1. My gratitude for the downpour of your gifts,
Like a garden's gratitude for the rain's showers.
١. شُكري لِسَيبِ نَوالِكَ الغَمرِ
شُكرُ الرِياضِ لِوابِلِ القَطرِ
2. O you whom I trusted in the goodness of his comfort,
I did not fear what fate held from him.
٢. يا مَن أَمِنتُ بِجودِ راحَتِهِ
ما كُنتُ أَحذَرُهُ مِنَ الدَهرِ
3. With your blessing, O son of Abi Mada'a,
The time of misery and hardship has passed from us.
٣. بِنَداكَ يا اِبنَ أَبي المَضاءِ مَضى
عَنّا زَمانُ البُؤسِ وَالعُسرِ
4. And with the generosity of the sun of faith,
My fortune shone, and my life became peaceful.
٤. وَبِجودِ شَمسِ الدينِ أَسفَرَ لي
حَظّي وَعادَ مُسالِمي دَهري
5. If not for the Prince Muhammad,
The paths of guidance and the milestones of righteousness would have faded.
٥. لَولا الأَميرُ مُحَمَّدٌ دَرِسَت
سُبُلُ الهُدى وَمَعالِمُ البِرِّ
6. Lord of generosity, eloquence,
Courage, kindness, and good tidings.
٦. رَبُّ السَماحَةِ وَالفَصاحَةِ وَال
إِقدامِ وَالمَعروفِ وَالبِشرِ
7. The fragrance of noble traits lies in his leadership.
Sweet of jest, good of spread.
٧. عَبَقُ الشَمائِلِ في سِيادَتِهِ
حُلوُ الفَكاهَةِ طَيِّبُ النَشرِ
8. The abundance of knowledge filled his essence,
Free of any resentment or bitterness toward people.
٨. غَمرُ الرِداءِ خَلَت جَوانِحُهُ
لِلناسِ مِن حِقدٍ وَمِن غِمرِ
9. The light of his virtues dispels the darkness,
And the full moons are humbled before him.
٩. يَجلو الظَلامِ ضِياءُ غُرَّتِهِ
وَتَغارُ مِنهُ مَطالِعُ البَدرِ
10. Humble in his chastity, his manners grew,
And rose above arrogance.
١٠. مُتَواضِعٌ لِعُفاتِهِ كَبُرَت
أَخلاقُهُ وَعَلَت عَنِ الكِبرِ
11. With will like raging fire,
And morals like water and wine.
١١. ذو عَزمَةٍ كَالنارِ مُضرَمَةٍ
وَخَلائِقٍ كَالماءِ وَالخَمرِ
12. With hands that fall short of their limit
In generosity, compared to rain and sea.
١٢. وَيَدٍ يُقَصِّرُ دونَ غايَتِها
في الجودِ جودُ الغَيثِ وَالبَحرِ
13. O son of highborn ones who wore their merits
with necklaces of sapphire and eagle.
١٣. يا اِبنَ الأولى ناطوا مَناقِبَهُم
بِمَعاقِدِ العَيّوقِ وَالنَسرِ
14. You are the one who has honored me with gifts,
That my gratitude falls short of reciprocating.
١٤. أَنتَ الَّذي جَلَّلتَني نِعماً
لا يَستَقِلُّ بِعِبئِها شُكري
15. How many favors you have bestowed upon me,
That my poetry falls short of praising.
١٥. كَم مِنَّةٍ أَولَيتَني ضَعفَت
عَن حَملِها لَكَ مُنَّةُ الشِعرِ
16. You continue to pull in the soil of my hopes
Generously, clouds of your gifts and goodness.
١٦. مازِلتُ تَسحَبِ في ثَرى أَمَلي
كَرَماً سَحابَ عَطائِكَ الثَرِّ
17. To the point I have become, in describing your munificence,
Of exhausted ingenuity and weary mind.
١٧. حَتّى غَدَوتُ بِوَصفِ جودِكَ مَك
دودَ القَريحَةِ مُتعَبَ الفِكرِ
18. The excuses of time fell short considering
The stinginess and betrayal that exist among people.
١٨. ضاقَت مَعاذيرُ الزَمانِ بِما
في الناسِ مِن بُخلٍ وَمِن غَدرِ
19. I counted them in number, but
His register did not contain any free ones.
١٩. أَحصاهُمُ عَدَداً فَما اِشتَمَلَت
مِنهُم جَريدَتُهُ عَلى حُرِّ
20. So today, your generosity has made
Abundantly forgiving of sins and broadly excusing.
٢٠. فَاليَومَ قَد أَضحى بِجودِكَ مَغ
فورَ الذُنوبِ مُوَسَّعَ العُذرِ
21. It is as though it is a night that smiled
From the brilliance of your face at the break of dawn.
٢١. فَكَأَنَّهُ لَيلٌ تَبَسَّمَ مِن
لَألاءِ وَجهِكَ عَن سَنا فَجرِ
22. The hearts calmed at your justice,
And ceased from their trembling and fear.
٢٢. سَكَنَت لِأَوبَتِكَ القُلوبُ وَكا
نَت مِن تَطاوُلِها عَلى ذُعرِ
23. And you made the pretenders of Iraq as though
The clouds made a waterless desert bloom.
٢٣. وَحَلَلتَ زَوراءَ العِراقِ كَما
حَلَّ الغَمامُ بِماحِلِ لقَفرِ
24. It is as if your rise is the crescent that
The watchers sighted on the eve of Eid.
٢٤. فَكَأَنَّ طَلعَتَكَ الهِلالُ تَرا
ءَتهُ النَوَظِرُ لَيلَةَ الفِطرِ
25. So the month of God was completed, delighted
With the tidings of favor and victory.
٢٥. فَتَمَلَّ شَهرَ اللَهِ مُغتَبِطاً
بِبَشائِرِ الإِقبالِ وَالنَصرِ
26. Each we congratulate on his arrival,
And happiness to the arrival of the month.
٢٦. كُلّاً نُهَنّيهِ بِمَقدَمِهِ
وَبِكَ الهَناءُ لِمَقدَمِ الشَهرِ
27. And I urge an unsullied doe
Who has adorned your praise in free verses.
٢٧. وَأَصِخ إِلى عَذراءَ ناهِدَةٍ
حَلِيَت بِمَدحِكَ حُرَّةٍ بِكرِ
28. Praise like the breaths of gardens blew,
And affection poured from the perfume carrier.
٢٨. مِدَحاً كَأَنفاسِ الرِياضِ سَرَت
وَهَناً تَفُضُّ لَطائِمَ العِطرِ