1. O you who have been ungenerous and aloof,
My patience has been exhausted by separation from you.
١. يا موسِعي جَفوَةً وَصَدّا
قَد ضاقَ بِالبُعدِ عَنكَ ذَرعي
2. You are a beloved to every soul,
And to every sense and every nature.
٢. أَنتَ حَبيبٌ لِكُلِّ نَفسٍ
وَكلِّ حِسٍّ وَكُلِّ طَبعِ
3. I have missed seeing you,
So do not deprive me of hearing you.
٣. قَد فاتَني مِنكَ حَظُّ عَيني
فَلا تَدَعني في حَظِّ سَمعي
4. Whenever a lover wearied me,
My tears would come to my aid.
٤. كُنتُ إِذا مَلَّني حَبيبٌ
أَنجَدَني بِالبُكاءِ دَمعي
5. Who can lend me a long, whining cry,
With which to bewail my power and means?
٥. مَن لي بِهَطّالَةٍ هَتونٍ
أَبكي بِها طاقَتي وَوُسعي
6. Over people who were and are
My riches on my day of trouble and benefit.
٦. عَلى أُناسٍ بانوا وَكانوا
ذُخري لِيَومي ضُرّي وَنَفعي
7. I wonder by what law,
O son of Ali, and which sacred text,
٧. فَلَيتَ شِعري بِأَيِّ حُكمٍ
يَاِبنَ عَلِيٍّ وَأَيِّ شَرعِ
8. You made my estrangement deliberate after union
And withholding after giving.
٨. سَوَّغتَ بَعدَ الوِصالِ هَجري
عَمداً وَبَعدَ العَطاءِ مَنعي
9. So be true to the pacts of brotherhood and honor
Your brother, beyond aloofness and separation.
٩. فَاِرعَ عُهودَ الإِخاءِ وَاِكرِم
أَخاكَ عَن جَفوَةٍ وَقَطعِ
10. Do not forget our days in Sala',
By Allah, those days of ours in Sala'.
١٠. لا تَنسَ أَيّامَنا بِسَلعٍ
لِلَّهِ أَيّامُنا بِسَلعِ
11. And call my name in every assembly,
As one who misses me and all company,
١١. وَنادِ بِاِسمي في كُلِّ نادٍ
مُستَوحِشاً لي وَكُلِّ جَمعِ
12. And cure with seeing you what is in my heart
Of burning and agony from yearning.
١٢. وَاِشفِ بِلُقياكَ ما بِقَلبي
لِلشَوقِ مِن حَرقَةٍ وَلَذعِ
13. I reckon none will visit my grave,
Who did not visit my abode in life.
١٣. فَما أَراهُ يَزورُ قَبري
مَن لَم يَزُر في الحَياةِ رَبعي