
O pillar of faith, O you

يا عماد الدين يا من

1. O pillar of faith, O you
Who is worthy of generosity

١. يا عِمادَ الدينِ يا مَن
هُوَ بِالجودِ جَديرُ

2. And who the oceans are shy
To extend their palms to

٢. وَالَّذي يَخجَلُ مِن نا
ئِلِ كَفَّيهِ البُحورُ

3. O you whose mention among people
Is musk and fragrance

٣. يا جَواداً ذِكرُهُ في ال
ناسِ مِسكٌ وَعَبيرُ

4. Why does rosewater do injustice
In sharing you out unfairly?

٤. ما لِماءِ الوَردِ في القِس
مَةِ جَورِيّاً يَجورُ

5. It is pure and intelligence
Extracted from your qualities

٥. وَهوَ طيبٌ وَذَكاءٌ
مِن سَجاياكَ عَصيرُ

6. And truly your right hand
Satisfies me with the easy

٦. وَيَميناً إِنَّهُ يُق
نِعُني مِنهُ اليَسيرُ

7. Does he of falsehood see in your
Abode, my master, any falsehood?

٧. أَيَرى ذا الزورِ في دا
رِكَ يا مَولايَ زورُ