَعَيِّد وَاِسلَم لِنُصرَةِ مَظ
لومٍ ضَعيفٍ وَجَبرِ مُهتَضَمِ