1. The most immense of what the young lover's patience towards passion protects him from is blame, and to passion he retreats.
I say to those who blame me for his love:
١. وَأَغيَدَ ما عَنهُ لِلصَبِّ صَبرُ
إِلَيهِ مِنَ اللَومِ فيهِ المَفَرُّ
2. Patience, for my passion is excusable.
His cheeks are water and fire, and from his sweet kiss comes musk and wine.
٢. أَقولُ لِمَن لامَني في هَواهُ
رُوَيداً فَلي في عِذارَيهِ عُذرُ
3. The swords of his glances enveloped me, and so the morning came while my mouth was still a gaping wound.
In them I see symbols of promise for the lover, when they squint with promise and magic.
٣. بِخَدَّيهِ ماءٌ وَنارٌ وَفي
مُقَبَّلِهِ العَذبِ مِسكٌ وَخَمرٌ
4. His waistband tells of my anxiety and emaciation as it circles his waist and hips.
The smoothness of flirtation dressed his beauty in a robe over which the eye of the flirtatious darted amorously.
٤. حَمَتهُ صَوارِمُ أَلحاظِهِ
فَأَصبَحَ وَالثَغرُ مِن فيهِ ثَغرُ
5. My heart insisted on passion for him though he was stubbornly chaste, and my heart was bent on passion for him.
How can I endure the injustice of the charming one whose love shed my tears as witnesses?
٥. لَواحِظُ فيها رُقىً لِلمُحِبِّ
إِذا ما كَشَرنَ لِوَعدٍ وَسِحرُ
6. I call on you, O unjust one, is there a string in my heart for your eyes to play?
You have forbidden my eyes from sleep and sanctioned the shedding of my blood though it is sacrosanct.
٦. حَكى قَلَقي وَنُحولي بِهِ
وِشاحٌ يَجولُ عَليهِ وَخَصرُ
7. If you feel no tenderness for the desperate, and he has no patience with you,
How can he expect comfort from you, and how can he free himself from your bondage?
٧. كَسَتهُ المَلاحَةُ ثَوباً عَليهِ
لِحَظِّ العِذارِ مِنَ الحُسنِ شَطرُ
8. I remember the night you blamed me while intoxication and passion made me lose my way,
And you bid me farewell with the coldest kiss while in my heart there was still an ember.
٨. أَصَرَّ العَذولُ عَلى العَذلِ فيهِ
وَقَلبي عَلى الوَجدِ فيهِ مُصِرُّ
9. When we removed the veil of dignity and the night covered us with its gown,
I suppressed my tears fearing separation though love is sweet yet bitter.
٩. فَكَيفَ أُطيقُ جُحودَ الغَرا
مِ في حُبِّهِ وَدُموعي تُقِرُّ
10. How did the intimacy of union change to estrangement and separation at your hands?
Such is the nature of fate among its people, joy and sorrow, benefit and harm.
١٠. نَشَدتُكَ يا ظالِمَ المُقلَتَينِ
هَل عِندَ قَلبي لِعَينيكَ وِترُ
11. I am not like one who protests when fate frowns.
The man appears great on the day of pride though no greatness lies in his core.
١١. حَظَرتَ عَلى مُقلَتَيَّ الرُقادَ
وَحَلَّلتَ سَفكَ دَمي وَهوَ حُجرُ
12. A generous man whose smile in greeting gives hope of success and good tidings,
He has a clear lineage whose light shone like the dawn rending the darkness of night,
١٢. إِذا لَم يَكُن فيكَ لِلمُستَهامِ
عَطفٌ وَلَيسَ لَهُ عَنكَ صَبرُ
13. Descendant of the Imams from Hashim whose command the people of time obey.
Their swords bring prosperity, while the face of the land without them is barren and desolate.
١٣. فَكَيفَ يُرَجّى لَهُ سَلوَةٌ
وَأَنّى يُفَكُّ لَهُ مِنكَ أَسرُ
14. By their glory Quraish gained prominence and became leaders of mankind.
O son of Dawami, you are a man whose allegiance to the truthful (Abu Bakr) we profess.
١٤. أَتَذكُرُ لَيلَةَ نادَمتِني
وَمالَ بِعَطفَيكَ تيهٌ وَسُكرُ
15. I have a need that if presented will benefit me without harm to you.
When you stand at the prince's door and the veiled moon is revealed to you,
١٥. وَزَوَّدتَني قُبَلاً لِلوَداعِ
بِأَبرَدِها وَهيَ في القَلبِ جَمرُ
16. Kiss the earth for me, for kneeling to kiss where he trod is my pride.
Say "O exalted and lofty Ali, O you whose hands rain bounty copiously,
١٦. فَلَمّا هَتَكنا قِناعَ الوَقارِ
وَمُدَّ عَلَينا مِنَ اللَيل سِترُ
17. Your sky rains for the desperate petitioner while the sea of your gifts is abundant."
When the hopeful are barren lands, you are a rain cloud, and if times are dark, you are the full moon.
١٧. أَذلَتُ دُموعي حِذاراً عَلَيكَ
مِنَ البَينِ وَالحُبُّ حُلوٌ وَمُرُّ
18. You pardoned sinners, so you are righteous while your right hand is an ocean.
Help me adhere to the way of your grandfather the Friend (of God) whose mention until today remains.
١٨. فَكَيفَ أَعادَ أَصيلَ الوِصالِ
مِنكَ هَجيراً بِعادٌ وَهَجرُ
19. I have a son who spends nights sleepless from the excess of my love for him.
I delayed his circumcision until years passed by the tens.
١٩. كَذا شيمَةُ الدَهرِ في أَهلِهِ
سُرورٌ وَحُزنٌ وَنَفعٌ وَضُرُّ
20. His cleansing during the postpartum period benefited me while delay only harmed.
My determination to purify him was sound, and I have no wealth save your gifts as store.
٢٠. وَلَستُ إِذا كُنتُ جارَ الأَميرِ
مِمَّن يُراعُ إِذا جارَ دَهرُ
21. I seek only a small thing, insignificant when added to your copious sea of bounty.
An Iraqi silk robe whose threads are as fine as dust so the wearer's eye delights.
٢١. هُوَ المَرءُ يَكبَرُ يَومَ الفِخارِ
قَدراً وَما في سَجاياهُ كُبرُ
22. If you gift it free as a mare, praise be to it as a bride-price.
Its quality will renew your memory, and its folds will spread your virtues.
٢٢. كَريمٌ يُبَشِّرُ راجي نَداهُ
بِالنُجحِ مِنهُ اِبتِسامٌ وَبِشرُ
23. You have the likes of it and more, while I have all the praise and thanks.
You have no excuse if you do not give, just as I have none if you are ungenerous.
٢٣. لَهُ نَسَبٌ واضِحٌ نورُهُ
كَما اِنشَقَّ عَن غَسَقِ اللَيلِ فَجرُ
24. So take the opportunity to reap reward and recompense.
For praises of great men persist through time while gifts pass.
٢٤. سَليلُ الأَئِمَّةِ مِن هاشِمٍ
وَمَن أَمرُهُم في بَني الدَهرِ أَمرُ
25. Not every day in your career of glory can a servant obtain purification.
Do not our hopes in you fall short, or your life reach old age.
٢٥. مَساميحُ تُخصِبُ أَكنافُهُم
وَوَجهُ الثَرى مُجدِبٌ مُقشَعِرُّ
26. Nor cease the journeys of bliss to you - fasting, feast, and rupture of fast.
٢٦. بِمَجدِهِمُ شَرُفَت في القَديمِ
قُرَيشٌ وَسادَت عَلى الناسِ فِهرُ
٢٧. فَيا اِبنَ الدَوامِيِّ أَنتَ اِمرِءٌ
بِحَقِّ الصَديقِ عَلَيهِ مُقِرُّ
٢٨. وَلي إِرَبٌ إِن تَوَصَّلتَ فيهِ
عادَ بِنَفعي وَلا تُستَضَرُّ
٢٩. إِذا ما وَقَفتَ بِبابِ الأَميرِ
وَلاحَ لَكَ القَمَرُ المُستَسِرُّ
٣٠. فَقَبِّل ثَرى الأَرضِ عَنّي فَلي
بِتَقبيلِ مَوطىءِ نَعلَيهِ فَخرُ
٣١. وَقُل يا عَليُّ العَلِيَّ المَحَلِّ
وَيا مَن مَواهِبُ كَفَّيهِ غَزرُ
٣٢. سَماؤُكَ لِلسائِلِ المُستَميحِ
هَطولٌ وَبَحرُ عَطاياكَ غَمرُ
٣٣. وَأَنتَ إِذا أَجدَبَ المُعتَفونَ
سَحابٌ وَإِن أَظلَمَ الخَطبُ بَدرُ
٣٤. وَسِعتَ المُسيئينَ عَفواً وَجُدتَ
فَصَدرُكَ بَرٌّ وَيُمناكَ بَحرُ
٣٥. أَعِنّي عَلى سُنَّةٍ لِلخَليلِ
جَدِّكَ فيها إِلى اليَومِ ذِكرُ
٣٦. فَإِنَّ لِيَ اِبناً يَباتُ الفُؤا
دُ مِن فَرطِ حُبّي لَهُ ما يَقِرُّ
٣٧. تَوانَيتُ عَنهُ إِلى أَن أَتَت
عَليهِ سِنونَ مِنَ العُمرِ عَشرُ
٣٨. وَقَد كانَ تَطهيرُهُ في النِفاسِ
أَنفَعَ لي وَالتَواني مُضِرُّ
٣٩. وَقَد صَحَّ عَزمي عَلى طُهرِهِ
وَما لِيَ إِلّا عَطاياكَ ذُخرُ
٤٠. وَما أَبتَغيهِ يَسيرٌ إِذا
أُضيفَ إِلى جودِكَ الغَمرِ نَزرُ
٤١. شَرابِيَّةٌ سِلكُها كَالغُبارِ
تَرى عَينُ لابِسِها ما يَسُرُّ
٤٢. لِأَعلامِها نَسَبٌ في العِراقِ
عَريقٌ وَلِلرَقمِ وَالنَسجِ مِصرُ
٤٣. كَرِقَّةِ شِعري وَإِن جَلَّ ما
تَمودُ بِهِ أَن يُدانيهِ شِعرُ
٤٤. حَريرِيَّةٌ وَجهُها بِالنُضارِ
إِذا ما اِجتَلَت حُسنَهُ العَينُ مَضرُ
٤٥. إِذا أَنتَ أَهدَيتَها كَالعَرو
سِ حالِيَةً فَلَها الحَمدُ مَهرُ
٤٦. يُجَدِّدُ ذِكرَكَ أَخلاقُها
وَفي طَيِّها لِمَعاليكَ نَشرُ
٤٧. فَعِندَكَ ما شِئتَ أَمثالُها
وَعِندِيَ ما شِئتُ حَمدٌ وَشِكرُ
٤٨. وَما لَكَ عُذرٌ إِذا لَم تَجُد
وَما لي إِذا لَم أُجِد فيكَ عُذرُ
٤٩. فَبادِر بِها وَاِنتَهِز فُرصَةً
لِسَعيِكَ فيها ثَوابٌ وَأَجرُ
٥٠. فَإِنَّ المَدائِحِ عُمرَ الزَمانِ
باقِيَةٌ وَالعَطايا تَمُرُّ
٥١. وَما كُلَّ يَومِ عَدَتكَ الخُطوبُ
يَكونُ لِعَبدِ أَياديكَ طُهرُ
٥٢. فَلا قَصُرَت فيكَ آمالُنا
وَلا طالَ يَوماً لِشانيكَ عُمرُ
٥٣. وَلا زالَ يُنضي رِكابَ الهَناءِ
إِلَيكَ صِيامٌ وَعيدٌ وَفِطرُ