
Will not a messenger convey to the ignoble son of 'Urwa

ألا مبلغ عني المهين ابن عروة

1. Will not a messenger convey to the ignoble son of 'Urwa
The speech of a sincere friend, full of love and intimacy:

١. أَلا مُبلِغٌ عَنّي المَهينَ اِبنَ عُروَةٍ
مَقالَةَ خِلٍّ ذي وِدادٍ وَذي إِنسِ

2. You were averse when your son begot a daughter with his,
So you punished and imprisoned him for it.

٢. أَنِفتَ وَقَد صارَت مَعِ اِبنِكِ إِبنَةٌ
فَمِلتَ عَليهِ بِالعُقوبَةِ وَالحَبسِ

3. Since when have you disdained what your own father deemed trivial,
While you are of despicable origin, lineage, and soul?

٣. مَتى صِرتَ تَأبى لا أَباكَ دَنِيَّةً
وَأَنتَ لَئيمُ الأَصلِ وَالفَرعِ وَالنَفسِ

4. How could you today abhor from him a trait
That you accepted in yourself yesterday?

٤. وَكَيفَ كَرِهتَ اليَومَ مِنهُ سَجِيَّةً
وَقَد كُنتَ تَرضاها لِنَفسِكَ بِالأَمسِ