1. And a miser whose harshness pervades his home
As if I were lodged in the corner of some notebook
١. وَباخِلٍ بِتُّ في أَرجاءِ مَنزِلِهِ
كَأَنَّني بِتُّ في بَعضِ النَواويسِ
2. He hosted me, the truest host I've known
Wealthy, yet living a pauper's life
٢. أَضافَني وَهوَ أَوفى مَن عَلِمتُ بِهِ
غِنىً وَفي عَيشِهِ عَيشُ المَفاليسِ
3. With meat of a goat as dry as timber
Recently bereft of grazing and kisses
٣. بِلَحمِ ماعِزَةٍ كَالشِنِّ بالِيَةٍ
قَريبَةِ العَهدِ بِاللَأواءِ وَالبوسِ
4. As if the greatest part of its dryness is wood
Cast in a bag from the emaciation of its hide
٤. كَأَنَّ أَعظُمَها مِن يُبسِها خَشَبٌ
قَد أودِعَت مِن هُزالِ الجِلدِ في كيسِ
5. And black musty khoshkanaj
As if it were a piece of buffalo horn
٥. وَخُشكَنانَجَةٍ سَوداءَ فارِغَةٍ
كَأَنَّها قِطعَةٌ مِن قَرنِ جاموسِ
6. Ancient, from the remains of its mother's hump
Preserved throughout its lifetime like Satan
٦. قَديمَةٍ مِن بَقايا ظَهرِ والِدَةٍ
قَد عُمِّرَت في ذَراهُ عُمرَ إِبليسِ
7. So I passed the worst night in the stables of deprivation
And married the evil of marriages therein
٧. فَبَتُّ أَسوا مَبيتٍ في عِراصِ مَغا
نيهِ وَعَرَّستُ فيهِ شَرَّ تَعريسِ