
You, O Shihāb al-Dīn, my brother,

لك يا شهاب الدين أخ

1. You, O Shihāb al-Dīn, my brother,
Have a gentler temperament than the breeze.

١. لَكَ يا شِهابُ الدينَ أَخ
لاقٌ أَرَقُّ مِنَ النَسيمِ

2. And you have sublime traits, dark as
The luminous stars on a gloomy night.

٢. وَلَكَ السَجايا الغُرُّ كَال
أَوضاحِ في اللَيلِ البَهيمِ

3. With glories like the stars, lofty and as numerous as the stars.
Hear the words of a devoted man

٣. وَمَناقِبٌ مِثلُ النُجو
مِ عُلاً وَفي عَدَدِ النُجومِ

4. About his sincere, total love:
I make confession to you such as

٤. إِسمَع مَقالَةَ مُعرِبٍ
عَن وُدِّهِ المَحضِ السَليم

5. The grateful make to the generous.
So extend to me the rein of my order

٥. أَدلى إِلَيكَ بِمِثلِ ما
يُدلي الشَكورُ إِلى الكَريمِ

6. In comfort, and dispel my worries with it.
And send with it a guide,

٦. فَاِبسُط عِقالَ خَلاعَتي
بِالراحِ وَاِجلُ بِها هُمومي

7. If the daughter of the vineyards is in want.
Excuse me, for I have let

٧. وَاِبعَث بِها تَمرِيَّةً
إِن أَعوَزَت بِنتُ الكُرومِ

8. The intimacy of a friend lead to intimacy.

٨. وَاِعذُر فَقَد أَدلَلتُ إِد
لالَ الحَميمِ عَلى الحَميمِ